My dick has this bend Sup Forums

My dick has this bend Sup Forums

How fucked am i?

Nothing wrong with bend

You aren't. That's more normal than you think.

When you fuck a girl, get on top of her, and put her on her side. Put her right leg in between your legs and then fuck her like that. With this position, the curve your dick makes will easily hit her g spot.

what are you crying about


Your dick is fine its the retard its attached to thats the problem

It's extremely dangerous, OP!

It's called Opius afaggitus, and it's pretty common to people browsing anonymous image board forums!

I've accidentally bent my penis like OP. What do?

Well it clearly means you're a tremendous faggot. You're such a faggot that not even your dick is straight.

You left handed? Your dick prob bent from jerking off.

I got the same curve and I'm right handed man, it isn't such an issue.

Nice looking dick, great length, and the bend isn't terrible. Oral might be tougher for her but you have nothing to worry about

>Pretending to have sexual experience
>Is on Sup Forums

stop jerking off

If it's bent like that it won't fit into most pussys, or assholes
You are gonna have to learn to take it up the ass

Nobody's dick is that massive

Yeah, it can be that big, not my case tho

Angles, friend.

OP it looks like AIDS you get that due tissue weakening on side of your dick which is either due to cancer or AIDS

Just because your boyfriend has a pin dick doesn't mean everyone do


My bf s dick is huge, thank you very much.