My dad is being a fucking dick. We made a bet he wouldnt shve his beard until 2018. If he shaves it before, I get 25 $...

My dad is being a fucking dick. We made a bet he wouldnt shve his beard until 2018. If he shaves it before, I get 25 $. If he doesnt shave before 2018, he gets 25 $.

Now fastforward to 20 minutes ago. He admits that he shaved his beard 2 months ago and i didnt notice. Now he says he doesnt have to pay because I didnt notice. But I say he fucked up when he told me. Because that was not part of the original deal. And now he refuses to pay. Being a dick.

I said to him that im gonna do whats necessary to get my 25 dollars. Im gonna have it one way or another.

What things can I do to annoy him enough to pay me whats mine? I already said im not helping around the house until I get my money.

This sounds like a plot to a gay porn.

I want to make him see that im not a man he should fuck over

> underage b&

you would know, wouldnt you


im 19 and this is 100% real. And i dont want to push him enough to kick me out

>What things can I do to...

Kill yourself, pathetic piece of shit. No really, go fucking hang yourself. Stream it id it's possible.

You clearly aren't a man, and he clearly did fuck you over.

Pull a knife on him and threaten him, then stab him 3 times in the stomach and shout "WHERE'S MY MONEY MAN?".

You're just a man who doesn't notice when someone shaves their beard.

Fuck his wife


Rape him

Vote for Trump.

Ohhh, too late for that, uh...

You're literally throwing a fit over 25$ are you five?

suck him off

> free rent, paid by dad
There's your $25

He should have kicked you out a year ago. On your 18th birthday in fact.

You can't be any older than 12.

Ffs i thought you guys were the perfect guys for the job. That you knew how to come up with a plan that would torment his soul, eat him up from the inside, knowing, that I am the man who did this to him because he didnt pay his share


>pay his share

What the fuck would you know about that, ass?

You should have said it was like $250 or something so you don't sound like a kid who gets pissed about $25. Either way, you should admit defeat, he totally pulled one over on you, acting this was makes you comes across as a salty loser who isn't admitting they lost because they're so mad about losing.

Sounds like you're taking this to an autistic level. So he shaved and you didn't notice. WTF? You going to all apeshit over it? You gonna slash his tires? spray deep woods off all over his car? firebomb his house? Kill his wife?
Fuck you, user. Ever try being a man and just letting stupid shit go? Are you the kind of guy who JUST HAS TO pass a louder fart when you hear someone pass a bit of gas? Do you always feel the need to be the first person to the highway exit?

Stop being a whiny little cunt and get a job you lazy faggot.

sounds like you get nothing because hi not helping, Im dad

" Daddy, shoot your yummy cummies all over my face! " -- OP

Do all of these things user

But I didnt lose. He cheated. If i knew he could this, ofc i would pay attention to his beard if I knew I could lose the bet by not noticing.

Its not that 25$ is much, I have a job. But its the fucking principle involved. He lost the fucking bet, but acording to him. He won over rules that were not mentioned

And i want whats mine

>if I gave a shit I would have paid attention

Your dad is right. Grow up.

If I met you in real life I'd beat the fucking shit out of you for being such a huge faggot
kill yourself

dont matter if i gave a shit or not, a bet is a bet. That's not how to the world works

Just grab his wallet and take it. I did that when I was like 11

all of my keks when that is exactly how the world works. grooooow up.

I hope he tans your ass

So lets say i murder someone. Bury him. 15 years later, cops find him. And I say, well you should have catched me when i did the murder but you did not. So now you cant do shit. Nice logic

Take a picture of you touching his penis at night while he sleeps. That'll fucking show him.

crying like a faggot over $25 and telling people how the world works
your dad should put his foot up your ass

You didn't notice, you don't deserve shit.

These two things are in no way related. The cops give a shit, so they find you. How old are you?

Even kek hates your thred

Fkin nice help as usual. You bunch of fucking assholes

With his dad penis in his mouth

Grow a better beard than him by 2018. Nuff said

Take the tv remote, put it in his car. Tell him that he has it. Tell him since he didnt notice where you put it, its a $25 fee for him to learn where it is.

He taught you a lesson it's worth more than $25 dumb fuck faggot.


>muh principles muh principles
So you're more principled than your father. Just rub that in his face on occasion for the rest of his life. Fuck, that's worth more than $25.

Not the tv remote, but thx. Gonna do this as a start

Could just be that he realized his son was an autist who doesn't know how to write a dollar amount.

John, dad here.
You're the faggotest fag of all the fagsons of the entire Baltimora county.

Now go back to browse trap threads, and don't think I never noticed how gay you were.

Also, those 25 bucks you need to buy that Giant Wrecking Dildo, just forget them. I can't believe people buy plastic cylinders to insert into their shitty shithole and then claim it ain't gay.

suck a fuck you lactose intolerant niggercum

You're right dad, I'm ready to come out of the closet now
I'm a faggot and I don't care who knows it!!

It's 25 bucks poorfag.

And he's right: you didn't notice so you don't get the money

If i knew that was a factor ofc i would have payed more attention