Which is truly better Sup Forums?

Which is truly better Sup Forums?


Dr Pepper

pepsi unironically

debate me

you will lose

rite cola


Pepsi doesn't have the secret ingredient

Coca cola.
I think Pepsi is a bit too sweet.

mah nigga

mtn dew

Dr. Pepper rules them all but if I had to choose it would be Pepsi. Coke is shit

my nigger

Coke because pepsi supports Kendall Jenner

Dr Pepper only if it's from a resturant/fountain. I can't resist.
from the can it tastes meh. other than that I don't drink soda anymore. when I did, my choice was AW cream soda.


be hydrated my niggas

>Which is truly better Sup Forums?

Don't drink the carbonated Jew

Pepsi is for chainsmokers with no teeth or hygiene.
it's cheaper, and just less good.

Coke is classy, and has flavor. Most people who drink a regular coke drink them in moderation, or with alcohol. The true definition of a carbonated beverage.

Pepsi is almost never drank in moderation. Try and find one attractive person drinking a pepsi that isn't an advertisement. Not to mention, all of its other products are also drank by the gallon by neckbeards alike.

Coke, I feel like Pepsi goes flat slightly faster.

both are sugary cancer


Pepsi. Matt you fat fuck.


Coke. Pepsi goes super flat very quickly (like sprite) and I don't chug a 2 litre in a day. So how long something stays fresh is important.

Pepsi is kind of like the bitch version of Coca Cola

Hive mind


Dr. Pepper

only vanilla coke

Pepsi his the best

Don't really like supporting JEWS so Pepsi it is




This is so fucking accurate

>one saves the world
>the other is the embodiment of capitalism and cancer

is this thread bait?



Vanilla Coke Master race

mein neger




Dr pepper nigga




Redpill me, please?
How is coke jewish and pepsi not?
Not trolling, just curious, might even change fro coke to pepsi now.

Coke zero is best because reg coke is just too sweet for me

This nigger gets it.

it depends on what I'm eating with it. A fountain pepsi goes better with tacos and foods that are sour. Coke goes with sweeter foods for the balance

Dr. Pepper is great in small doses but it's really sweet and when flat tastes like cough medicine


>mfw you find a gas station with fountain drinks with the vanilla squirt option

makes everything a bit better

Dr Pepper is better flat.

>sold by Pepsi

you are a terrorist

Dr. Pepper > Pepsi > Coke


Niggers drink Pepsi.
Whites drink coke.

Dr Pepper > Pepsi > RC Cola >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coke

Drink water you retards

This. Coke has addictive additives from the coca plant. Only coca cola is allowed to import it. Choosing pepsi over coke is like choosing well....soda over coke-ain

Idk if there is any truth behind this, but I will tell you something about niggers and soft drinks-

>delivery for store in the hood
>100 cases of 12pks
>60 pepsi, 20 mountain dew, 19 crush and others, 1 diet pepsi
>delivery for store in nice white area
>30 pepsi, 30 diet pepsi, 30 moutain dew, 10 crush and others
Nigs do not like diet soda.

no one should. shit is a scam

It makes me throw up minutes later


cringe as all hell

me too, wtf?

coke when the drink is cold and pepsi when its not

I gave up soda mostly, lost a ton of weight.

Basically now I have it only when I get fast food/drive through, so like once a month. And when I do, it's Dr. Pepper. If they don't have it, I'll just get water.

coke is better but I have pepsi in my fridge right now.

the reason is inconsistent quality of coke in my country.

also pepsi max is much, much better that coke zero.

they stopped using cocaine like 50+ years ago

you guys are fucked.
either that or you are living in a third world country with shit water, like USA

yeah boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

coke, period

Good on you. Yeah soda is the biggest villain when it comes to heart disease, obesity, cancer and diabetus

Pepsi is a womans drink. Coke is a mans drink.


It truly is the drink of the intellectual



r u a fagot?

Coke has more fizz to cover up it's horrible taste

Kids tend to like that more

Absolutely this

I remember listening to some npr story about how the fake sugar in diet soda actually made it harder to loose the fat...the stuff stuck to the fat cells like glue


coke you fucker

Regular: Pepsi
Diet: Coke

So kind of like my semen

The one that don't give you diabet... Oh, wait

This is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever read. Coke is my drink of choice between the two but this is completely retarded

I thought I am the only one on the planet. Everyone else says it's disgusting.

inca kola

Dr Pepper Master Race reporting in!

So a Coke product?

coke zero master race

Same taste as the original without the calories.

All the good taste without the drawbacks.

>1/7 people is retarded


My favorite cola is.....which ever is one sale.

I dont give a shit if it's DP, Pepsi, Coke or RC.

If all the others are 1.60 and RC is sale for .88. I'm buying me some fucking RC!

You're all fucking cucks

Happy Easter, cuck


No, I was a fatass. Lost 40 lbs in 10 weeks by quitting though.