Medical practice thread

medical practice thread

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I have not been to a doctor in a couple of years.

It's alright.

Then why did you post it? Why should I email you? Who are you? What do you want with me?

examine me

I'm terrified because for the first time in my life I have no insurance and I'm running out of my medicine.

what happens if you don't have any?

100% Syrup


I'm not afraid of not having insurance. I don't care if I get sick. If I get something that will kill me then I guess I'll die.

I will require being high pretty much 100% of the time again like I used to and I don't want to live like that anymore.

Your isp and government are monitoring your internet activity.

are they like anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds?

What am I?

10% scales
90% gay


Anti-psychotics to keep him from killing his pet rabbits.



I've only got a few more years of mooching off my family's health insurance
I'm going to need to find some of my own after that, being without meds is scary.

I've been drinking 30-40 standard drinks a day for about a 4 years now.

Recently I became very itchy, so I stopped drinking for a week until the itching stopped, then resumed drinking. Now my fingers on my left hand are constantly painful and numb and I feel pain/swelling under my left armpit and under my left pectoral. I haven't had a drink in a few days and there's been no improvement. Whats wrong with me?

Not a bad ratio




well this is an easy one, you have mild delirium tremens. you need help from a doctor to find an addiction program that works for you.









I don't think I have the symptoms of that.

Blood pressure seems fine. Heart rate is normal. No confusion or hallucination.


ball s

Any more oral knotting?

wats thiiiis?

tfw no daddy to put you in a harness and sling

You'll be labeled an alcoholic, and correctly so. But you have to realize that there's a reason why you drink 30-40 standard drinks per day.

no knot but still!


tfw windows decides your folders are gonna be slow as shit and thumbnails won't work

you fags really do have the comfiest threads around

Is it just your porn folder that's giving you problems?

Deepthroat is also amazing.


I have terrible pain in both of my hips that doesn't feel like muscle and it's gotten really bad over the last year. I work in a stock room and move and lift things mostly using my lower back which is probably what caused the problem. No amount of stretching or kinds of stretches or excercise is helping. I'm 23. How do I fix this while still working the same job? I've been using proper lifting for the last month or so but even little amounts of movement involving squatting or anything like that will aggravate it and I will have to limp the rest of the day and sometimes I almost fall over when I take a step, it's so painful.

Went to two doctors that told me to go to physical therapy and a chiropractor that reset one of my hips, but that didn't help at all and other than that he said my back and neck were in good condition and he couldn't feel any other problems.

Am I fucked? Would physical therapy actually help?

No, Explorer in general is exploding

o rly!

Oh I was gonna say. I recently discovered that "Date Created" is far better than using the "Date" column. Apparently the later tries to search around for meta data and the process can slow down things in large media folders.

Running on a platter drive or something?

Of course, it seems like lots of fun for both sides involved.

Takes like 10 seconds to save/open/view a file and explorer CPU spikes

What columns _do_ you have?

Have you been monitoring your heart rate for the past 48 hours and during the initial symptoms? No? user is right, what you're doing to your body is not normal and alcohol withdraw is a real thing. Hallucination is not a requirement either. Maybe just... bad dreams? Who knows. You should still have someone check your blood pressure and heart rate anyway. There's a lot bigger problems ahead of you if you if you don't seek help. Addiction support from a real doctor. You have a choice.

There are no columns, just large icons.

if its shooting pain through your hips and legs based on having to bend at the back it sounds like sciatica. you're probably in trouble if you have to constantly move things with your back all day long but you might be able to help it by using proper therapy and using a stiff back belt (like a weight belt) when youre working.

buy a stiff foam roller and roll out your IT band, glutes, and straight over your sciatic nerves & lower back muscles. it will hurt an incredible amount, and you will probably cry. you have to do this every day. I find marijuana also helps as an anti-inflammatory to the extent that I personally need it, as NSAIDs like ibuprofen just give you ulcers eventually.

After foam rolling for an hour or so, stretch out for another hour or so. Don't just start stretching with cold muscles as you're just going to be pulling on the nerves and tendons and making it worse.

If it's bad enough it's really hard to make it better, depending on how heavy the lifting is. Try foam rolling in the morning as well as taking super hot showers or baths pretty much immediately before work, and bringing a heat blanket in to use during breaks and lunch. If you can keep your muscles loose enough to prevent them pulling on your nerves you'll get better eventually.

Where did everyone go?




Still here.

Lay down, stay focused, don't panic. I'm already on my way!

Ever since I was young i've always dreamed of boring into pepe's stinky skunkbutt.

Bump for scallies.


It often puts pressure on my sciatic nerves, and that's when the pain is at its worst. When I don't feel any nerve pain or outer muscle pain and I more or less feel good, I have lingering pain in what feels like my hips joints. When that happens I can sometimes feel pain or varying degrees in the joint when moving my leg up and down or extending it behind me. If I extend it behind me in a standing position or lying face down I can feel pain that feels like muscle in my butt somewhere but I can never feel tenderness around the same area when I massage it. Although, using a foam roller will typically hit a tender spot


Accidentally posted too soon

The foam roller will hit a tender spot that I can't feel with just my hands usually just behind the greater trochanter. I've been doing IT band, hip flexor and glute stretches throughout the day, but none of them feel like they hit the same spot. Do you know what muscle that might be?


I'll volunteer. *wags*










the IT band spreads out basically across and behind the greater trochanter, and there is the trochanteric bursa which rests under it and the deep trochanteric bursa which rests a little higher and towards the back. both of which could be pretty inflamed to the point of bursitis. you might be feeling the foam roller pushing on any number of things back there.

the specific bit that is inflamed usually doesn't matter with lower back issues tbh, you have to work out everything that is involved pretty evenly regardless, and just let time do the rest.

dont forget general flexibility work, too. whenever you're doing labor and lifting, things hurting and breaking are usually a chain reaction. work on your calves and ankles, as well as your hamstrings, basically everything that will affect what hurts.






do want

You want a lot Dev

you disgust me

but yeah, who wouldn't want



I see. Thanks for the info.






Dev, they left out B again.
Won't they accept Beastialsexual some day?!



