Be honest, stop being a meme loving fag for a second

Be honest, stop being a meme loving fag for a second.

Which country in Europe do you believe is the absolute best to live in and why?

As for me, I'd say Switzerland from what I have experienced - Norway is one of the contenders.

Switzerland seems to be sheltered from many of the problems affecting other European countries, they are rich as fuck, wages are high (though so are living expenses), quality of life is incredible, education is decent though you can get better in other countries. It's hard to migrate there.

Other urls found in this thread:

no it's shit here and I hate my life



Wise move. Keep them disinterested in your country for as long as possible.

I'm serious

it's cold, depressing, anti-social people, filled with sandniggers, expensive, heavy taxes, retarded government etc.

medpack is the best :3



Portugal. Not even joking.

> Pleasant Climate
> Melancholy People
> Excellent Grasp of English
> Beautiful Cities
> Great Food
> Affordable Living costs

Sweden is the best place to live despite the memes

Which European country would you prefer to live in, then?


I want to kill myself

>Excellent Grasp of English



Because the wages are shit anyway.

You don't know how good you have it.
Have you been to other countries?

Southern Europe if there were job would be excellent.

If it wasn't hard to migrate there it wouldn't be worth going to

Come home, cold man

>it's cold

No, you're depressed.
Go out and start hiking, fishing, meet someone.

>anti-social people
I'd say this is good, but if you need attention, you can always find sociable people wherever you are.

Its education free in Hungary? I have a massive boner for that country. I wish i had a comfy little house near lake ballaton with a pretty magyar girl and 5 kids

San Marino

>which European country would you like to live in?
>none I want to kill myself

Thanks for the advice

>If it wasn't hard to migrate there it wouldn't be worth going to

I should have made it clearer, but this is a positive point not a negative one IMO.

I agree, it SHOULD be hard to get into, in order to keep it safe, stable and what it is nowadays.

>It's hard to migrate there.
>25% of the country is foreign born


>what is google

M8, just type in ''tuition fees in Hungary''

But you know, both you and I know Hungarians are probably not going to like you... being Mexican and all that (not that I'm claiming Brazil is better, just stating a fact)

Ok, go and move there tomorrow then, good luck leaf.

He probably has much higher chances than those of a monkey :^)


I already live in a first-world country

Move out of Oslo. Seriously. It's the most soulless and least Norwegian city we have.

>green rolling hills
>relatively peaceful
>qts everywhere

I canonly imagine Norway as a version of Canada with even less daylight so it must be fucking depressing, I'd rather pick 2bh, money isn't really everything

The summers here are insane though. It almost makes up for the winter.

I'm in the process of climbing out of the winter depression as we speak. It's usually completely gone around Easter


Norway and Switzerland.
But Norway is obivously the best choice.

Norway is objectively the best country in Europe

Are you suggesting we don't have it Burgerboy?


Can confirm. No one is happy here, despite what globalists would have you believe.


>deep down i loath myself for havent been born in a western country

I'd like to live in Austria

ALTER geh schlafen und ruinier nicht den thread
Norwegen ist das beste Land


hahaha good joke
t. abdul bin laden

There wont be any left soon because of this multicult forcing shit.


Ich liebe Osterreich ich komme aus kanada zu ostereich und essen und trinken viel bier und vienna schnizel

whats the nordic country with the least amount of non europeans thats not finland, its probably that one

All statistics point to Norway, but everyone in Scandi countries thinks their life is cold and depressing.

Ultimately I'd say Spain or Poland, as a halfway point between societal advancement and avoiding cultural decay via western degeneracy.


Life is only good there during the short summers


Probably Italy or Latvia


spotted the Baltshit

Dafuqs wrong with Latvia?


well, it's certainly worse than Poland and Poland does not really look like a great place to live

It's comfy. Also, I said probably either, so either Italy or Latvia

I don't have it. Winter a shit.


Not having seasons is for non-whites and retirees tbqh

This is the only right answer. I've been to Norway and Denmark work wise and I hated Norwa,. Infrastructure is shit, people are idiots and there are even more shit skins in Oslo than in Berlin. I absolutely loved Denmark though. People earn more money but shit over there is so ridiculously expensive it's sad. Now the worst part: You can't event buy liquor whenever you want in Norway, it's like a fucking sharia country. There are special stores which are government controlled and they're not always opened. You can't buy Wodka bottles or liquor in clubs either. On the other hand, partying in Denmark us fucking dope l, nice Bar scene, people aren't retarded, nice infrastructure and shit is affordable.

I forgot.. Clubs close at like 2 AM in Norway. It's like they don't want you to have fun.


>t. continental urbane numale

Good. Stay away and say the same to your extremely slow and stingy caravan-driving countrymen polluting my beautiful country with their presence every summer.

*I meant Narvesen but that doesn't matter.

Trust me I won't be "polluting" your country any more. Pakistanis seem to be doing a better job than me. They already transformed Oslo City into Islamabad. People openly sell drugs there, they ask you directly in the middle of the city lmfao. At least our police has the decency to keep our main cities clean of drug dealers

Probably Spain

Switzerland is nice but boring as fuck after a week. There's literally nothing to do unless you're going to spend $500 to ski and paraglide every day.

By the way... If not Denmark, Germany is the best country to live in as long as you're not living in a shit hole like Berlin but 99% of the people on this board won't believe it because they've been brainwashed by meme.

What the fuck?

That's the thing. You think Oslo=Norway. That's why I called a typical urbane numale.

You don't move to Norway for the big urbane continental-style lifestyle.

Oh and both Kobenhavn and Berlin are even worse in the shitskin department than Oslo.

I've lived in Germany for months in 3 different cities (Munich, Cologne, Hamburg) at various times in my life.

I would not live in Germany if I had the option of living elsewhere, I can tell you that much. Maybe if I was a desensitized Ukraine or Polish, then Germany would be an 'upgrade'. But for nearly everyone else it's just going to a colder, darker, bureaucratic and over-regulated shithole.

>one chance at life
>not born Swiss

just fuck my shit up pham

>it's cold
could be worse
not really with your scenery
>anti-social people
could be worse
>filled with sandniggers
move out of Oslo
>expensive, heavy taxes
you are still rich as fuck
>retarded government
only danes have less retarded gov out of all nordicks and even that is debatable

I lived in Munich for 3 months, seemed nice, public transportation was good with the exception of the main station which has niggers and slavs all of the time for some reason.

Prices are cheap from my point of view, but I live a more modest life than most Europeans I'm sure.

Nürnberg was nice too but too small and boring.

Frankfurt had too many foreigners and seemed not as clean as Munich.

Hate Berlin, fuck it.

Where exactly have you lived in Hamburg and Munich? You can't expect these kind of expensive cities to be nice if you've lived in shit quarters. It's the same as the US. Living in the US in shit if you're poor.

>would not live in Germany if I had the option of living elsewhere

Do you think the USA is better?
if so why? and where do you live in the USA?

What do you think of Tromso and Trondheim?
Those places look like paradise on earth.
Lofoten is very pretty.

>You don't move to Norway for the big urbane continental-style lifestyle.
That's so stupid. What else for? Quiet country life? We got that too..

No no.
It sucks here, I promise.

Let me tell you this.. Every country that us worth living in us going to have shitskins because otherwise they wouldn't more there. Only shit countries like Poland don't have immigrants and the reason for that's isnt because they're crusaders but being a poor shit hole. The trick is not being a low class pleb and being able to afford a place in a nice neighborhood.

Shit.. Too many mistakes. I'm typing on my smartphone and this fucking auto correct is killing me

Been there already Alpine Jew, you can't fool me.

I wonder what kind of person living in Germany can't afford a decent place to live, I mean, I'm Brazilian with a regular job so I'm not swimming in money and even then I was able to live in a decent part of the city not spending much.

But granted it was a shared house so, had to put up with other people's shit.

Born in and lived all my life in Trondheim. I enjoy it.
Been frequently in Tromso and it's nice, but I don't know if I could handle the dark winters up there in the long run

Hunting, fishing, hiking, skiing, sailing, among other things. All while living in an actual house in a moderate-sized city with non-robotic white neighbors.

If alcohol and clubbing is your main motivation in life you best avoid this place. It's expensive as fuck, like you said.

Tromso and Trondheim seem to me to have perfect life styles, balancing work and giving you nature to explore.

How hard is it to obtain guns to hunt?
Do you rent boats to sail or do you have your own?

Don't worry, even though I wish I was there, I don't intend to move to Norway, I just really admire it for what it is.

Something I've read about the Polar Night and long winters is that people from Tromso actually look forward to them, and the ''there's no bad weather only bad clothing'' slogan.

I think we have different understandings about what a nice neighborhood is.

Norway has a big problem with alcohol addiction, you do know that don't you? The reason for that us because it's so fucking boring in Norway. People don't know what the fuck to do.

I agree with Norway anons view of a nice neighborhood. I want something quiet, friendly, and without minorities.

I hunt myself. If you take the hunting license you'll get a gun permit if there aren't any good reasons not to give it to you, like criminal record etc.

People mostly own their boats I think. Often at their cottage/summer house. We used to own a sailing boat when I was younger and that was fun as hell. The fjord here is 90% of the time too rough to speed with small, fast motorboats, so it's much more fun with a proper sails.

What's the wildlife like over in your area? In my area it's dangerous to go hiking/walking in the mountains/secluded trails at night and at dusk.

It's not dangerous. The worst you may encounter is an angry moose and I don't think I can remember them ever killing people here except when hit by a car. Bears are so rare they might as well not exist anymore

The harsh elements up on the mountains and in the wilderness is what's dangerous.

What's so dangerous over there? Mountain lions?

What animals can you hunt? Any restrictions?
Got any pics from the area?

Yep it's mt.lions and the occasional black bear. They are both really skittish and won't attack unless you are being really unaware or leave your children unattended.

Pic related.

Spain, Portugal

That was both cute and scary

Yes. You can't hunt owls, eagles, bears, wolves (usually) and other endangered species.

Most hunt birds, hares, moose, reindeer, deer etc.

I mostly hunt around Rondane where we have a cottage.

ever seen one of those mate?


That place looks amazing.
Do you store the meat after hunting?
Sell pelts or something like that?

>from what I have experienced
What exactly did you experience?

>It's hard to migrate there

Hard to migrate speaking from a non European PoV obviously.

Most of the immigrants in Switzerland are European, Germans, Portuguese, French people and the like.

>As of 2012, resident foreigners made up 23.3% of the population, one of the largest proportions in the developed world.[150] Most of these (64%) were from European Union or EFTA countries.[151] Italians were the largest single group of foreigners, with 15.6% of total foreign population, followed closely by Germans

Thanks for posting an Aussie friendly image