Im done with this shit, Sup Forums

Im done with this shit, Sup Forums.
Making fucking pennies in my shitty dead end job. Im watching fucking Breaking Bad how the fuck can i get rich on this fucking planet? fuck making pennies working hard, i want real money.

what do you do for a living and how much money you make/have saved?

When u figure it out let me know. I'm gonna kill myself this month.

Hey, first finish the series, then you'll have a more clear view on this matter

Go take a chemistry class from your local uni, and then learn how to cook meth


Walter made the mistake everyone does when they get into drugs. They just keep going. He should have made a couple mill and stopped. what the fuck do you need that much for, you're just asking for trouble.

Make 5mill and be done

im watching it for the second time.

Is it still good for the second time ? Maybe ill try it again, too

Walter's real mistake was his hubris. The only thing that really got him caught was when Hank found the Whitman book that Gail had written in a note to Walter. Walter should have thrown it away but kept it because it was a gift from somebody whose death he ordered to stay safe from Gus. A trophy from a battle fought and won.

yeah, ill just skip all the boring skyler-marie, skyler-walter junior and generally skyler moments

Do you think you'd be allowed to stop? You would be forced to continue on pain of death, especially in the drug game. People need product, dealers need money.You are the middleman, and without you, the whole system falls apart. You can't just walk out on that.


Invest into an education. I'm Vietnamese and my people have only been in the states for around 40 or so years but a good portion of us are more successful. Sure I'm knee deep in debt and gave 6 years of my life to the devil but I'm making enough to pay it in 5 years and save for a fucking house by then. I could even get married and not worry about cost if I wanted to.

Wasn't that great the first time.

I mean, it started well, believable even, but went to shit pretty much completely by season 3.

And it should also be mentioned that by the time Hank figures everything out Walt is already out of the business. If Hank hadn't started going after Walt, Wat would not have tried to convince Jessie to leave, which means Huell wouldn't have picked the weed from his pocket at Saul's office, Jessie wouldn't have realized the ricin cigarette went missing after a similar trip to Saul. Jessie wouldn't have gone to Walt's house to burn it down, where he was recruited as a witness by Hank.

>Chef at Wendy's
post you're job

not much. 50k a year. doing IT.

whats the best series btw in your opinion ever?

you can't skip her fucking ted

lol, telling Americans to get an education to solve their problems. You do realize they're in it for the instantaneous gratification, right?

>too much work for not fast enough a payout


Vietnamese immigrants and the children of those immigrants are generally more hardworking than the lazy fucks here, though.

10mill is more than enough to disappear