What's the point of life?

What's the point of life?

So far my life has been, well, pretty much nothing. I'm only 22 and yet, I'm beginning to forget memories from highschool that were pretty vibrant a free years ago.

In the future my life will just be:
>finish studying
>start working 5 days a week for the next 30-35 years
>get married, have kid
>none of those things will give me true fulfillment
At least the internet and ease of travel makes life somewhat more bearable but even then, it all doesn't matter in the end does it?

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>he hasn't picked something stupid to devout his life to
C'mon, you should've done this when you turned 18

I've more or less realized that devoting ones life to something is pointless.

There is no meaning. The question itself is meaningless

Well then, what does have a point?


What are you devoting your life to?

I realized all I care about is making six figures.

I've got a couple things
First I have this stupid "religion" thing of mine, secondly I like tanks

You sound awfully familiar for some reason.

Religion definitely is the opiate of the masses, it helps people get by, that's respectable.

There is no meaning, and there will never be meaning. The weaker ones will turn to religion or drugs/alcohol to deal with it. The stronger ones will suck it up and live on to advance the species. We are just tiny virions, we only exist to help the virus proliferate.

What can you do that in 100 years someone will remember you for? Start there.

It's because this isn't the first time I've answered your request for a response

And yeah, it's okay. But I'm sure you can understand how it isn't the easiest thing to stay faithful when in the back of your mind you know it doesn't matter, even if you made all the rules to your religion yourself!

Being an animefaggot clearly


unironically don't even watch anime anymore

no no, I recognized you as the tsumugi poster, I just meant that you're familiar because somebody I know is also religious and likes tanks

The point is to worship the allmighty Serb



I'm sure there are many. I used to play a shitty russian, tank centered f2p MMO with some canadians though, so who knows

awww baby's first existential nihilistic crisis

The point of life is fucking up your time schedule, being a NEET and playing Visual Novels on your PS Vita.

Corpse Party is kino.

>getting married and having kids

Well, assuming you even get there, it's not necessary, y'know.

kys poopinder mohamedjeet

>fucking up your time schedule
>being a NEET
can't do it

It's inevitable

Try Corpse Party: Blood Covered Repeated Fear. It's a bit of a VN with heavy RPG elements. You can easily emulate it with PPSSPP.

Only if you make it so.

kys you make meaning yourself

doesn't look uninteresting

I'll give it a shot sometime soon.

Unfortunately I am morally obligated to give my parents grandchildren

You see, I've given actual consideration towards kms'ing myself, it's just too much of a hassle so I won't.

d-don't do it leafbro i was just joking :(

just pointing it out...
no need to be so aggressive

Danganronpa is still the best VN with more than usual gameplay elements. I think you would love the Class Trials.

If I made a normie get into Danganronpa, you could certainly get into it too

what's a visual novel?

>If I made a normie get into Danganronpa

You made a normie get into trash for normies, congratulations.

>So far my life has been, well, pretty much nothing
Have you tried doing different things? There is an incredible amount of depth to the world, the varieties of experiences and connections between different concepts. You resign yourself before you've truly experienced even a small fraction of the human experience. It's very easy for people to say things are dumb and pointless, especially things they haven't done, teenagers do that shit all the time and they miss out on a lot because of it. Sadly many adults never grow out of it.

There is no reason why life should have a meaning.

But if there is one then nobody knows what it is.
If you desire meaning you should give yourself meaning.

Suicide is the only answer, my leaf friend. Just send me your savings before you go, you wont need them.

it doesn't matter anyway, just have a good time. before you know it you'll be pushing 80 years on this planet and it'll all have felt like a flash.
>but work, family, etc
Yeah yeah I know, just never lose yourself and you'll be okay. Always have time for yourself or things you enjoy.

It's like manga but better

Eat shit