Other urls found in this thread:


>Colon Kaepernig singlehandedly ended both the National Football League and E/sp/N by making white people in America angry
2016 has been one hell of a ride, fellas.



NFL's ratings are more or less back to normal now that the election is over. ESPN on the other hand did this to themselves by constantly pandering to SJWs and their shit analysts


Yea, naw


Please let this be true


I always found it utterly incomprehensible that ESPN took the hard leftist route. It's almost as if they didn't understand their core audience

Thank you for Correcting The Record.

>TFW you memed Brietbart into the West Wing.

>being this retarded

It's aggregated from a Bloomberg article that I can't link here cuz 4chins thinks it's spam.

Sounds like your retarded senpai


literally worthless """"news""""


Wow yure to smart for me senpai

There's actually a really good chance it happens. It's the only move that makes sense for Disney. It's been talked about for a while now.

ESPN should broadcast MMA

America deserves a violent sport

American football is dead. Top kek.

Time for you guys to embrace a real sport.

>who would buy it

Gentlemen, it's time to start the largest GoFundMe in history..........

>dubs deciding programming

Liberals don't watch sports on account that sports, for the most part, involve testosterone which beta cucks lack

Which sport you guys invented but suck at should we embrace?

trips decide who gets fired

I get the Euro version of ESPN. It's pretty good. They don't show many of the bullshit SJW programmes. Instead they show repeats of games, 30 for 30s, other documentaries and highlights.

ESPN could save millions in presenters wages if they did this on all their channels. Who gives a fuck what a black guy, a white guy and a woman have to say about the days controversial tweet from a retard athlete who can barely spell his own name.



Hit close to home?

Our first move would be to bring Skip Bayless back, right?

Also we have to give EDP a show.

>STILL this butthurt over the election

When will the losers get over the fact they lost lads? 2018?

>Sports audience don't want sports mixed with poltics

Is this true?

UK fag has a point, though. News that deals in hypotheticals isn't really news at all. It amounts to clickbait.

Tell me when Disney actually does or does not sell ESPN.

>buy ESPN
>fire all sjw faggots
>start selling watchespn access separate a la HBO Now ($15ish a month)
>print money

>start selling watchespn access separate a la HBO Now ($15ish a month). That's also still too much money.

It's not that easy

don't be poor

>let go of all the good members of your staff
>have horrible people like Jemele Hill replace them
ESPN deserves this

ESPN is retarded

Your audience is basically drunk middle aged white guys

No one wants to listen to social justice warrior bullshit or women pretending they understand how sports work


hurr durr fake news because CNN jews told me what to think

good goy

don't expose yourself to different ways of thinking

Anyone remember when ESPN was good? It was before Disney bought them.

There's a chance they could be good again, and I hope it happens.

If you look at Disney's model, they specialize in the creation and and obsession with celebrities. Just look at all the Mouseketeers and other Disney kid stars who go on to become major celebrities. Disney makes money off that. You can tell that they own ESPN because of how focused ESPN is on the celebrity of athletes rather than the actual sports. Disney's model made ESPN insufferable and I find it funny that they would ditch them now.

Not that there are better alternatives. FOX Sports had the chance to be something better than ESPN but they just copied them. Including recreating the worst show on sports television (Whatever the skip and Stephen Smith show was on ESPN. The worst of the worst of celebrity-athlete bullshit obsession)

>women pretending they understand how sports work

It's not like the men on ESPN have better perspectives. They spout the same dumbass shit constantly

I would honestly enjoy a play by play person working with a kid who know about sports as the color person. At least the kids would have a variety of stupid things to say rather than the same 2 alternating perspectives I always have to hear. That would be better than 99% of all announcing duos.

Sup Forums literally talks about exactly the same shit they hate ESPN for talking about. There's a kap thread everyday, LeBron does _, X athlete beat his wife, race b8 threads and so on

>different ways of thinking

There's no thinking here, it's just shit someone made up.

Libcucks and conservacucks need to fuck already, the election is over.

but is anyone stupid enough to buy ESJW?

So we should applaud ESPN for shitposting IRL?

Reminder that doing shit you do on Sup Forums IRL is cringe-inducing at best, pants-on-head retarded at worst.

its an idea analysts have floated for a few years

what a retarded argument. both communists and capitalists "talk about the same shit" but of course you wouldn't watch Fox News if you're some random commie

No but everybody complains about not mixing politics, sjw with sports but then come on here to talk about exactly that

All that shit is /sptmz/ though and not sports
Why would anyone want that shit from a sports network?

>they have different viewpoints than me
>that means they're stupid

Stop drinking the kool-aid.

"I like cheeseburgers" vs "I don't like cheeseburgers" is an example of a different viewpoint. Neither are stupid.

"ESPN is good" vs "ESPN is run by serial murdering moonpeople" isn't a different point of view, it's you being stupid, yes. Go to your room.

They come here to shitpost and make you angry leaf.

Nice strawman faggot.


>MSNBC and CNN literally colluded with the Clinton campaign
>real news
>right-leaning websites that are on the list that some random 2nd year professor from Endicott College (serious) made up
>fake news

makes me think



"Propornot" doesn't even list a single member of their staff, probably a WaPo intern behind the entire organization.

>Sup Forums talks about the stories they want to talk about which are the stupid SJW stories and obsessing over brady lebron and tebow
>ESPN's job is to get viewership so they do a lot of stories about these topics people are talking about because nowadays since everyone gets their highlights online there's no need for sportscenter so they gotta get viewers in other ways
>get called SJW retards for doing it and how "they shouldn't focus on those stories"

you really are a moron aren't you

Thank God. Disney ruined ESPN

I re!member how comfy spoetscenter was in the 90s. It was a fun show about sports. Now it's about social media, celebrities, etc. Fucking can't stand it

Other than PTI, ESPN is garbagio

>back in the 90s when people had to wait until sportscenter to watch highlights and couldnt watch them instantly online defeating the purpose of a show like sportscenter it was more about sports

gee ya dont say

>The NHL will outlive ESPN

Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha


Most of the time people here do it to shitpost not because they actually give a shit. ESPN thinks that LeBron posting something on Instagram is a fucking news story

>hurrr ESPN libcuck agenda makes them loose viewers

ESPN subscribers are cable subscribers. Period.
ESPN subscriptions are down because cable subscriptions are down.
Nobody calls their cable provider and says "cancel my ESPN" and I don't even think that's possible.

Fucking retards.

I'm pretty sure the NHL will survive any North American league, maybee safe for the MLB. They could scrap all the teams in the sunbelt and be profitable. Or go back to expansion era teams + Flames, Caps and Oilers and still make money.

>During a stay in Israel, Breitbart conceived of the idea of founding Breitbart News Network, with "the aim of starting a site that would be unapologetically pro-freedom and pro-Israel. We were sick of the anti-Israel bias of the mainstream media and J-Street."[15]

>Sup Forums buys ESPN
>And at 10pm we got da EatDaPussy Report, starting with his usual 10 minute rant about the eagles.

the difference is that here they have a hugbox they conform to

Also, EDP would have to be a caster at every eagles game.

Sunbelt teams are safe
Plenty of talent and money

of course
then it would actually be good again
too bad we got fucking vegas

>plenty of money


>Operating Income
>Carolina: -$15m
>Florida: -$15.4m
>Arizona: -$8m
>Columbus: -$2.4m
>Nashville: -$2.2m
>Anaheim: -$1.2m

The only southern teams making any money are Tampa, LA (pretty sure the -$400undefined in the article is an error) and San Jose, and that's only because they're all contending teams right now. As soon as they start to age a bit, their fanbases will disappear. As it stands right now the top 30% of the league carries the bottom 30%. The league would undoubtedly be stronger if all those teams were cut out. There really isn't one single team south of philly that's capable of surviving on its own long term (maybe LA, but only if they keep winning), they need the success of the top teams.

life is grim in the south

>Noon: Das it Mayne
>2 PM: JUST of the day
>4 PM: >Rags report
>10 PM: EatDaPussy report

naw it doesn't matter, they basically get welfare handouts for existing because off the buttman southern charity fund. As long as the rags, habs and laffs keep succeeding financially, that's pretty much all the league needs to keep going.

They should all be folded and liquidated, but they wont because then the league would have to admit that hockey in the south was a mistake

>Carolina to Seattle
>Florida to Quebec City
>Lumbus to Leaveland
>just fold AZ, enough SWestern US teams now especially with Vegas which will be an attendance bust too
>and keep Nashville and Anaheim even though they aren't making much.

>citation needed

>he thinks this is how TV works

are you 10? do your parents still manage all your accounts/subscriptions?

well he's right. I'm independent, and hardly any of my friends still have cable. Everyone just gets netflix and then buys the online streaming services for NHL, MLB or NFL

Sell it to the yuros. Sick of watching redneck racing and college handegg.

>he believes everything he reads on Sup Forums
Subscriber loss is happening for a variety of reasons. None of them are because a black male decided that police should stop murdering black males

>my biased news is better because it's biased towards my beliefs

I wish ESPN would sell cricinfo so that it wouldn't be stuck on this sinking ship

Mate, I know blaming Kaepernick for the drop in viewing figures was bullshit, but you don't seriously believe the BLM meme, do you?

You don't realize how hilariously ironic you sound right now


but that is completely wrong


if anything it shows the only people helping the ratings are people in california and texas apparently

which are also the biggest producers of football players in the states

this means that middle america is not tuning in

boy you sure are smart ain't you

You realize Breitbart is the Huffpost for Righties, right?

>And now, for the daily make your best YFW DA BURRS WIN DA SUPERB OWL face. Tweet us your submissions and the best will appear on national television.

Yeah you're right, pic-related was totally legit justified self-defense


>a la HBO
you mean the service that is losing a shit ton of money?

Fake news is definitely real, just look at what appears when you google a sports team, fake news by sites like parent herald and others. We got to get rid of it.


go away you nazi