
>money in bank account

>retail worker
>1,100 USD

>100.000,00 Dollars


>Project Manager
>$131,000 a year

shit correction
>money in bank account right now $8,193.21 usd

>none, disability
>$720.000~ (6.137.460NOK)

Haha fuck man, I love people like you, it's really beneficial to be reminded once in a while I'm not really at the bottom.

How did this happen?

>Chemical Engineer(Previously US Marine)
>around 33k

Oh, and a couple of hundred thousands in stock and trade-account

Industrial engineer

>78 BTC
>47 000 PPC

>70k in loans, no money in bank acct (overdrafted)

Chef at Wendy's

well my mom was an abusive alcoholic, wouldn't let me have a girlfriend, developed and nearly died from eating disorders as a teen, started drinking and doing drugs, could have graduated early but didn't because of my shitty home life, pulled up my socks and was getting good grades in senior year until my girlfriend bit my arm and severed my tendon, also i overdosed on ecstasy and alcohol, so my grades dropped and didn't even try to get into university, just kept drinking and started doing coke, things were alright for a year drugs and girls and shows and shit, then i got in an argument with my mom and my family forced me to squat in a quarantined methlab, then my brother and dad conspired against me and kicked me out onto the streets, and the girl i was staying with while homeless falsely accused me of rape, so my dad let me move back into the quarantined meth lab, get a new girlfriend who convinced me all sex was rape, have a nervous breakdown, wind up in a psych ward, get out of the psych ward and compulsively masturbate until i tear open my circumcision, get back together with my ex who was a virgin and deflower her, beat her, assault my parents, go to jail, wind up homeless again, stay with my girlfriend and assault her too and go to jail again, released from jail, still homeless, get a job and move to a poorhouse filled with crackheads, parents contact me and i lose the job, await trial, get sentenced, put on house arrest for five months, get off house arrest and drink for a while, move back to the city, everyone assaults and calls the cops on me because they think im a rapist, move across from a cemetery, assault a cop and go to jail again, now im off probation finally and back in the city for some goddamn reason
at this point i've had 31 jobs and am basically too fucked up, traumatized and alone to function
but really i attribute it to the evils of women

Wtf number is that

He' a builder, not a mathematician...

Your life has too much happening and is too crazy for me to figure out how much of your fault all of this is and to even figure out where it exactly went wrong. Seems like you give other human beings too much power and value in your life to be able to have a negative impact on you.

I have to ask though, why the hell assault a cop? That never ends well.


wrong memearrow

own employed
$5k ish

A little over $6,500

Self Employed

>Retired and living my dreamlife in southeast asia, getting right now my balls sucked
>80k usd

>economics major/trust fund baby
>70k bank >400k-ish trust

nothing's happening now, just sort of picking up the pieces and trying to build a stable normal life, which is impossible when you're this poor. i was an innocent victim initially, i tried to cope in various ways, then it all became too much and i started lashing out in violence towards myself and violence towards others, although i never meant to - i was pushed. i have never had any power or control over my life. i think that maybe just people who live where i am are horrible shit people.

i was black-out drunk, i guess it sort of redeemed me after having assaulted my parents and a girl, though. also i got in like forty fights during this one year where i drank every night.

>Senior Security Engineer
>pic related

i really don't think it's my fault. i was surrounded by toxic people. i try to attract better people into my life now and be a better person. again, it's hard to do so when i'm so fucking poor.

jesus christ. @ 41 and still 200k in student debt, you better be senior level.

how long did it take you to get senior level?
salary? how much are you putting towards that principal?

>jesus christ. @ 41 and still 200k in student debt,
read more carefully. That's a mortgage

That's not student debt, mint just puts that icon there to represent all traditional loans


I work since my 16yo
>100k USD

i mean, youre not wrong.

so you only have payed down 50k of the house...

250k house and 15k car... interesting... into boring commutes then i see.

how long you take to get to sr level? how many years working in that field?

im in IT for 12 years now and only at management level... (with no one to manage)


Quality control
300 because I keep my savings in cash hidden away where some kike banker won't be able to use it as a basis to lend money to others that doesn't actually exist.

Look into it. It's true. For every one dollar that you put into a bank they are able to lend or spend 10 dollars, 9 of which do not actually exist.

37k USD

>load of 15 year olds
>no job
>$10 in cash
>mumsy's purse


>so you only have payed down 50k of the house...

yeah I just bought it, so 50k is 20% of 250

>15k car
that's it's blue book market value. It's paid off

>into boring commutes then i see
Not sure that makes any sense as a conclusion. It's not bad, about 25-35 min BUT only one day a week. Otherwise WFH

>how long you take to get to sr level?
5 years? May be 6? Think 3 years in ops, moving up the chain, then eng, then senior. I am trying to become principal but may pivot to architect first.

>how many years working in that field?
18 in IT
13 in security of some kind

>im in IT for 12 years now and only at management level
Well I am avoiding management. Hate it. I was a supervisor for a while, then a manager (with employees) for about 6 months, ugh


>Donald Trump's Mexican Butler
>35,000,000,000 USD


>no job
>no bank account
Wanting to die. Too bad I'm too pussy to an hero.
God damn I hate my life



Wtf kind of disability do you have? Autism?
God damn I hate people like you.

Fuck you all, I'm poor as fuck and my life will never be nice

Mcdonalds night shift
2.08 cad so 0.00


>Not sure that makes any sense as a conclusion.
>boring econobox
>.5hr commute
>likely a slushbox
confirmed that conclusion.

only one day a week is slick.

where were you in IT beforehand? I am studying all aspects I can but I think i need to specialize as im just going to be decent at a bunch of things rather than really good at per say security.

I am thinking of specializing in security and getting my CISSP. any tips for young players like myself trying to get higher up quickly in your field? OSCP?

why did you hate management? just not your personality?

it doesn't matter

Between 13 and 20
Hyrule hero
500 rupies

>full time student
Last check for three months for aid coming so gonna have nearly $500

>Webdev intern.
>£6k ($7500~)

Yea modern finance is not a bad thing. If they are lending to businesses that are borrowing responsibly to increase growth that is good for everyone. But it can also be used for crime like Enron/2008 etc.. Finance is a tool that can be good or bad for society but is not inherently wrong.

>health care assistant

>£3000 ish

>Checking:640.19 usd
>Savings:A little over 11k

>where were you in IT beforehand?
Yeah, started out doing phone support then corp help desk. Moved up to a sort of Jr Net eng / win sysadmin for a while before the bubble burst in 2001.

Then did product support for ISS before IBM bought them, did 2nd/3rd level support for a web host, mostly ecommerce, where my sec experience helped.

Then security operations and so on

>any tips for young players like myself trying to get higher up quickly in your field?
Gotta get some good ops experience to really get going. managed security services is the best ops to start out in but doing corp ops can be ok as well.

Wait to get cissp until you have some ops exp.

OSCP is not something i have or know anyone who has. I am more on the defensive side, building and configuring security to protect nets

>why did you hate management?
It's not what you do if you want to do the work. Managers in sec work FOR the engineers and ON the ops guys.

In OPS they make sure you are doing your job, following procedure, and prioritizing correctly. Lots of hands on steering and coaching. Most suck at it though

As an engineer they work for ME. They are there to make sure I can do my job. To enable me to do my job. To keep all the shit off my head from those faggots above me and to help me set priorities when I have competing ones. (Cause I don't give a fuck.)

>just not your personality?
That too. :-P

>Sup Forums

>service advisor for a Honda dealership
>55k salary
>30k in bank between checking and savings

>postal worker
>£600 sterling

>>service advisor for a Honda dealership
k salary
wow that's far better than I would have thought.

>I got a Honda so I am in there from time to time

What part of the country/State you in?

>Part time bitch
>$14 and change.

We're one of the biggest honda dealerships in the state. We are fully commissioned employees.

At least you can buy a large coffee from Hortons, buddy.

>bob barbour honda
kys fag

>student/no job

>Hospital worker

>101.000 euro

> $2600 (work a couple months before collegue)

>middle aged
>enough to be on pace to retire in my 50s


>nike's shoe factory indonisia
>0,0 US$

>software dev

>Ass. Manager @ KFC
>$3400 + $9k in trust

>bank account is a line of credit owing 50k
>Net assets are 450k

Feels good sometimes. Other times I wish I hadn't pissed 50k away


Usps- part time shit job

>ass manager @ KFC
Pics of those asses you manage or it didn't happen

>No one
>reads this types
>of threads

3K R$ (USD 966)

>Guitar Instructor

30,000 in the bank up until the 15th of april. I now have 9k. fml

>roughly 6k usd, keep about 2k in bills at home.



work-at-home call center type
only 6k in real bank
>150k in investments, thanks for dieing mom, money is nicer than you were most times

Those are fronts not asses

There are asses behind them -- you have to be imaginative.


underage b&



>Engineering Student
>Like $400

>night shift at taco bell
Shh dont tell mods. Saving for a house, sounds stupid but yeah trying to start early.

>None your bussiness NSA
>Over 1,200 USD... Below 1,250. Don't really know.

All of it is his fault. Typical example of people that don't take responsibility for their actions, which is an obvious reason why the guy is homeless all the time

>Partner at consulting firm
>~$2m accessible cash
