Sup Sup Forumsros wat do?

Sup Sup Forumsros wat do?
>Girlfriend goes to school
>Walking home at night
>Some faggots shot her with a paintball gun
>Hit her in the throat
That nearly could have killed her, holy shit. I'm so greatful that she didnt get hit in the throat
>Sent me it on snapchat
>Came home crying
>Pic related
I'm so fucking angry, I'm thinking about calling the police.... Shitty ass humanity. What do I do? I'm about to go down to the police station and report it

Wtf is wrong with you fag goes reposting the same shit.

who the fuck shoots random students with paintball guns


Go kill yourself fag

Paintball gun. Yeah, that's what happened. No chance those are hickeys.

Niggers and Muslims

Nice bait faggot. now lets wait for someone to bite

she has some splainin' to do

Your gf got hickies from some dude. Tells you paintballs, lolwut?

OP is a newfag

Pasta or not, she is fucking someone else. Enjoy the rest of your shitty relationship before she breaks up.

such a shame this is bait because i was just showing my friend around /b

Yeah bro, pretty sure your girl got fucked and needed an alibi. There's no paint on her clothes. If you really wanna be sure, just wait for her to go to sleep and press lightly on it. She a hoe though.

that's lovebites from her other boyfriend fucking her.

Paint balls is some white boy shit

I don't know how to beeak this to you, user... but your gf is fucking a paintball on the side.

>>Hit her in the throat
>I'm so greatful that she didnt get hit in the throat


Don't worry, I got her in the throat..

Those are definitely hickeys. This is what a paintball wound looks like.

You and your girlfriend are dumb as fuck.
Shouldve called the policd that instant, so maybe there would be a chance to catch them.

You can still call but every second you are delaying it, the guys most likely get further from the """crime scene"""

P.S teach your girl to dodge paint, kek


those look more like fuckin' hickeys

Oh hey, this thread again

being this new AND naive. just wow
shi8 b8 m8

Repost much? Kek

those are hickeys and thats not your GF nor a paintball wound shitforbrains get a life...

>being this gullible

wat do?

--> not repost this shit every fucking day

--> kys cuck


>>being this gullible
being so gullible that you call more astute observers gullible!
keep entertaining us with your idiocy, boy.


those are most likely fucking hickeys you fucktard... dump the bitch