Well Sup Forums, you fucked me...

Well Sup Forums, you fucked me. A while ago there was a thread on Sup Forums explaining the techniques and the adrenaline rush you get from blowing your load on a sleeping girl. Well it didn't sound too impossible to pull off and I had the perfect opportunity last night. I was sleeping over at my 11 year old cousins house because my aunt was going out of town the next morning and she needed somebody to watch the kids. (not underage b& btw, 18 as of july 6th) My cousins friend slept over, who was also 11 and she had the body of a fucking 14 year old, which is how I like it. So I waited until everybody in the house was sound asleep. I took all the necessary precautions (The tv was on low volume, AC and fan running so it will override the sound of my fapping). So I'm standing above this cum dumpster of an 11 year old for 10 minutes fapping at full power. And don't you know literally 3 seconds before I blow my load, the bitch opens her eyes and fucking BAM, steamy load all in them. She screams, waking up my two cousins and my uncle. I don't know what the fuck to do so I run in the bathroom and lock the door. 2 minutes later my uncle is pounding on it threatening to slit my throat. He threatened to call the cops, and I'm not going to jail for blowing my load on some little cunt so I opened it and he caught me right in the eye. Beat the shit out of me, then threw me out the door at 3 am. He wouldn't even let me come back inside to get my car keys, so I walked 10 miles home where my stepdad was awake. He got a call from my uncle, and beat the shit out of me the second I walked in the door. Nobody has spoken to me since. What the fuck do I do now Sup Forums?

an hero


post boipussy ofc

lol you are that stupid really? move another state, change your fucking name, dissapear, and return in 5 years or so asking forgiveness, also get psych help.

Gotta fufill your destiny op

Hold her down, spread her legs, and push the tip of your dick against her pussy until her body accepts you. You have to turn her into a woman now that you've cum on her.

Accept your responsibility

why are you there?


Only option here.
>obvious bait is obvious

how fat are you OP?

I hope it was worth ruining your life faggot. KEK

Stale pasta

Your family is mad because they cum on her all the time and you didn't ask for their graces before doing it yourself. She was most likely pretending to be asleep and wanted to see you cum, so she opened her eyes right as she knew you were about to. If you have any friends with guns, get them to help you get your car keys back from that faggot uncle, don't worry hes a pussy and wont fight back. Repay the friends by letting them take a joyride in your whip, then go to Taco Bell. Drive to the nearest Blue state and become a homeless street kid. Life solved.


Go to your uncles and say youre sorry

Bait or not, you done played yourself, OP.

Old copypasta is old.

You broke the only rule of the internet:
Never do what Sup Forums says.
Also, rule 34 exists (pic related).

I would have shot you untill I was out of ammo to sick fuck

You kill yourself and don't listen to the dude who told you to try taking your car keys by gun point if your close enuff to get your keys he's close enuff to get your gun and he more than likely would kill you if you showed back up at his house just go to the police and report yourself as a pedophile before they come to get you because your uncle reported you

You should've filmed that.

Gold. Say hi to Jared in prison. He gon' subway yo cracka ass.

4 reals op?
4 fukin reals?
y fuk wud u had don that?
wut fuk xpect?
her havin had cum all over her and u somehow not get caught?
how fuk was 3 secs not enough time to quit jerking off?

Nigga couldn't even use those 3 fuckin seconds to stop and make an excuse.

Maybe shoulda told errybody that he was scratchin his nuts.

>What the fuck do I do now Sup Forums?
Stop posting stale pasta

You work at pizza hut?

cuz this is some stale ass pasta you nigger faggot



I have always wondered what was going on in that gif.

It's been so long.

Why did you have to watch the kids when your uncle was there?

he stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a "fool" (yes that's what u r) would take anything posted here as fact.

Threaten to report your uncle and father for assault and abuse if they try to report you. While it will be clear to the court that you're a pedo, they shouldn't be able to get you on much if you didn't touch her. And there is evidence of you being beaten by them.

And on second though---- SAY NOTHING ELSE TO ANYONE ABOUT THIS. They likely didn't have the forethought to save any of your jizz off her face, wait a week from know and they will have thrown all the evidence away themselves, if they don't smarten up. DENY DENY DENY unless they have video or DNA.

And on another second thought, to clarify... Don't threaten them. That might be construed to be blackmail, so yeah.... make it more of a statement, "I will do this if you do this". And if they already reported you, just get your car keys however you can and gtfo or face the court.