How do I convince my girlfriend to cuckold me? Any mention of it she says no, even a threesome was a no...

How do I convince my girlfriend to cuckold me? Any mention of it she says no, even a threesome was a no. Any advice for a Louisiana based couple?

you don't have to convince her, faggot. Chad Thundercock will convince her. Just let her know you won't be mad if she finds a better man.

She will.

> get some alpha to seduce your woman
> ???
> profit

I don't even know how to ask

MSfag here.
I'll fuck your girlfriend.
Just bring up that you want to watch her with another guy


You don't need to ask. Just bring Chad home to her.

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It's a process but I did it simply by making it part of role play fun, watching porn together etc. There are tons of web sites for meet ups etc. Take your time and be absolutely sure its something you can handle in reality.

wear chastity cage and give her the key

Post pics and show her comments guys make ( helps if she's hot). My wife was mad at first but now she thinks it's hot and it makes her wet AF. You have to start slowly and work your way up to it. All women have an inner slut you can tap into.

you don't ask. You just drop hints to Chad that you're not going to flip your shit if he makes a move. Dare him to try. You're a bitchboi anyway, and he'll see the signs of that and dominate you out of principle, you fucking pussy.

>Any mention of it she says no, even a threesome was a no

Your answer.
You're not going to convice her to cuck you if she's not into it.
Ask again later (in a year or so). And go with a threesome first. It's a smaller step.

Want advice?
How about you man the fuck up and take pride and ownership in what is yours. Stop being a faggot or she won't cuck you, she will just fucking leave your sorry ass.
Sincerely, a fellow Louisianian

I actually do know a chad but he's a little dude lol

Louisiana would be more ideal.

Thank you for some real advice. How would you go about role playing?

Thank you. I'll think about that, I wouldn't want her identified or anything like that for her work.

Turning a faithful wife into a slut who loves fucking the hard cocks of strangers is hot as hell.

Don't do this without her consent first.
This dumbass was apparently lucky. But there's loads of girls who wouldn't appreciate being put on the internet without them knowing
(especially on fucking Sup Forums).


I never show my wife's face and make sure the pics are anonymous enough. When I told her I posted pics, she played the role of the demure angry wife, but now she likes it.

Is she pregnant with another man's baby?

Talk to her about it, Role play is great because if the subject matter gets to intense you can always just stop. No one gets hurt ! Set some up some rules, maybe a safe word etc.

i would guess she's pregnant by the man taking the photo who just fucked her. Would you clean her up?

Jesus. You're uptight. Never posted face or anything that could be recognized. If your girl can't deal with having her tits or ass posted, she's wound up way too tightly.


I'll try that then :)

Not OP lol

So roleplay a stranger coming over and fucking her?

Not OP

Fuck no.

let the D convinve her

Fem here. My partner is bi but also protective. Even threesome with a girl he wasn't biting. Roleplay by using toys worked. Watching hentai with threesomes with girls and a guy or a girl and two guys worked. We're a bdsm couple and last janurary we brought in a twink. Haven't had that for a while but its definately easier to talk about now.


Obvious b8 but,
Why she would stay with you after confessing being a bitch is beyond me.

Free food, shelter, and emotional attention.

Thank you for that advice. Never done hentai but we can try that too

Also I'm incredibly wealthy lol

My sexy lil slut sucked & fucked 25+ strangers for me while we were together. Pic related its her

I wouldn't have minded using her as a sperm toilet.

Is there any way possible to meet a girl that would be into cuckolding from the very start?

Has anyone tried to do this?

With all the dating apps and social sites, it has to be.

FetLife is your best chance. Most don't understand cuckolding and think it's just an excuse to abuse you though.

Fetlife has a lot of people that report girls who reject them though, it's a pain the ass to keep verifying.

When I'm seeing a new girl (fucking and stuff, but before you're in a relationship). I always tell them about my biggest kinks and check if they're into it too.

every woman fantasizes about alpha males, just let her know she's desirable. Take her out to the club, get her real tipsy, get her grinding on another dude, let her feel comfortable with the idea of her being allowed.

Not too many clubs in New Orleans lol

What part of LA?

New Orleans

just get a drinking buddy or two over and get her really drunk, her inner whore will do the rest. she'll be happy to show those tiddies to the fellas after a bottle of whiskey.

>not too many clubs in new orleans
>pub and club capital of the south

You wot m8?

Meh, really drunk is less fun. Better if they resist at first before succumbing to their inner slut.

Bars yes. Dance clubs, no.

bring her to a club, get her drunk, tell her you just want her to have some fun and invite some lurkers over to dance.

Hope she leaves you afterwards, you beta faggot.
Kill yourself.

Don't introduce it as cuckolding; go for the hotwifing route, first. Then if/when she's into it, start introducing whatever humiliation stuff you from the cuck-angle.

Why would you want her to leave him? Alpha gets to fuck without dealing with relationship garbage and slut gets to be a slut while still having beta take care of her.

Everyone wins.

This is OP.
Rate my GF

Op I was in the same boat during sec I would have her tell me I'm small and she can't feel me. Turned into me getting chastity cages telling her I want her to control my orgasms. Which turned into me only cumming when she said she wanted a bigger guy. One night she went to her home town and ended up going home with a guy and telling me the next day she thought I would be mad bought her flowers and her favorite wine on my way home from work. She fucked him a few more times and now he is flakey and trying to be a white knight about fucking a girl with a bf. Pic related

Just drop it.
She's smart.

>trying to be a white knight
You need a new bull.

Whore will tire of beta-cuck, get into relationship with Chad for 2 months,
OP will be a cucked faggot with a ruined rep, Whore will be a creampied slut with a ruined rep, and Chad will keep fucking bitches.

Tell me about it she wants to go put for my birthday hoping I can actually watch in person

Chad doesn't want a relationship. He doesn't need that noise.


How about I seduce your gal pal for the reasonable price of $20. I'm in Baton Rouge

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hahaha you wouldn't need $20 to seduce her, you just need to seduce her

never underestimate whiskey. most girls know their limit, just keep feeding her drinks. those tiddies will come out and your drinking buddies will appreciate it too.


>get your gf/wife drunk at club
>she's been grinding on this guy all night
>she's had like 10 girly drinks
>find a quiet booth
>she's sitting in the middle between both of you
>you start it off rubbing her through her panties
you think she'll give a fuck about the other guy doing the same?

If she's not into it, I don't see how you do it. In my case, she had already made out and fucked other guys when we started the conversation.

Looks mighty tasty to me. The real question is why wouldn't you?

What is that...? Is that an IUD?

mine does it on a regular basis

This is exactly what happened to me - my wife cucked me, got addicted to strange cock, and left me after a few months. Chad passes her around now

If she says no to threesome, she is lying op. There is nothing a girl desires more than being fucked by multiple men. I am very close with my gf and she said that she fantasises about threesome very often (like most of men do).
Just bring another guy and let it happen

Apparently you had the wrong wifes and or relationships to do this.
As if you'd have a good relationship with a girl who would leave you for another penis?
They left for other people, and your relationship was doomed before you started cucking.
Grow up and stop blaming supersized chad dicks for your bad relationship.

I blame myself fuckhead

Start small, like watching porn with her. Then going out to the bar wat hinge her flirt with other guys then watching her blow someone that what my girl and I did

Ah good you have it sorted out then.

gross, wouldn't fuck.

What part of la

New Orleans you dumb fuck. Learn how to read.

Thank you

I'm in Nola if you want to meet up for drinks. Worst case scenario, if the chemistry isn't there, is that we have a fun night of drinking.

What kind of job do you do? Make sure we dont work in proximity lol

I'm in the medical field.

Honestly, man, if she's so adamant about turning down the chance to guilt-free fuck another dick/guy, she's probably already cheating behind your back and is trying to act like she would NEVER do such a thing.

You're already being cucked.

I doubt it though

Nothing to doubt.
It's too common a female fantasy.

She's doing bad acting, overdoing it, to try and hide she already cucked you.