What's his problem?

What's his problem?

He doesn't want to stay at a hotel named after someone he disagrees with.

The same thing if you didn't want to stay at 9Gag hotel

OP would stay at the 9gag hotel because he is a faggot.

he's a fucking nigger, what else do you think?

Already discussed you attention whoring obese nonce

and what if his teammates want to stay at this hotel?

go back to your semen slurping general

He knows he will never be as good as Jordan so now he wants to become the better "World Citizen" than Jordan was.




>America unironically has a president who is a manchild who sits around arguing on twitter all night

Absolutely hilarious, I mean it was the natural conclusion for their nation, but fuck me it's perfect


>being this butthurt the person you shilled for lost the elections

Implying black people are allowed in Trump hotels

As someone who's slightly glad he won it is still pretty embarrassing

Like what the fuck man, who cares. Let people talk shit

it's hilarious, best thing that could happen to the UYesA is to have such a meme president.

Lebron is in Hilary's pedophile ring he goes to Besta Pizza all the time

I love my shitposting president, certainly less embarrassing than that pigfucker PM of yours

He stepped down now they have some interim government.

Theresa May is PM

>its another 4 year long episode of USA embarrassing themselves

I thought the bush Saga was over

why isn't the FBI investigating #pizzagate?

are they involved in it?

it would be embarrassing with Hilary too, now is embarrassing AND funny.

>tfw your uncle owns that restaurant

My grandmother's funeral was held there.

>American education

Can't make this shit up.

so are the rumors true?

does your uncle hide a bunch of child sex slaves in the basement of his restaurant?

I don't know but the whole thing looks like a sketchy unfinished rape basement. He's won design awards over it.

i've seen some of the """""""""""""""""art""""""""""""""" your uncle has hanging in his restaurant and some of the """"""""""""""""""""""""""musicians"""""""""""""""""" he lets perform there

sorry to say this, but there definitely is something wrong with him

why would you believe this user

Well he's gay so I'm not surprised he's into some degenerate shit.

that it's actually his uncle or pizzagate as a whole?

I don't really 100% believe it in both cases

but it's fun to just go with it

> Doesn't stay at Trump's hotel bc "Muh BLM"
> Trump is still president

You all laugh now but soon that cuck will soon be at the White House

he's salty as fuck he backed the losing horse

>How dare he protest
American "education"

Reminder that when Lebron rallied for Hillary in Cleveland that they literally had to use blackout curtains to hide all of the empty seats they couldn't fill in the theater

This. Lebron is not that big of a cuck.

If that pic isn't proof of the Illuminati I don't know what is.

lol what a faggot

>mfw the United States is 2 different countries now
I can't wait for the American Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo

in all honesty I wouldn't stay at the Sup Forums hotel either, I would probably get raped or shit in the face by some brony

its pretty awesome

and we all know it only takes a few minutes to send a tweet

Timmy Thomas does it he's a not. LeBron does it he's a hero.

How many double standards must we appropriate before you are equal?


>le i am never talking to racist phil jackson again because he said the word "posse" man

he truly is LeBeta

Lelbron left the Cavs so they could tank and have #1 picks handed to them by the NBA. Now he returns and wins a ring and is some type of hero. Congrats the jews played you like a fiddle.

literally no one said this

Someone should let him know that Hillary Clinton hates blacks too.

Have I been in the dark the whole time. Is 9gag a deep throat joke?

Is Obama the first president to leave the country more racially divided than it was when he first took office

he has a billion dollar brand to protect

Yeah but it's not his fault trump went full retard and shit talked everyone that wasn't a Caucasian faggot.

Lincoln maybe? I don't know

Yeah Obama and company really turned things to shit though. I don't even remember any racial shit whatsoever during Bush. Now every third """news""" piece is about some bullshit

Big thing was the media narrative put on George Zimmerman. That spearheaded it


Buchanan's ineptness literally led to a Civil War.

I'd stay at the 9gag hotel that shit would be hilarious.

You tell me user

>Obama dickriders will defend this

thank you "first black president"

>butthurt monkeys


Dumb nigger

The worst thing that ever happened to America was when it won the civil war. Southern states are such a drain on the rest of the Union and they produce too little to be worth it.

So 6 years nothing changed, clearly this points to the exposure of crooked cops killing blacks

This is where the funniest thing comes in when I see Midwestern and Southern state dwelling mongoloids claiming that "Commiefornia" is stealing all their tax money because of "needing to prop up all the illegal Mexicans"

California by far produces the most tax money that goes to prop up complete garbage Southern states who are all welfare slaves

With the internet now, everyone just goes to their corner of the media that caters to them, jerks off on fake news that confirms what they want to believe, and gets angry at every other niche group.

Racial tensions, and tensions between any group of people with separate viewpoints, are going to get worse for the rest of your life.

You can either decide to be at least somewhat humble with your opinion and respect others who do the same, or we can all just fling shit at each other forever.

trump didnt have anything to do with "hands up dont shoot"

or saying "if i had a son" about some dead gang member


>You can either decide to be at least somewhat humble with your opinion and respect others who do the same, or we can all just fling shit at each other forever.


>hands up dont shoot
when did obama ever say that

>fake news

look who fell for the medias latest meme phrase

The midwest upholds their end of the bargain by producing shit. Farming ain't sexy but it is a real contribution. Southern states don't do anything except occasionally produce some people who are smart enough to leave.

your picture verifies what he said m8

learn how to read

you two were talking about obama/trump so I was assuming

>Only took 3 posts before someone had to post their le epin evidence from their corner of the internet

Wasn't talking about the "fake news" news story that came up with the election. I'm talking about how those types of websites have existed for every political group for years.

im not denying theres bullshit news, im just saying its the latest meme phrase

so someone put a different name on it, oh the humanity

what did you say i cant read

He's still butthurt over sHillary getting BTFO

>those types of websites

bloomberg, cnn, cnbc? those are all huge sites, the biggest actually.... not fringe blogs...

The Gulf States have oil production now.

wew, the city of you

Fine. Replace "fake news" from my post with "articles that pretend to be journalism but are really just clickbate designed to be as irresistible as possible to the concerningly large and growing group of people who will believe and even share anything that they want to believe has evidence supporting it."

Just because the term "fake news" only came up recently and is being used by the political group you dislike doesn't mean it isn't a good term to use to describe this universally shitty phenomenon that every political faction is guilty of participating in.


Maybe Jim Brown had some say, but he could kick your dad's ass & the 60's & It was Jim Brown.

Jim Brown would kick Lebron James's mothers face in & he would do nothing.

Conspiracy theory chain emails circling around among middle-aged and elderly conservatives have been a thing since the '90s and nobody gave a shit.

But put those exact same emails on a fraudulent news website? Suddenly it's a national crisis and sole reason Trump won.

The real reason the Democrats lost the election is because they betrayed the midwestern working class. Trump couldn't have run on a platform of shitting on free trade and immigration if the Clintons and Obama hadn't supported those policies unconditionally and ignored the ardent hatred for those two things among independents.

The term (((fake news))) is pretending that (((real))) news organizations haven't been peddling the same biased shit for years.

Never said they weren't

Don't forget fox news, drudgereport, etc.

I'm not one of these people who thinks that libs and conservatives are symmetrically flawed (there's lots of shit on both sides but it doesn't necessarily balance out), but if you can't see that internet age "journalism" has infected how all political viewpoints are consumed and expressed (both left and right), then you don't deserve decent journalism. You deserve the shit you've been getting.

Even Muhammad Ali clung to Jim brown in his time of need.

samefag with no life

Then use the term how it literally should be used rather than whining about it. Who the fuck cares how anyone else fucking uses it? Just be bigger than that and use the term in better way than other people.

I have 2 (you)s in there. I would bet the other 3 are one person though.

Just saying.

Superman was born before your lifetime. Played before your life time. Had a successful Hollywood career before yor life time.

His favorite sport... lacrosse.

Clearly this points to the media starting to peddle "cops and America are racist" shit immediately after Trayvon and Obama going along with and sponsoring it

really boggles the mind how double the amount of whites are killed by cops but you just don't hear about those stories going big time in the media, doesn't it

And now you are all going to reap the rewards with white America on the defensive, good job stupid fucks

>You deserve the shit you've been getting.

what shit?

republican president, house, senate

republican party stronger than ever (almost)

democrats are now a coastal urban party that has been taken over by Bernie....

its been great

>non college educated
>makes good money

lebron is bucking the trend

Good thing I'm not a Democrat. Did you get that impression somehow?

No but I got the impression that you are an enormous faggot

>blue area pictured is where most people live


>blue: people
>red: deer and power lines

this post explains why Democrats are up shit creek right now

>There are people on this board right now that didn't vote for Trump

Post the map adjusted with population if you dare, fag.

>make 100 million billion dollars
>your choice of hotel makes the news and sperglords triggered

What did 'they' mean by this?

typical leftist sore loser

He doesn't want to win anymore.

Having a suite at the hotel brings good luck. He doesn't want that luck.