
Quintessential British television programming edition

Other urls found in this thread:

google.co.uk/search?q=vitamin d autism

Say it with me /brit/!!

FUCK _______

Eating meat

utter fucking kek at that one commie weirdo that loves shagging animals
he gets BTFO every day, pure comedy gold

fuck meat

people who single link new threads


bleck pipple
t. seth efriken

Am an ulster-scat at ers wey

>it's a student comes to your office hours asking for help with their programming assignment and the problem is "I'm trying to do this complex thing so I copied two tangentially related chunks of code from StackOverflow, pasted them into my project, and it's not working!" episode

Consciousness and sentience are two different things you fucking spoon

Reminder that it IS extremely hypocritical to kill and eat animals but have some moral objection to killing and eating humans

If you aren't vegan you're basically a paki


reminder for the lad
also another good quote:
>When people choose to do things about which they are ambivalent and which they would have difficulty justifying, they experience a state of cognitive dissonance, which can lead to rationalization, denial, or even self-deception. For example, a 2011 experiment found that, when the harm that their meat-eating causes animals is explicitly brought to people's attention, they tend to rate those animals as possessing fewer mental capacities compared to when the harm is not brought to their attention.

brexit and fuck white people

fucking machines

>As a guy with a huge ass dick who showed it to his sister this turns me on. Mine ran out of the room as soon as I showed it to her full on hard. I almost got in trouble. This is the only type of incest i love. Women family seeing how big it is.

>what is sentience
>what is human exceptionalism

im assuming the alt-autists ran away and created /ukpolitics after they realised no one liked them

hello yes

i lost my cot

>able to perceive or feel things
umm yeah this is what animals have
the scientific evidence is heavily in favour of ability of animals to feel emotions, mammals being the most similar to humans for obvious reasons

dedadedadededo deeeedadedado dedadedadedadedadedadoo alright everybody here we go its a brand new version of the do si do

what should i dream about tonight lads?

you cot gained freedom

Human exceptionalism is you trying to rationalise your obviously conflicting views

>comes here every day
>thinks vegetarianism means shagging animals
>thinks he's not a weird whose life is comedy gold

>white mans land

Literally no mans land Africa tier


the referendum was advisory!

i had popeyes for dindins yesterday and still suffering from the sharts...

Harry Enfield is a national treasure.

>be on a strict diet
>cute intern baked almond cakes


desu I'd rather talk about meat than brexit
meat has a clear mandate so it's morally right, brexit was a bit closer obviously

Alright mate I'm sorry I ate your wife

why is leather the fetish material

No animal even comes close to having the mental complexity of humans.
>inb4 bullshit about talking gorillas that can't actually talk

are you going to marry a carrot?

the girl you like having sex with a guy you dislike

Eat her pussy

umm lads

I thought we triggered article 50 yesterday?

why are there still pakis everywhere?

*sigh* yes, I'm gonna marry a carrot

How will Brext effect our meat imports and exports?

Will it help use gain new pork markets?


i found ur cot

its not the only one, theres also leopard print clothing

But are they at all aware of their own existence? Do they ever contemplate the morality behind killing another animal? No

morals and ethics only make sense if they're applied to a group of beings capable of both understanding these principles and interacting with one another to enforce these principles.
and of course these morals and ethics must have a positive consequence, mostly evolutionnary advantages.

apes learning a few hundred words in sign language is not that impressive
i know way more words than that, plus I can actually speak



>meat exports
haha nobody wants british beef
it's shit

top shelf boys

You'll be importing brazillian beef full of hormones that the monkeys shit on when being packaged

So you should be able to kill and extremely mentally stunted people?

what could you have possibly meant by these bizarre statements?

>go to the barber's for a chop
>there's always 2 barbers working there
>one knows what he's doing
>the other does absolute dogshit haircuts
>don't know how to tell them i only want the non-spastic one cutting my hair
got lucky the past couple of times lads but at some point i'm going to have to have another butcher job by the mong one

Just had a shower and realised I have a lot of chest hair, weird because I only have small think light hair on my arms and legs and can't grow a thick beard.

make our own meat cheaper so we'll sell it everywhere. More animals will die and that is morally neutral

I for one am loving the synthpop/80s revival happening on the internet atm


wales monkeys btfo

Just let your hair grow long lmao

Jesus had long hair, are you saying you're better than Jesus?

>go to barbers
>husband and wife
>only one works at a time
>the wife is a milf

that is all

hmm I wonder why this is...

discovered that people on Sup Forums really dont like it when you go into their news event threads and post about how tired you are and how everyone should go to bed

It's a bit bent but if you're that bothered book an appointment in advance and ask for the one you want

USA will force hormone pumped beef on us but at least it'll be cheaper

meat is murder

I posted the other day about how I just discovered vaporwave, anyway here is my fave choon


Business idea: convince several influential musicians to become vegetarian/vegan

don't think you can book lad. plus i've been too many times and never asked their names, i can't describe them down the phone cos i'll be speaking to one of the two of them.

getting the band back together

you know that in a way that is the complete opposite of fucking meat

murder can be good

Business idea: Create a massive single market out of European countries

Love steak

we're on a mission from god

wish i could fuck pretty female meat

I always thought lovefool by the cardigans would make a good vaporwave song but no-one as yet has done it as far as I know

Will you vaccinate your children?

Note that there is only one correct answer


eating an apple lads

Was the only one in school to not be vaccinated. Think it's cause my family are freemasons

its been around at least since drive came out and that was 2011


vaccines don't cause autism
lack of vitamin d during pregnancy does

is it still happening right now yes or no

granny smith?

>have gf
>no gf
the evidence is undeniable

Third world

bagsy not bass

no, you killed it

non-vaccinators are weird. same vein as creationists and people claiming the world is flat.

Source? This sounds plausible

We masons invented that term :)

he's wrong its genetics

autism is genetic and believing vaccines cause autism is the most autistic thing imaginible


Think I'd be pretty mad at my parents for putting me in danger like that for no reason. You should have words with them.

and that you can shit it out after a few weeks

google.co.uk/search?q=vitamin d autism

research has found that vitamin d is one cause
(though genetics, environment and parental age also play a role)

do the potatoes even know what vaccination is yet?

no ones being forced, if you don't want hormone pumped beef, don't eat it.

Nah mate you're just a pawn to my family tbqhwy