Lets have a great adventure. dubs chooses what happens

lets have a great adventure. dubs chooses what happens

he sucks a nigger's dick while jerking off

the adventure was a lie the end

He died the end

He goes to a riot with a stick in his hand

drinks pepsi cola, the best cola with a refreshing taste

he feels nice, enjoying his day

He goes to a trap brothel

He will start shitposting GET threads in Sup Forums

he kills himself


He gets executed by 3 toddlers with knives


gets high and enjoys nature

He gets cancer

He jizzes on a dog

He ties a noose


he turns into a raptor

He finds a sword and shield



He eats shit




He eats a taco while walking to his bathroom.


he fists donald while fucking stevie steve

he does no fap month, gets a gf, great job, his iq rises, learns to fly, gets x-ray vision and everybody likes him

No Sup Forums for a month

put on blackface and shoot niggers in Ohio, video and post it.

next dubs


Second for this.

He gets bored and turns into a male skeleton

Turns back into a human


he eats shit and puts it in his pooper with a sharpie

winrar winrar

He learns how to speak Portuguese

i hate you guys



Hell yeah!!!

Ok now since you portraying a nigger, rape a couple of women with that bbc!!!

He dig hole and then go inside

Spaghetti vomit

Rolling for this

Agreed we need to see this bro.

This and make it good lol.

Damn that's good.

Now he goes to Michigan and becomes governor.

He steals a plane and does 9/11

Wear lipstick and pvc catsuit, masturbate

He turns into pedobear and molests a young black kid

Discovers a metric fuckton of hydrogen cyanide

vintage 2000s memes come down and rape the sign gif

roll for this

I want this too.

he turns into the cleveland killer and headshot some old man

an extremely detailed lizard eats one of the stick figures

Rollin for rapein

Goes on a nigger killing rampage.

this please allah

Another nigger killing rampage would be cool too

reroll for this

Yes this

roll for this

He uses those wings to fly and spread joy

reroll for this


>It's just a jump to the left.
>And then a step to the right.
>Put your hands on your hips.
>You bring your knees in tight.
>But it's the pelvic thrust
>That really drives you insane.

he helps trump build the wall

This and sheesh hard to get dubs today.

He gives a child a balloon

This one!!!

Don't hate us!!!

Kill some more niggers though please.


Twin towers in the back.

9/11 happens.

Rofl this is a so funny op.

Make him do columbine.

Whenever he's riding down the street, he flies up into the twin towers and causes another 9/11.


He flies into space, and the lands on the moon, then meets pepe.

Sweet, now rape some niggers!!!

The dragon is sent into outer space, where he meets an ominous being that turns him into a man with a very large penis, he then lands on the moon, just when Neil Armstrong arrives, after the encounter is over, Neil sucks his dick, and then they fly home to Earth.

They have babies and the raptor eats the baby's

Cute, ty.

who.. what? who has babies?

sure ting


the baby's what?

The raptor and the kid who gets a balloon have babies

After a long day, he flies into the twin towers.


He launches a missile that is aimed towards the pentagon.

He puts on shades, and builds a sandcastle on the beach.

Takes hit from a bong.

He is flushed down the toilet.
But not just any toilet.
This toilet shoots into into another galaxy.
Which is filled with dicks instead of stars.


Pepe gives him a handshake.

he takes a dump on a homeless amn