A genie comes your way. It offers you one wish, but will try to screw you over in one way or another

A genie comes your way. It offers you one wish, but will try to screw you over in one way or another.

Genie only specifies these rules:
>No wishing for more wishes, more genies or a person/creature/object that can grant more wishes.
>Cannot kill, resurrect or manipulate another person's mind or emotions.
>Your wish must be a single sentence, with only one "or", "but" and "and" in it.

How do you phrase your one wish to get what you want?

i want the succ

I wish to have no wishes.

Ok. You no longer have any ambition in life and you only spend your days fapping to porn and browsing 4ch- Oh right... Sorry.



I wish for an annulment of your wish restrictions and more wishes

I wish to be a pretty girl

Become most attractive man alive and never get worse

I wish that I was able to use the Ripple from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

You are now the prettiest girl in Kazakhstan. Congratulations.

You are now so attractive that you are constantly living in fear of getting raped.

I wish all the fuckboys in the world would Disappear. We dont need those kinda people in our lives.

I wish to rape the genie to death.

They disappear from your life, making it so you have never heard of them. They now procreate in their own country. They call that country America 2.0

The genie makes it so and you now have to rape her until your dying breath. You are unable to do anything else.

I'm cool with it.

You are able to use the Ripple. Due to how physics work, it destroys your body in the process.

You don't seem to understand how the Ripple works. My Ripple would need to be on Kar's level to actually hurt me, and no human has gotten close to that level of power.

I wish all of the niggers and all the illegal alien spics were moved back to the continent currently known as Africa, permanently, where they could never leave it again.

The genie agrees. All who has ever been called a "nigger" or "illegal alien" is hereby transferred to Africa and enforced under the rule you specified. If you have ever been called such, that includes you as well.

I wish to have submissive sex with you.

I want the Bee movie to be remade BUT Everytime the word "Bee" is used it gets distorted

Forgive me. I don't know exactly how ripple works. Your wish is granted.

fucking nigger gtfo Sup Forums

The genie says "very well" and puts you in a submissive position while raping your ass with a 30 inch studded dildo.

i wish for the ability to have infinite wishes and to have no side effects

Ok. The Bee movie now plays forever and every time someone says "Bee" it distorts reality. Hope you're happy.

Rule violation. The wish is void. You have no more wishes.

That's exactly what I was asking for, aren't you supposed to try to wreck my wish or something?

No. The genie will try to screw you over in one way or another. Mission accomplished.

I wish that the symbol for chemical element Copper was Cg instead of Cu

nope I haven't.

Muhahahaha I Win!!!!!!!!!


i violated no rule
it says you cant wish for more wishes, i wished for the ABILITY to have infinite wishes

Ummm i am not a nigger, that's why I want to get rid of them.

I wish to have vaginal intercourse with the genie at least once for however often I want, whenever and how I want it until I am certain that she is pregnant with my child and she isn't able to abort it.

If she is infertile or can't procreate with me, then I obviously get infinite sex! Woohoo!

Apparently so. Congratulations. You have officially destabilized many countries in the world due to the absence of certain individuals. The world is now going to hell while Africa now prospers due to the sudden incline in people with work experience, education and technological understanding.

The chemical symbol for copper is now Cg. Any particular reason for this?

What if I like being bullied and this is also a part of the process of what I'm asking?
What if my fetish is also being abused by a genie with tiddies? What if having my wish being screwed is a part of what make my dick hard as rock? What if I like being cucked in every ways?

Hey, you're fucked, kiddo. I won.

Cg stands for Coghammer and I find it very amusing because Coghammer seems to be made out of copper but of course it will only be used in the future, so it's funny that it could already be called that

Not bad. I'll give you that one. The genie thinks for a while then agrees. She gives you the ability to have infite wishes. You never specified she has to grant them. You now have a lot of things you want with no means of achieving them. Hope you're happy with the result.

The genie agrees. The genie gives herself AIDS. It has no effect on her due to being an immortal.

You didn't specify. The genie is a sadist. You won, the genie won, hope you're happy.

i wish for a beautiful healthy kind girlfriend who will never cheat on me and will always be loyal to me

i wish whenever i put my hand into my pocket to pay for something, i will always pull out enough to pay for whatever it is.

The genie agrees it is funny. She gives you a funny hat as a thank you for the idea.

Let me fuck the genie.

>gf dies of cancur a year later

I want to fuck the genie

I wish to laze about with her for a day and give her great multiple orgasms.

I wish to not use up my only wish

i ask her to screw.

>will try to screw you over in one way or another.
all is fine i guess.

I wish to know the correct and factual answer to any question asked.

Before you stands a woman of impeccable beauty with the kindest smile you can imagine. She is incredibly doting and will never ever ever ever leave your side and will pamper you. She has next to no IQ and is unemployable, forcing you to take care of her. The genie wishes you the best of luck.

"Very well" the Genie says. Your pockets now possess the ability to withdraw any money from the surrounding area into themselves to match the exact sum needed. Everyone who is stolen from knows it is you.


i'll take it!

I wanna fuck it whenever I want to for all eternity.

sudden onset

I wish that I knew if this was the real life, or just fantasy.

The genie has very particular interests in sex. All three of you are hereby subjected to the strangest torture porn you can imagine until you die.

"Your wish is granted." The genie says. You are hereby left with a wish you cannot use in any way or form.

I wish to be friends with the genie.

I wish I was omniscient and omnipotent.
Keep it short and sweet so she cant fuck you up the butt

The genie says "Yes Master." You now, in this very moment, know the answer to all questions that have been asked, are being asked or will ever be asked. The information is too much for your brain to comprehend. You go insane.

The clown from "IT" appears. It looks very horny.

The genie summons a door. Freddie Mercury comes out, whispers the truth of the question in your ear and leaves. The genie bids you farewell.

I wish that I was gay

I wish I was a sexy wish granting genie with free agency

I want whatever knowledge I need at the moment available to me in a conveinient form and to be able to switch this power on and off at will.

I wish anime was real

What if that's exactly what I want?

Also, I want a really hard rock that I can put it my pocket and it never becomes full, but like diamond hard or anything just like pretty hard

Rephrase as "I wish to be forever omniscient and omnipotent" might be better, in case miss genie tries to be a cunt and take it back or say you used to be.

I wish I was God.

I wish to have Deadpool and Mystiques abilities without the drawbacks.

The genie is flattered and says "Ok". She is however, a very bad friend and tries to screw you over for money while loitering around in your home leaving trash all over the place.

You are now beyond understanding of human emotion and has no desire as you can have all you want. You no longer need to desire anything for all there is is yours if you want it. This realization is too much for a mere human mind. You go insane.

The genie says she cannot grant that which already is, so she takes the other definition of "gay". You are now happy. For a while.

>mfw I'm the only one ITT who got two wished fulfilled :^)

Kazakhstan actually has a lot of pretty hot girls, so that sounds pretty good.

Yeah was this supposed to be great?

I wish people would stop being needlessly mean to each other.

I wish to become god.

I wish I lived in a fully automated luxury gay space communist society.

Eh, not the first time I've had a friend like that.

I wish for absolute omnipotence. There done the Genie canĀ“t do shit to me now.

I wish that I am the smartest person ever alive

If the genie looks like that my wish would be "I wish you were physically addicted to having my semen inside you".

I wish for the ability to take abilities from any work of fiction, be it movies, vidya, tv shows, books or manga, then make them real and use them myself.

If the genie wants to have a little side sex that's cool too.

I wish to relive my life but this time make better choices.

Fuck you, you're going to make the rest of us retards with that wish.

I wish that people stop browsing Sup Forums forever

fuck you, I went to fap after hearing about the fully automated luxury gay space communist society and I was still half thinking about it

You are now a sexy wishgranting genie who owns a non-profit organization. You are bound to the rules of the lamp and your company earns no money.

The genie agrees. You can switch this power on and off as you wish. The switch is located at the bottom of the Mariana trench. You may flick the switch as you wish when you reach it. It is currently set to "Off".

Anime is now real. Your wish is the reason anime exists to begin with. You created anime. Every otaku and weeaboo knows your name and who you are. You are their idol.

See You are now God. The God of poop to be exact.

You now have cancer and your skin is blue. Neither are a result of the abilities themselves, only additional mutations. You are looked at as a freak and shunned from society.

The genie must be my submissive and loyal slave

i wish for a box with an eternal dose of the fantasy drug called soma from the book "a brave new world"

I wish for an american average sized hoagie on my sturdy desk and you genie may have one too

I wish I was a tiefling that made humans within 1 foot desire anal sex according to their sexuality.

i wish to be made an immortal, free genie and that I can grant as many of my own wishes as i choose, with the genie i gained this power from becoming powerless immediately afterwards.

>You now have cancer and your skin is blue. Neither are a result of the abilities themselves, only additional mutations. You are looked at as a freak and shunned from society.

Fam tbh even without me specifying no drawbacks, since I have the shapeshifting abilities of Mystique I can just change to someone that isn't cancer ridden or blue. Which will make me look normal.

You can't go back and make your shit more specific

I wish to have the power of chaos, the power to distort and morph reality at my very own will, while (after granting this power) being immune to magic.

I wish for enhanced reflexes and dexterity.

I wish for a satisfying life, how I want it to be at this very moment.

I wish for not being burdened by law.

I wish for humanity being wiped out by a giant, worldwide fire, no place safe.

Choose one (or all?) to fuck me up

I wish for everyone to be as miserable as me

I wish you to be free genie with the soul bounded promise not to harm me

What about your parents and relatives

I wish for rule number one to be void and for more wishes. Checkmate

He said convinient

I'm a tiefling, obviously I'm not related to any humans.

I wish all teiflings have an irritating beeeeeeeep noise forever, fuck you user

I did, but I didnt specify the switch enough
But srsly if I can somehow prove this to anyone and they're able to hit that switch for me its gonna be a new age of information