




I would nuzzle these balls.

That's pretty gay.

Gracious balls

You know it~

Goddammit I meant


mmmm that male wardrobe malfunction

I'll >> you.

i love to succ but every time I find a guy on grindr/CL they always have a tiny dick :(


The only people on grindr/CL are old men.

you can weed out the old pervs with pics but at the end if the day if you love to succ you gotta settle for small cocks RIP


That is not something that happens.


not sure what you mean

as far as I can tell the quality of dicks depends more on where you live than anything else


Typically if you have pics, you get bothered more by old, ugly men.
The midwest has a youth drain and its like Florida. Old people fucking everywhere.




yeah im in MN, can confirm


Unfortunate love life.

Better start suckin old cock to save up to move.



living on the east/west coast doesn't sound that great tho :(

I want to see the Void, but there's only one theater showing it in town, and only twice a day.


Then you're fucked.

Or not fucked, in this case.




Hey Luc.




Hey League.

hey snarf, how are you?

Bored, another 3 1/2 hours on shift. But setting up a date on Weds with hunnibuns.

oh, well at least you have that to look forward to!




Tie a ribbon on League's balls.

but why

This is not an A E S T H E T I C thread.
Post aesthetics, not pron.


Because its spicy to do so

everything is boring.


I'll A E S T H E T I C you.

Because you know you want to.


You're boring.

>A E S T H E T I C S

>A E S T H E T I C S

My butt doesn't



Yes, daddy

hi guys
anyone else's life still intact here


i know. i dont find anything fun these days. except typing on mx blues, thats still fun. and loud. i hope i dont annoy people by using it...

well thats your butt


>Asking dumb questions

i've been gone for a millennia. gotta make sure.

>This entire thread

get a GRIP skeletor


But I don't


i am homo queer


If only it were so simple.
I was born without knuckles. I have always envied my classmates and their curved fingers, being able to write, eat, and open doors. My fingers are just straws sticking straight out like edward scissorhands; only my fingers are chubby, so i'm more like edward sausagehands.


incest is the best put your dad to the test


Shitpost central

Imagine how I feel. I had to deal with the torment of hundreds of ignorant students who would plays hijinks on me all day. They used to tape my fingertips together and laugh as I struggle to unstick myself, or they would greet me with handshakes every day. Handshakes. Think back to all of the embarrassing handshakes you've ever given in your life. That was every day for me.














I want to suck each and every single dick out there, do you think that can be arranged?


