>I'm not OP but I'm making the thread and linking it since he isn't.

Other urls found in this thread:

No tuna edition kek

no fucking tuna i will report any tuna mothercuckers

Ima chargin another BASC Archiver.

Tuna, its whats for dinner.

UPDATE: Roomate has found my Fleshlight and is fucking it furiously on my bed


I came here to let you white boys know how good I am for your gains

Fucking kek


muh mercry

You're not op

Op pls be here



ur not my reel dad


I said it before in the other thread.
Doesn't change the fact that consumption of to much tuna leads to health problems caused by mercury.

LAXATIVE TIME BOMB OP, are you here yet?

hey hey hey.....



I wasn't your real dad either, but you insisted on calling me daddy..

Roommate has ejaculated into my jizz sock, smells like tuna, now I have freddie mercury poisoning

You do concede defeat though yes? No one has died of tuna overdose and no one ever will. So 'eat it sparingly' is fear mongering.

Doesn't change the fact that you're a gullible autistic tinfoil hatting retard.

Get out.

Hey, brah, I think I'm smelling, at least I think it is......sure enough, I smell MERCURY goddammit.

I will rape you your whole family any pets you have then slit my throat

is Biggie Cheese in here?

UPDATE: Laxatives were tuna based, roommate rushed to hospital with mercury poisoning, now I have all the tins to myself

Yes daddy please don't be mad

Enough with the freakin' tuna guys. Next thing is someone is recording this entire dicussion and tuna becomes a new "joke" for edy 12 year olds that think they're cool hating on furries and weebs.

OP here just snuggling up to room mate waiting for the shit to start flying

Right here I walked into the room now what

careful the tins might turn you gay!!

Nothing's happening yet. He's just doing some other shit right now. Praying, guys.

I'm already quite mad.

Call the channel 117 news chopper in here... I want local news posts of this faggot roommates obituary


You can tuna piano but you can't tuna fish

Does the actual OP have an update yet?

right, is that Brie in your pocket or are you Havarti to see me?

Maybe. Actually give me some pics for proof

>tfw tuna is closer to a woman than I've ever been
Should I take the tuna pill lads?
Is mercury a meme?

What's the difference between roast beef and Pea soup
you can roast beef but you can't pea soup

Every time I read a tuna post, I hear it in these voices

You can tuna piano but you can't tune mercury poisoning

Now waiting on Faggot OP to give us an update on his faggot-no-dick-roommate

Yes. Nothing yet, be patient.

what laxatives did you use...

most take quite a while. like 24h.

UPDATE: Roommate is not dolphin safe, choking his chicken of the sea

Looks like we're in for the long haul, then

>enough mercury to kill a 1000 men

Do I have to be spanked daddy? I'm really sorry

Old thread 404'd. KEK OP-wan you're my only hope.


Don't know, don't care. Make sure you choose your puns Caerphily.



take a creep photo of that douchebag roommate of yours... give you fellow anons some hope!

don't mind me or my wife lads, just putting this tuna back into the sea

>mercury is in fish
>mercury causes health problems
>but as long as the mercury isn't the cause of death, it's okay to eat as much as you want, you'll never get sick or have seizures or lose a kidney or have to need a liver.
It's still fucking poison. So if I stabbed you but you died from fear of being stabbed then I didn't murder you?
It's not "fear mongering" what am I trying to scare you from? Eating fish to much? Spending money on fish? Fishing? You also get radiation from flying, maybe you don't want to fly to much to avoid cancer. It's something to take into account of your life. And people HAVE gotten mercury poisoning from fish Jeremy Piven for example for eating sushi every fucking day of his life, he didn't die from it though since he got treatment.
Gullible how? Did the Jews trick me with subliminal advertising user? The fda controlling us by making us fear the almighty tuna gods?

It's fish. It's not perfectly healthy. You wouldn't be shocked if the FDA said eating to many cookies made you at risk for obesity.

I'm doing the TUNA CHALLENGE right now, fish fuckers!

Dare to do a whole can!

What did I do daddy? I'm really sorry...

Damn you guys are fucking retarded

Social anxiety tuna is fresh af

Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser,” and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world. Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment. When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3×5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes.” This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.

>be me
>eat roommate's food because he is beta faggot
>beta keeps buying food cuz muh gainz
>faggot roommate buys new drink
>says it's the new flavor for protein shake
>drink that shit up cuz muh gainz
>hear a rumble and a tumble in my stomach
>oh shit run to the bathroom
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur

>long haul
>not the longline
one job

i used to eat atleast a can of tuna a day.

>then i took an arrow to the knee

tuna is a fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I killed you haha gay

You're a goddamn faggot

Go to sleep, you should be sober when you wake up.

Trips don't lie...I'll talk fish with you, homie.

What the fuck?? That's not OP. He didn't type like that

Is op kill?
>Too much tuna

No wonder none of you guys leave your house, tuna scares you

nice maymay

I guess you could say, this guy's..... fishing for compliments

I'm sorry daddy please forgive me

I could die from eating chicken if I ate enough of it.
No one is going to eat enough tuna to get health problems from it so your argument is pointless. If I ate enough poppy seed buns id die of cyanide poisoning.

I see what you did there, you're very sharp. That was a Gouda pun indeed.

Do you not recognize one of the oldest copypastas?

Gettin schooled on tuna

Too soon, bro.

Death by heavy metals. Lol there are people having lead bullets in their body and not dying. You don't get how heavy metals work or? They block enzymes. Means it weakens your body but won't kill primary

Can't remember right now, sorry man :(

OP is a confirmed FAGGOT. no update creepshot or timestamp/his tits or dick. RIP.

Having huge chunks of lead in you is different to micrograms of mercury over years and years idiot. Stop clutching at straws and post tuna memes like all the cool kids are.

Thanks. Now lemme sit down and live my life forever Provolone.

I'm literally just grabbing these off the internet. I'm not grate at puns.
That too was taken...

Abandon thread

yeah I am feta up with OP's bullshit!

I got heavy metal poinsonin once had to stop listnin to SLAYER

OP the fug are you doin

let the magic work an op will deliver


Heavy metals can't nearly get out of body. Only candida mushroom detoxes a little bit. If you eat micrograms over years you will have grams in body after centuries

But people HAVE gotten mercury sickness of of fish, tuna being the primary one. That's why the concern was brought to the FDA and why they recommend limiting your consumption to allow your body to get rid of it rather than build up.
The thing about mercury is it is a fat soluble metal. It gets absorbed very easily but it exits your body slowly. It builds up over time, people have gotten sick consumption of fish, is the largest reason for mercury related sicknesses. It's not an epidemic by any means, just something to aknowledge.


fuck you all, tuna can KILL

OP was never a real person, was Charlie The Tuna tricking us into not eating his family

>Real OP
Some idiot pretending to be OP, fuck you.
I can hear him burp lol