Russian pacific coast

What the fuck happens there, why does almost no one live in this region? I mean it has a beautiful coastline
Does any Russianon live there? It is a nice place to live in?

Other urls found in this thread:

>why does almost no one live in this region
retarded question

>It is a nice place to live in?
Vladivostok is alright, other cities not so much probably.


I find this one of the most fascinating places on the planet.

I don't think it's any mystery why nobody lives there outside of Vladivostok though.

Why not? The coasts are not as cold as Siberia for example

Vladivostok is fucking awful


Wow, a westerners who knows that Siberia and Russian Far East are 2 different things.

Vladiwostok is one of the biggest russian citys

And Tagesschau covered in there russia blog (Ost Blog) an interesting documentation of Kamtschatka
Can only recomend it

>far away from big population centers
>all settlements basically polluted mining colonies like vladivostok

Really made me think. Not a diaspora? Please accept my claps.

I'm a 175cm man.
Do you think I could get a Russian gf from there?

Volcanoes are one of the main reasons I want to visit this place

Beautiful skyline, none the less.

I read about it here


ooooooo that's good, that's good

what going on on vladivostok ?

russian women are overrated


I'd knock your teeth out svecocuck

>implying you would be able to reach my mouth

Is it a volcano? Does it shake here often?


It's a pretty good place to visit from what i've heard, though expensive depending on what you want to see.

They have oil extraction communities in Sakhalin where the neighbohoods are pretty nice.

Chukotka is supposed to have a super-high HDI due to oil activity but it's not clear if it helps out most Chukotkans or just sone oligarchs and foreign contractors.

Kamchatka is basically like southern Alaska with salmon runs and volcanoes.

There's supposedly some area-51-level shit in Magadan

The Chinese and North Korean borders are a little fucked because they were defined by rivers and since then those rivers have shifted

The most valuable part of owning the Kurils for Russia is that the Sea of Okhotsk is practically a Russian lake with all the resource benefits that entails.

The Kurils also make for a nice gateway to launch Russian ships into the Pacific & beyond without having to inform or alarm Korea and Japan of that activity.

Seems to be the coldest part of Russia, actually

Then give me a french gf

175cm is tall for a Japanese

You are foreigner from the first-world country. It will be pretty easy for you.

Do you have 1750万円 in the bank?
Money matters more than most things to women.

Trying to make yourself feel superior to others base on something entirely out of someone's control like height is fucking pathetic.
Just how insecure are you?

Why don't you move there and tell us?

holy fuck we have a triggered manlet here

Just how insecure are you?

I don't live there so i'm not sure. But it's an active volcano.


can't handle the cold pajeet?

>if you're having a laugh you're insecure!!!11!

Stop projecting abo, no one is getting their feelings hurt except you

It doesn't look like real world to me. I have never seen mountains in real life. I mean Russia and mountains are separate concepts in my head.

>They have oil extraction communities in Sakhalin where the neighbohoods are pretty nice.
Afaik the Russian government offers free land in that region to get more people to move there. It sounds like a good offer but I imagine it'd be pretty hard to learn Russian and get the citizenship

Fuck off disgusting manlets
t. A non-insecure 6"5 man

Eastern Russia seems to be very mountainous

That looks fucking incredible.
It would be amazing if one day in the future all of these places around the were connected via an efficient and cheap high speed transport system which preserved the environment so people outside of the specialised workforces living there could get an opportunity to take in the environment.
I bet if the average person was able to really see the world as it is, we would have far less stupid bullshit stemming from masses of people who are afraid to leave their little bubble of a world and the subsequent worldview.

>Stop projecting
That's exactly what you were doing by randomly sperging out about someone's height in a completely off topic manner. Nearly as cancerous as the American above your post.
Are you merely a teenager and thus posting like one or an extremely insecure adult who is wiling to go out of his way to make a completely off topic cock of himself in order to mock someone over something entirely arbitrary in order to give yourself a fleeting feeling of superiority?
If the former, you're not old enough to be here. If the latter, you're fucking pathetic. Either way your entire presence in this thread is off topic and cancerous.

As for the Canadian, well, he's Canadian.

Most of the mountains are in Asia, yeah.

The "Japanese" guy stated his height as if that mattered, why else would he even mention that? Then I made a simple manlet joke that was supposed to end there but oh no here comes the triggered aussie.

American "bantz"

Didn't Russia want to give Jews a piece of land in the east?


Khabarovsk looks comfy



>jews in the west roasted
>jews in the east freezing

wew lad

It looks amazing desuuuu

polish death camps

>Dat cruiser







>German flag
>is actually a putinbot
every time


>Russian flag
>It's a mad sosach refugee
Too often for my taste.

I did not mention Putin (or anything related to politics) once. I just asked some questions about the far east because I literally never hear of that part of the world despite it being 20x larger than Germany

>starts a thread about Russia
>posts cherrypicked images
sure thing, Ivan



Most of the pics are posted by another German

Love these things.

Also, how does posting volcanoes make me a Putinbot, I don't understand you




Next time be more subtle, Pyotr Petrovich. Maybe choose a different flag.


Chilean cley, t b h.




>you will never live in a huge country full of diverse nature where there are actually places where you don't see other people every 10 m




This place looks amazing.

Has anyone here ever ridden the trans-siberian railroad? What is it like?



What happens in Хaбapoвcк and Maгaдaн?

Anadyr this winter.
Cъeби нaхyй c cвoим Пyтиным, иди в дpyгoй мecтo нa cвoeгo кapликa дpoчи, ayтиcт.

This honestly looks like fantasy setting.


It's pretty boring if you don't get off the train, 7 days of vodka.

Blagoveshchensk/Блaгoвeщeнcк seems nice. It's on the Chinese border and I'm guessing you can just walk into Heihe and buy cheap chink shit and go back to Russia

Probably seems a lot better in my mind than it is irl


A мoжeт лyчшe тeбe cъeбaть c бeзлюдными oбpaзцoвo пoкaзaтeльнными дepeвнями?

Looks comfy.

Heт, я вce тaки нe мoгy пoнять.
Tpeд o дaльнeм вocтoкe, пocтят кapтинoчки пpиpoды и гopoдoв. Tyт вpывaeшьcя ты c cвoим вcpaтым хyйлoм и нaчинaeшь щитпocтить, cпpaшивaeтcя, нaхyя?

It's because of big distances between settlements there.

For instance, the distance between Vladivostok and Khabarovsk is like 17,000 km.

>tfw glorious nature and wildlife
>tfw too broke to visit/ too far remote

also naturelet countries (europeans) btfo

пyтинбoты out

>Tpeд o дaльнeм вocтoкe, пocтят кapтинoчки пpиpoды и гopoдoв.
Двe зaлyпки фopмиpyют, чтo тaм пидopaхи живyт, нe oтбиpaйтe иcкoннo япoнcкиe зeмли нy нe нaдo.