"Leader of the free world"

"Leader of the free world"
embarrassing tbh fam

He's a great president. Give me a reason not to believe so. Other than "MUH DIVERSITY"

kek keep trying. maybe 6 or more threads you'll get more attention.

Dr Eggman

Oh no he has hair problems, Every other president has had a full set of hair........



res ipsa you sad pawn

>He's a great president
wew lad

. .

back to Sup Forums with you.

we don't need your cuck shills here



He's a disgrace and an embarrassment.

...but not because of OP's pic. He's balding and it's windy, who fucking cares. This is why nobody likes us dems and liberals. We have more legitimate fodder against trump than we'll ever need and what we choose to use is "old man, in fact, going bald" and "from this angle, president appears to throw hat away from owner".

Come on guys, he's making this as easy as anyone could and we're still not getting it

He's not the leader of the free world. Ever since he was elected that title went to Angela Merkle or however you spell it

Come on now. Trump is a lot of things but racist to niggers he is not.

Bad shoop is bad user.




Guys the election ended a while ago, nobody is posting useless memes anymore sorry.



this. maybe if everyone poops their pants he will resign.











Triggered much?







LOL the KKK is a southern white trash phenomenon...trumps were rich northern yankees & would never be caught dead with southern trash




>100s of pissbaby butthurt threads
no problem
>call attention to 100s of pissbaby butthurt threads










>posts over and over in threads he doesn't like

Yeah triggered.














The Trumpist asian chick psycho is at it again.
One more proof that altright Trumpsters don't have a life outside their basements.







Before January was over, the idiot Drumpft send SEAL Team 6 in to shoot up a bunch of civilians in search of "important ISIS intelligence". His goons killed real US citizens -- one was this poor eight-year-old -- and came back with a piece of ten-year-old video that suposedly was extremely valuable. (How? Did it show that Shillary and Mossad created ISIS or something?) Then he sent missiles into Syria in retalliation for the killing of some "beautiful children" by US-backed insurgents using US-supplied sarin gas.

From POTUS to POS in a hundred days.








This shit right here my dudes




Syrian Gov. used chemical weapons, not insurgents.

mfw he paid money to be able to shit post faster on a Chinese picture website










