New faceapp thread

new faceapp thread


Fuck Hitler

me r8 plz


This is still my fave pic.

I would too

Damn I'd totally fuck hitler in his tasty bunghole



just girl filter, girl + hot, and girl + 2x hot

starts to look pretty fake on the first hot filter


Hot filter+girl filter+hot filter+sense of shame at looking like a gamer gurl.

too bad the app doesn't recognize sucking faces. it would be nice if some of these ladies sucked a
banana, a dildo or even a dick for us.

tori black=brendan fraser


Im pretty sure that literally a picture of someone that the app uses it has like sample library of faces and its chooses one and then interpolates it with the original

The fucking shit I do for this fucking thing I swear to fucking God...

Anyone tried with the JUST pic yet?

i only used girl and hot because of beard.

they say I look like a bimbo but the beard messed up my nose, but eyes look good I think.

What do you all think?


i love tori black


Your face looks like a cheap mask



she cleans up nicely


I'd cum on that

yess they are so similar! did tory did any scene to impersonate godess natalie?

mmm which part?

Preferably between the eyes and down her nose and lips

Yeah, about that...

Fucking nice that's hot af

what? fapping to what?



Hah, crazy it worked. You're truly a pioneer pushing the boundaries user.

Fucking hell m8, perfect.

7/10 keep going.



>being attracted to fetal alcohol syndrome

i will wait until it falls slowly down on my lips.
then i will take the rest on my fingers and then
lick it.

that's so hot....

where is my faceapp waifu tonight

You Genius bastard.

how many step does it take to make an Anne Frank out of Hitler?

Is there a way to stack them on the fly or do you have to save a new pic each time

please dont fap to me thats not what I posted it for!

Uh I think you're mistaken.

Hello there :)

Rate fags

Why havnt you done anymore??

Stacy a qt.


i will fite u for her

Thank you!

>looks like m.j.

how many times did you process the image over and over?

Give it to me straight, Sup Forums.

only girl and hot, thats it, but it came out like some bimbo. but also I had a beard at the time so it messed it up.

whats so funny?

i'd rather give it to you gay

post original


well I did one new one today, but its just the same face every time, i dont really see the point of doing a bunch of pics
is the new one

still hot

7/10 not bad at all, let's see another.

cute girl on the left. who is she? any nudes?

nobody knows who she is and no she doesnt have any nudes

Thank you user :)

Trying putting your hair up or something.

Too late already came on her


>that fucking smug smile

so fucking punchable

Its almost exactly the same, sadly. Like exactly scept a little bit of lighter skin. it shows beard.

thats it, I guess it just picks up it as some kind of bimbo type sorry.


Do it bitch

girl's so hott she should do porn.



lying fuck post original

Your just trolling dont say that because My picture isnt that good looking just the eyes so you couldnt imagine much but the eyes.

Fuck you

i put my hair up and this is what I got

8/10 very good.

Pretty sure? How would it work otherwise?
You can be sure with the smile option in black and white photos


Just do some weird shit, see what happens. Half the fun is seeing what you can make this thing do.


fine geez, see, its the same, why is it so important.

Noo not at all, I don't know why you keep saying that. You also need to make more trap pics damn it.

so it's not as much what you would look like as the opposite sex so much as it just looks like what you look like blended with a random person of the opposite sex that an algorithm has decided looks enough like you


Am I the only one around here that only used only female filter once and nothing else?

told you its uglier

you look deformed

I'm sorry, but your original has been filtered at least ten times too.

Creepy baby man/10

Would have nightmares again.

yes its the beard I know.