Does anyone have the Daddy0five youtube vids? They took them all down

Does anyone have the Daddy0five youtube vids? They took them all down.

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want to see the tablet smashing video.

I feel bad for them but I also understand why they're getting so much hate

you got the one where they break the tablet and push him into the bookshelf?

It's in Philip defrancos last vid

Why do you feel bad for them?

h3h3 has the one where the push the kid unto a shelf.

I guess because I don't think they really deserve this much hate. I know they're shitty people but there are a lot of shitty people

Honestly a lot of their shit was pretty funny


Yeah but at least they don't post it online and then wonder what went wrong.

Yeah? well fuck you for disagreeing
this shit is really disgusting

True. But to that point I really don't believe they thought they were doing wrong. I know people like them that just aren't aware. They're white trash and they probably believed they were trying to toughen their kids up and have fun

Thank you user

just fucking wow..what a piece of shit

So what happened? Did the cops give a shit, or did YouTube just decide to cover their asses?

They also have another channel called MommyOFive where dad could have shot his own son

If Sup Forums manages to get a strong hold on it, anything could happen

they took down all their vids and made a video claiming it's fake

supposedly child services is getting involved now

here's their IT'S A PRANK BRO response

She's such a disgusting pig

i hope this faggot and his fat cunt wife gete beaten badly BADLY and i hope whoever does it streams it and posts videos of it everywhere. would be a hero.

And the dude is the lead singer of System of a Goat

does the mom sounds like a pig when she screams?

But its just a prank brah.

Beating is "okay"

Child removal, is in fact brutal

Pic related = future cody?



I'm waiting for the sequel when cody shoots their entire family as a "prank, bro".