I didn't realize this picture would gain so much popularity, I just wanted to test how Sup Forums would react...

I didn't realize this picture would gain so much popularity, I just wanted to test how Sup Forums would react. The code doesn't lead to anything, in fact I don't even remember what it means but I'm pretty sure the code on the picture leads to one of my old Kik accounts (Which from what I hear someone has been posing as me?) Ask me any questions you like about this. Also sorry if you were working on this hoping for something amazing, some people apparently thought I was Cicada lol. I'm flattered to be quite honest, but nah. Just some fag from Sup Forums. Have a lovely day!

Cock with time stamp?

wow going to kms now

Oh yeah, there are 2 other versions of this pic by the way. Sup Forums found one of them I used for my Duolingo account, the other has an American flag over it.

The fact that people created discords for this is funny

Bullshit. Fucking bullshit you cunt.

What was the code on the left hand side of the picture if you know it?

>the code
There's more than one code.

I believe it spelled out "Kik" and then my kik name of course, although I can't give too much away about the codes because I created them when I was 10 and used them very loosely thinking I was some clever hotshot and no one would ever find out what they meant, so it may contain some personal information on the web somewhere.

Oh I forgot I posted it with code in the original thread tbh, I was more focused on the pic.

No. It was like a ten numbers.

What codes behind the nose? And what word?

Yeah I saw that, pretty cool that I could move people to do that!

Bullshit cunt. What code then?

Actually I'm a female believe it or not (one of the few with brains nowadays haha), that's actually me in the pic!

Which ones are you referring to? I already said I'm not going to decipher it for you because it may be linked to personal information, and if I posted the ones that are already public - well, that's not really proof of anything!

well there goes 5 days of no sleep wasted

Haha yeah, sorry, I didn't want to lead anyone on for an entire week!

We had so many people working on this.
If the codes lead to something stupid we would've found it.
There's codes on the left hand side and behind the nose when fucking with the contrast of the picture.
I call bullshit. You don't even know whatyou put on "your own" picture.

What you mean it leads to your discourd , are you op?

Well I'll post the first layer of makeup that I did using Sketchbook (I believe the app was called) of the original pic, and another edit I made as well (be warned, I'm ugly!)

No fucking shit.
I call bullshit though. They magically can't explain the codes because they're personal. But still posts the codes on Sup Forums??? Fuck off

Please explain about the discourd

Well some lovely people (and 1 poser) decided to have a discord about this to discuss the codes! Give me a second to respond tho, I need to post proof.

OP, why'd you do this to us. I spent hours fkn days "deciphering" codes.

Here's one of the other edits I made for proof from the original picture, if you need another one just ask. (I think I actually deleted the first layer of makeup I did for this particular pic, but not for the one image that I'm posting in this reply)

Fuck you.

Actually hate you op :/

if you truly are OP, then why did this same thing pop up all across Reddit, and then those Reddit posts got deleted the moment they were found?

Sorry fam, can we be friends?


Blow me, bitch.

Well because I was watching the discord in invisible mode and I believe those were some of the codes that had personal information, but you did find out my name was Mae!

I'm not even 18 :(


We can still be friends! Right??

I'm sorry friend :(


Blow me secretly, bitch.

at least we had some fun these three days.


Oh and my kik is Snowmae, so spam away I suppose! (pls no spam) (Ask me questions there, but I won't answer any messages that have pics)

Tell us about the reddit shit


Haha that's cool, swastika is a bit much XD But I like the kekistani flag!

Fuck off. I hope you die slowly for 3 days.

Oh yeah, my duolingo pic! Btw I'm not that "Hunter" guy, you pretty much harassed an innocent man! LMAO! But I was the one with the "Corvus" profile pic.


i wasted hours of my time looking at pictures of dekus, looking up injured ducks, converting things with ciphers and trying to decipher stupid bullshit with quipqiup for this


Oh yeah, I put a Spanish flag on there because that was the language I was currently learning on DuoLingo!

Suck my ass

how about u modify some of your posts on duolingo or maybe delete your account

>inb4 OP is an eternity fag

Bro. I put so much effort into this also.
The anger and hatred I feel for this cunt...

If it wasn't Hunter then how did we trace the picture to him?

I'm a new fag, what's an eternity fag? Lol. Also I did change my pic to that spongebob thing with the monkey, give me a pic of pepe to change it to

I have no idea, honestly a lot of weird things have been happening with my picture including that haha! Maybe I created a cursed image?

You can rant me out on kik if you want! I don't mind :)

what were the other "clues" you posted in the original post?

Haha OP good joke. I honestly had fun, was really fun to work on xD

>I'm lying
>you owe me

Well the roman numerals of course, but don't trust any of the replies. There were some shit replicas and some very realistic posers! But I was just the original poster.



I would've laughed if the codes were deciphered into
"Reply to this post or your mother will die tonight"
That would've been a KEK moment..
But all that for nothing... wowow.


Tits or gtfo

Did someone say OP does a toastie steve????

Haha I should have done that! But then they found my other codes haha.


Well I guess that's a way to block some hate lol.

Hahahahhahaha, you don't get to have fun or agree with me.
I hate you more than I hate my hemorrhoids.

someone screencap this and make sure to have me in it

Oh well. Maybe I'll do another one of these in the future!

>one more thing op



Sorry for any trouble!

Next time I'll piss in your eyes and shit on your cat, try me.

I don't have a cat lol.

I'm shitting on a pussy either way.

Dear OPinette,

I would to point that you have made Sup Forums lose hope in following leads and unravel the net mysteries.

We understand the fact that this was an act out of your lack of dick and that ugly round face but we can live with it.

Best Regards,
PePe le grand.

PS: pls die

Kek, I'm only a child, of course I have a round face
oh and I'm fat too




Holy fuck, you're a child. That makes my hatred for you triple.

Why do you hate children? :(

Wow I replied so much, there's only 10 posters and 82 replies haha (guessing some of you replied more than once too)

Because I got trolled by a child for 4 days.
I lost sleep, did a pretty stupid amount of work on this. I put in a decent amount of effort, and got nothing.
I put more effort into this than my last relationship, if you were of age id demand nudes.

Which one were you in the discord chat?

Also is the discord still up?

So, what was all that roman numbers thing?

did you know that we can hunt you ?

>setvestevie stuff

someone screencap this

ay where's my discord homies at

Well you apparently couldn't hunt down the translation to the codes! (lol jk you guys did some pretty cool stuff and found some interesting stuff as well!)

i'm cdb, who were you?

Your a bitch but a clever one
So you get off this time

hirose here, but I got deleted, I guess dsah

Well they translated to numbers correct, the periods were spaces and the brackets modified the outcome of the number and so did the slashes, they translated to something but that's all I'll say!

Sploicer/storm, it was an honor shitposting with you lad


T'was an honor shitposting with you

Thank you!

same to you