Ok Sup Forumsros I need some advice

Ok Sup Forumsros I need some advice,

My Chinese gf and I have been together for four years and she thinks we should think of ways to change it up in the bedroom. I agree but..... one of my fetishes is thinking about her getting fucked by a black athlete.

She doesn't know this and I don't actually want her to get blacked. What is a good alternative that doesn't involve her actually fucking a nigger?

Fuck her with a nigger dildo

Fuck her with a nigger dildo

Fuck her with a nigger dildo

Fuck her with a strap on nigger dildo

Have her fuck you with a nigger dildo

You being the one getting fucked by a nigger just like you secretly desire but refuse to admit thereby channeling your sexual urges through your cuckold fetish

Maybe you could niggerfark her?

Send her my way. I'll paint my Dick black

OP here,

if you guys actually try to give me advice I'll post some pics of her.

one proof pic first, then I'll waste time trying to think of an actual response.


I'd watch her get blacked she's a qt

Have you tried a nigger dildo?

Some hits on a reverse image search, but I suppose I'll bite.

Well I kind of get where you're coming from. Do you know were the fetish originates from? Do you see the black athlete as a superior, more powerful male seducing your woman away from you? Or do you imagine her being ravaged against her will? Or perhaps you see blacks as mere beasts, and the idea of a semi human beast taking her excites you? The more details the better.

Start with a Mexican, they're basicly NIGGER lite

Tell her you're going to let her pick out a boyfriend that you can watch her fuck, then take her to a dog breeding kennel.

Pull a reverse Michael Jacksom

>do you see the black athlete as a superior, more powerful male seducing your woman away from you?

not really

>Or do you imagine her being ravaged against her will?

Ravaged? Yes. Against her will? No, don't want that.

>Or perhaps you see blacks as mere beasts

I don't like blacks that much tbh. Just the thought of her wanting to fuck a black athlete like NFL player is arousing idk.

Here is another pick of her.


enjoy your lady boy faggit

You can black her yourself!:

Lose your job, become unemployed;
Fuck her monkey style, Get her pregnant;
Leave her to raise baby, disappear forever from her and babies life.


Show her tits already.

I have some naughty pics of her, but I have to get some good responses itt before I post that kind of stuff.

It's not healthy dude. Stop

Well, here's a shot in the dark. What about some sort of violent surprise sex? Explain the situation (maybe leave out the black athlete cuckold part, but you do you) regarding surprise sex, set up a safe word ahead of time, wait a few weeks, then surprise her one evening by aggressively taking her, ideally so that she can't see you (in the dark, from behind, etc). Tear her cloths off maybe (avoid damaging the clothing probably, unless that plays into your fantasy), maybe violently take her from behind (or however your fantasy might play out). The act of mixing aggression and violence with sex turns some people on. I know all the Sup Forumstards are going to tell you to rape her but do know the boundaries involved.

It might be along the lines of what you're looking for, but again I can't possibly know for certain. Is this warmer, or colder?


You should try buying toys and bringing them into the bedroom.

Fuck off, kike.

Fuck her in Blackface.

Nah, people will call be beta but I like the woman to be the aggressor when fucking. Just my thing.

I just like the thought of her admitting that she's fuck one of those black athletes in the NFL or something. Not sure if I'd want it to happen in real life... maybe I would idk. Depends how horny I am. Sometimes I think I'd like to see it in real life but then sometimes I think no way.

Thats why I'm asking. Thought maybe Sup Forums could help me sort this out.

Thought about that, but if I bought a dildo that looked exactly like a black dude's dick she would probably know whats up.

Here's another pic for more responses


This is sounding like an unfleshed out cuckold fantasy. This unfortunately will probably require her to be informed of the nature of the fantasy in some fashion.

Her calling you (black) racial slurs during sex, or praising black cock when aggressively riding you? Warmer or colder?

Not a total cuckold thing. I don't think about just anyone fucking my gf. Has to be the NFL dudes. We both love the football so we talk about football players a lot. I'd never let just some random dude get with my girl.

I don't know if I could ever tell her this shit though. She might not be into it and leave me or something. Your second part is slightly warmer.

Maybe start with roleplays first?

Her praising big strong NFL men (maybe learn a few of their names, maybe not) while regarding you and your tiny average white cock with disdain?

Warmer or colder?

Oh she knows most of the players already. We both love the NFL and watch every game we can.

And no I don't want her to insult my dick. I'm not really into that.

Just want her to admit she wants to fuck one of those guys and talk about how she would if I let her or something like that idk. Just don't know how to bring something like this up.


Also lel at the filename

Make a black friend, invite him over for drinks and see what happens.


Also post more she's hot

To OP and anyone else interested:

I do shoops.

$5 for two.


Ask her: "Would you fuck (enter black NFL-Player's name here)?"
maybe add: ",if we weren't together" or sth along those lines.
So you'll be able to test the water.


How does this work

Yeah, that's a pretty good idea.

Or I was thinking I would send some porn of a black guy fucking an Asian girl and not mention the race of the people and see how she reacts to it.

OP, find a nice white girl, I'm sure she'd be happy to tell you about all the black dick she wants to suck.

Not OP but Wew She's hot. Would watch her get blacked.

You want this for her?

We keep a very distant interactions so this doesn't get weird.

You make up an email, I give you my paypal, for the first purchase I'll throw in an extra to get us off on the right business relationship.

You send me pics of girl and what you want to see, fetish, positions, whatever.

I send you pics, and repeat.

For the first purchase I'll send you that first free pic free before you have to buy the other two, just for you to know this is legit.

I'm a broke college student making money this way.
...OP I can shop your gf getting fucked by BBC if you'd like

Nah not into group shit.

Is that Audrey Benck?

you guys are hopeless. Listen up OP

Bring up roleplay: you will be (insert favorite NFL player here) and she will be a fan or a reporter or some shit.
She finds you in the locker room or whatever, figure it out, I'm not getting paid to write your fantasy.

Have her call you by (insert player)'s name and talk about how great "your" big black dick is, whatever does it for you.

Maybe start with the black dildo, and if she asks about the color just say it was all they had or it was the one they recommended or something like that.

Pretty good response here.

Have a pic of the gf.

Would you watch her get blacked?

You might just have to man up. I don't see this staying a secret. It's unlikely she'll just admit a burning passion for black NFL players. Figure out how to word it to communicate the message in the safest way possible.

eric2234522345 at gmail

I know. And I know it would spice up sex life too if she was on board with it but.... idk how to bring this shit up and I don't want her to not be on board and maybe leave me or some shit.

Btw would you watch her get blacked if you had a chance? or nah?

seems good

Asa Akira is Japanese you stupid fuck.


let's just assume you're not making shit up (if you do - nice bait dawg)
one question didn't come up once in the thread: did you ask her what she'd like to try? i mean if you're lucky its something you like. maybe not the cuck thing. but a big dildo saved my relationship once.so, toys, bondage, and fuck her with a nigger dildo.

Korean? looks like the blue house to me cheong wa dae

We went to South Korea last summer but she is Chinese.

I'll shoot you an email tomorrow.
Don't hold back on requests, the cuckold/BBC shoops are pretty common
Get at me

Just take a black sharpie and color your dick black

You bet your ass.

Start general and get more and more specific depending on how receptive she seems.

"what do you think of roleplay?"

"Tell me some fetishes of yours (add and I'll tell you mine if needed)"

You mentioned that she brought up spicing up the sex life, right? Ask her what ideas she has. Broach the subject, take your time, wander over to what you want to talk about in due natural course. No rush. Take several conversations if you need (don't force them though, that would be weird and if she detects that you are getting at something, when you finally do bring up the subject she might know you were angling at that all along)

I have asked her that, but just in a general way and she always just brings up different positions she wants to try and stuff like that.

Why not blackface?

start by fucking her in front of a mirror

tell her you like seeing her get fucked

say you wonder what it'd be like seeing someone else fuck her

see if the idea seems to excite her

work the black part in later - take it one step at a time

Op, I have yellow fever. I would rape her till she's unconscious and impregnate her tight little Asian womb with my 7.5" Hispanic cock.

Lel I feel like I should be mad you want to see my gf get fucked by a black athlete guy but that would be hypocritical of me at this point. :)

You are definitely getting warmer with this post. Have a pic

This is a pretty good idea.

Maybe I could bring up her fucking a black football player she likes without mentioning his race at all and see what she says.

Mmmm I love me some tight little Asian ass. Stroking this 7.5" Hispanic cock to your Chinese gf round spankable ass.

does she sound like shes crying when you fuck her OP? asians usually sound like that when you put it to them real hard

Who is this? Model? Pornstar?

You could even bring it up in more neutral way. Maybe start it as a game. "If you could pick any celebrity to fuck, who would it be?" Then maybe you answer that same question. Go several times until you hit a black man. Or if you don't, flow into "In an ideal world, what would your perfect man look like?" If you think you're in hot water, describe your perfect woman as being a gorgeous Chinese girl. Try to project confidence, be non nonchalant.

There's more than one way to skin a cat.

Ask her to masturbate in front of you with a Dildo and you'll masturbate to it.

Tell her you want to "masturbate together".

Or, do one of those "Fuck or no" games, and have the other pick people (alternating between the two of you presumably). Start off with classic picks, maybe brad pitt or some shit. Then, suddenly you get the idea to start naming football players. Make sure to avoid a pattern of black NFL players, but include a few to gauge a reaction.

This is a good idea too.

I could get one of those dildos with the suction cup on the end and watch her ride it. But Idk if she will suspect something since the dildo will look like a black dude's dick.

Get a purple one then. Close enough...

Getting warmer with these ideas.

You lads might be on to something.

Also something I worry about with this.

What if she's on board and maybe I finally get to the point where I set her up with some black athlete( We live in a college campus area so this could probably be arranged) and the dude is a walking stereotype with a 9 incher and porn moves in bed with her and she leaves my ass for this dude.

Do I risk it?

More pics of the gf.

only you can make that decision. One school of thought is

"If that situation arises and she leaves you, she wasn't worth it anyways, so best to find out now" (more of a romantic school of thought),

another might be "I set her up with a big powerful black man, and now I can never satisfy her again and she left me. I am the agent of my own destruction, I sabotaged myself." (more of a practical school of thought)

Which are you?


Shit, I'd be thinking a combo of both. If she loves me she will still stay. I mean, I let her fuck this black bastard anyways.

Also, since you actually tried to give some advice on this, I would definitely post some pics of her getting "blacked" for you.

If you actually wanted to see that.

OP there's nothing wrong with being gay for black NFL players but why drag this nice girl through your own repressed homosex fantasies?

Just go get a college or highschool football player and pay them to let you suck their cock, you'll be fine

consider that she may think less of you if you let other men have her (it could even turn her off to you).

Alternatively, she may be delighted (even if not right away) that you would let her have other men (preferably big black stallions).

Consider the costs and the benefits, weigh your options carefully, then make your move. It may not work out, but at least you can say "I did everything within my power to approach this sensibly, only hindsight is 20/20".

But first, I get the feeling that you haven't got your own feelings on the matter ironed out, let alone what she thinks. Before you make a move, try to be introspective. Figure out what you really want, why you want it, and maybe where it may be coming from. For example, a rape fantasy may come from suppressed sexual aggression (a beta who wishes he was alpha) or a desire to be in control, or because of something else entirely. It may not matter much, but knowing the whats and whys, ironing out exactly what you are feel and why you feel it, can help you avoid making a stupid mistake that sabotages your relationship.

Figuring out after the fact that you didn't REALLY want a black man to cuck you, just that you like the idea of it, is something you probably want to avoid. Or, if you bring it up, she likes the idea, then you change your mind could be less than ideal as well. Or any other variation of events. Have your end figured out before trying to move forward.

Thoughts? Only you can figure this out. Others will only be able to help you so far.

Well she's hot. Anything, blacked or otherwise, would be cool. What are you getting at though, do you already have pictures, or are you posting them here sometime in the future, or do you want a burner email or what? I don't come to Sup Forums very frequently.

I definitely like thinking about it and the idea of it.

I might like to see it happen in reality ONE TIME. And that's only if she stays with me and doesn't keep doing it behind my back.

I have some "naughty" pics of her that I'm not sure I want to post on here. Not us having sex or anything but just of her.

I could send some to you if you want and when I bring this up casually, if she get on board that is, and gets blacked eventually, I'll send you some pics.

Although, I wouldn't want them spread around online but if you want to see her fuck the athletic black dude then I could send ya some.

Not him but do you really want to see a black football player fuck OP's Chinese gf?

see above email
I've never personally had the need to spread embarrassing pictures of women around just to hurt them, or as a power play, like some of the others I see here on this board/website. But I can assure you all day how great I am, there is always a risk involved. Appreciate the thought either way, wouldn't mind continuing to correspond. I don't check my burner email terribly often at any rate, though if I have cause too I'll probably check it more. Let me know what you decide.

Sure, why not?

err the below email oops

Ummm because it's a nigger fucking a pretty Chinese girl?

A Nigger doesnt deserve to fuck that.

Cool, I'll send some pics you'll like to that email.

And thanks for not judging me. Idk why I think its so arousing to think about a black NFL player fucking my gf. It just sounds hot for her to want that. Especially if he plays for my favorite team lel.

Oh btw, what kind of solo pics do you want?

And if she ever gets blacked, what angles would you want to see?

Can you post some more teasers for the rest of us OP?

Her working out