Ask a truck driver anything

Ask a truck driver anything.

Are you concerned about your job security? You know with the inevitable future of driverless trucks and all

what is it like to have the worst job in the world?

do you drive a big truck?

What do you drive?

How many guys have you fucked you deranged psychopath

Why do you all drive away with hoses in you tank at a cardlock, how dumb are you?

what do u do for a living?

Do you have T-Mobile and stream shit all day while driving?

Not one bit. Pretty sure there will always be a back up driver in case of malfunction.

I disagree... best job I've ever had. It pays well and you pretty much have your own space with no one breathing down you neck.

Have you ever gotten you dick sucked by a toothess crack whore in the back of a Pilot or TA?

Does the Pope shit in the woods?

whats the job like, how long does it take to get decent pay. Im thinking of taking this up becasue my life just really isnt going anywhere and being a warehouse grunt is starting to ware me down.I need a job where I can just collect a paycheck for a year while I figure out what I wanna do with my life

I hear there are a lot of underage hookers at truck stops. Is that so?


Negative... I've considered it. But nah

Do you keep a log of how many hours/miles for the cops and another for the pay?

If so, how do you feel about GPS able to track you now that you can't get away with putting in less for the cops and more for the pay

how's the pay?
how hard is it to get into?
Does it get boring or do you have a nice enough truck setup that it's not bad?

How much do you weigh

>over 250

Not that I've seen. I don't actively look for hoes.

My step-dad is a truck driver

Where's my fucking package?

Why do you fuck boys preach to everyone to leave you room, then ride people like they have a thousand dollar bill strapped to their bumper.

>Why do you all drive away with hoses in you tank at a cardlock, how dumb are you?

I mean, they are truck drivers, after all...

nobody recognizing this get?

nobody cares

Do you listen to coast to coast on those late night hauls

Why the hell do you guys drive like you're the only vehicle on the fucking highway?

Is it worth it? I got my road test coming up in a few weeks. I want to do local but I'm nervous as fuck about not finding a job. What advice would you give to new drivers, generally speaking

I make about 1200 a week. I work for Fedex. They pay the drivers very well.

Ever seen any aliens?

stupid question, driverless cars surely won't be a thing for at least two generations.

"Do you know how fast you were going?"

That's pretty good, how many hours are you working per week? Is it local or otr? Did you have experience before getting this job?

what will you do in 3 years when truck driver jobs will be cut in half?


Because those drivers that do that push there log hours to the limit. Sadly it's all to common. They give us professional drivers a bad name.

OP, do you ever overwork? if so, by the way, which is your country and if you do, what you do to stay awake or get the job done?

I do service center to service center m-f with weekends off. It's a pretty sweet gig.

Union or non-union?

doubt it, right now is a great time to get into it. All the old timers are going to retire. If you're young and have little experience you are likely to have job opportunities all the time

What do you think of E-logs? If you say anything but "It's fucking bullshit" you're a bitch.

Not him, but fedex freight is non-union

Non-union. Fuck that shit.

Yep I'm your typical fat ass truck driver.

Not overly relevant tbh. I'm 255 but I'm 6'3 with a big frame. If you eat properly, you can maintain a decent body type.

That's a pretty sweet setup bro for 60k. Sounds pretty stress free and satisfying. Good for you man.

I have the luxury of not having to worry about that,

Hypothetical: Let's say a guy in his mid-twenties fucked up his life and gave up on society, now all he wants to do is hitchhike around the country sucking cocks and playing shitty music in shitty dive bars. Would people in the trucking profession aid in such a scenario? Or is it more of a fantasy than anything else?

Do you bully drivers? I always give right of way to truck drivers cause they're 'at work,' so I chose not to fuck with them.

Every now and then though, they're total pieces of shit. I drove by a 2 trailer truck this week and the back trailer was swinging like a whip @ 80mph and I was just , wtf is this guy thinking?

I've heard that job is 100% no touch too. Is the truck auto or manual? What region do you live in?

I mean, if you're a daycab fedex driver it doesn't matter. I'm a long haul canadian driver for a fairly shady company. I've worked for an E-log company and fucking hated it. I'll take loose leaf any day of the week.

How do you have sex when away?

good way to get aids

strong syndicalism?

Not his fault, the back trailer was likely empty and they tend to swing a LOT.

To be fair, you shouldn't be doing 80 in a semi to begin with. That's dangerous as fuck

Turns out, hypothetical guy doesn't care. He's gonna eventually an hero anyway, probably.

Do you sleep

Can you guys stop showing up 20 minutes before our fucking shift ends forcing us to try and get 20 skids off the trailer in around 15 minutes. Either show up earlier or fuck off till overnights can unload it.

Where the fuck is my package

What are your thoughts on cummies?

How do you feel about us 4 wheelers with CB radios?

Misread.. thought it said 80 mph winds.

I run a large fleet of drivers, AMA.

Having attended the conferences concerning this, no one will have autonomous trucks for a long time, possibly forever.
We're moving towards driver assisted trucks, where the driver becomes secondary to the suite, but is still essential.
But, that doesn't sound as interesting to management/the public as driverless trucks.

Truck driving is a rewarding career for the right person, great pay for CPK/M runs, great opportunity to O/O and write a shit ton off on tax, it's an industry that will always exist in one scale or another.


If you're not willing to put in the effort, you will be stuck as a RTC (RoundTownClown), and if you have no experience you will spend at least a year as a RTC regardless.
The job doesn't start paying well until you get on the long distance runs, and that's not considering the 2K that it will cost to get your required licenses (CDL in the US, LR, MR, HR, HC, MC in Australia) plus up to two years depending on your license status.

Depends on the route, FMCG long haul is littered with them due to the frequency of transit.
They don't wear stripper clothes, they just hang around truck stops and will come onto drivers in the roadhouse, most roadhouses tend to turn a blind eye because a lot of drivers only stop at their favourite girl's stop.
We actually had to put out a company bulletin to let guys know they could go to prison for this shit.
Cops don't monitor fatigue, industry and regulatory bodies do - logistics has been leading the way in consumer GPS for a long time, the fleet I run has been 24/7 monitored since the 90's.
If you ever have that happen, call the company and ask to speak to fleet control/management - due to liability the company and management are liable for shit like that as well and they will tear the driver a new one, particularly if the truck is fitted with a camera.

That's an issue with loading, he shouldn't be going 80, but also they would have put the weight too far forwards in the rear trailer, lifting the rear set.

How many hookers have you fucked/killed

The logic is that you don't have to pay them if they're dead.
If you didn't pay them then they're not considered hookers.