>waiting for more Brie leaks 2.0

takin their sweet fuckin time



4/20 fap it

supposedly Bella Thorne mega, anyone got the password?

could try to crack it.

Sophie Turner???

Inb5 utter disappointment

might as well


I just hope she is rocking some pubic hair down there still.

>pic related

5 hours





These are the previews of the nudes so far.

5 hours?


Till the real ones drop

yes please



Smiley Miley


a fun fake

This real?


Tomorra gon' b a gud dey

These are all real then?

why bother faking miley?

How can it be real if your eyes aren't real?

hayley already leaked herself


At this point if you have to ask, just leave.

i got a rar cracker and am trying to crack it but who knows it may take years if the guy was smart enough to have a good password

Keep us updated on the viru- i mean pics

Slight new gag here, I've noticed that most fappening threads turn into an argument over real vs fake, can we just have a fappening thread with dank nudes only for once

Newfag* iPhone is broken

i have an anti virus and can sandbox it. if you know what you're doing it doesn't matter if it's a virus or not.

These have been confirmed as fakes in previous thread unfortunately

Good luck!

Hey man, you've got no sass from me. I am a believer and I am ready to be FUKKIN SAVED

Because one faggot, likely a Brie fanboy, looked at them all and said "it's a look alike"

Find a high ledge and jump, nigger.

They're not fucking fuck you clown.


[citation needed]

>t. Alison

"Confirmed" meaning "her head looks weird"


Too late. Already some fucktards about.

there are plenty of nude threads already, the only edge these have is being authentic celebs

these threads are dumb, but if you're going to call it a fappening thread they better be real; nude threads are a waste of time

>same face
>same phone case
>same hairstyle from madmen

you're a fucking retard

I feel bad for the anons getting ripped off buying fakes. It's fucked up

You're missing the part where there is any real nudity though..

I dont, i think it's funny

who dis?

While they deserve it, it does bum me out

you see her one tit in the reflection. you're in denial

the guy who owns a Lamborghini

don't recall an exact time or timezone being given, just a date

>i found a one million dollar bill, I'm rich!
"that's clearly fake man"
>i can still fuck it

this thread

10 minute shop at the most


But seriously it's Guy Pearce.

A preggo Carice Van Houten (Melissandre from Game Of Thrones) and her boyfriend Guy Pearce (if you don't know who Guy Pearce is, go fuck yourself).

Why is JLC here.

That about sums it up

trips of LIES.

the dude is obviously Guy Pearce.

the chick looks like the girl from Karmin, Amy Noonan.

Wish Demi had more leaks


Wish Selena had nudes

could be Carice van Houten, aka melisandre from GoT.

Don't even bother user, these kind of people are the same that go and post the picture on the celeb twitter asking "is this real??" and then takes their response as definitive proof that they are fake.


Stop posting your shitty watermarked picture to plug your shitty tumblr. You already did that last thread.

Go fuck yourself, cunt.

Tits and pussy are Miley's from other nude pics of her...

So, technically a fake, but 100% really her, so not really so fake after all.

Ain't her its from a girls tumblr

Posting to show the ring

whoa. new

She posted it on Snapchat

Here's hoping there's some video of this jiggle.

It looks like her ass crack goes all the way around to the front.







Literally the hardest working person in Hollywood

....who would that be?

>Literally the hardest working person in Hollywood
hey guys its literally a bunch of bullshit dont download it waste of time

So it's fucking nothing

>Literally the hardest working person in Hollywood

thats the actual password, no joke

just a troll

filled with shitposts

Samuel L Jackson?

fyi the rar is literally nothing but bella shitposts. no folders or nudes as described.

Speak friend and enter

talking about the shitty mega rar file with the password.

its full of shit

Post a screenshot of the rar


holy shit, it really is...
well, that was disappointing :/

already n my trash but here

thumbs of a few