Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Still here


I guess just tell them they are yours?




Sounds like a good idea to me~ and no it is not that easy I just gravitate to some people



Eating all that lamb over the last 2 days was a bad idea



Good. Rubbing in the soap and holding the shower head over certain spots. Why did you gravitate to me then?

hey yuuki

and you dont gravitate to me?


hello hello I love you all

Whats good in the hood??

Well i think youre very mysterious and adorable and I like the fact that you dont think those things even if they are true.

Hey I mean youre very cute and maybe one day I will gravitate to you~


That's awesome.

My little bro is currently in Houston for a robotics competition. (Houki)

>Misaki Claimed


>too much lamb
been there before the last time I made farikal, there's only so much even a normal person can take. I'd still eat the hell out some good lamb though.

How's your evening?

Hello everyone
>juvia claimed
>go flames
Yeah But the Devils have players to bulid around and they aren't getting any younger. The Wings should probably start rebuilding after losing the streak but with Ken Holland who knows.


Ha mysterious how? Not adorable. Thats your opinion

hello hello miss tomoko


Yo, what's up

Rocket League! You?

How are you?

not much just farming on ffxiv, how are you tonight?

I'm doing my best! how are you?

Hmmm well you never really talkedd to me before and now we talk almost everyday I also find you adorable no matter how much you dont like it. Also youre a pretty good dom...

Nothing much just playing Stepmania!

Ehh. Was about to shower.

10 unfrenched cutlets, cleaning the bones, a pub sized serve of pasta with lamb and various mouthfuls over the 2 days. I keep adding bacon and hollandaise to it.

go go do the naked

that blue sky made me remember I have a thing for "falling up" into the sky and I won't be able to hold on to something.

Grinding ranked in rocket league, never played ffxiv

Play Rush on stepmania, all of 2112

Man, now I'm going to be anxious every time i go outside

I guess that would do it. It does irk me. I was trying to make you happy with it.
Why? Its not like youll see anything.

Not a bad way to go out and about on someone else's dime. Hope it goes well for him.

True, though like with any sport, the front office and bad ownership can keep that from really happening. I remember NJ having to borrow money at one point to pay players. Makes you wonder how teams like Florida stay afloat.

>10 of them
Just damn. Between that and pasta, are you able to move around much?

I played 2112 on Audiosurf and it fucking hurt my eyes

Yes master sorry master no more calling you cute~


Hi guys

never played rocket league so i guess we're even

give us lewds so we can imagine

my bad. but summer is the worst time to think about that. try not to stare at the sky too long for now

You really want me to put that gag back on hm?
Nah I think you got a good enough head on your shoulders to imagine it.

I wish i knew. Tampa Bay has a healthy crowed but Florida has trouble filling the seats, even last year they had trouble when they were in the playoffs

She bruises, coughs, she splutters pistol shots
Hold her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks
She's morphine, queen of my vaccine
My love, my love, love, love, la, la, la

Muscle to muscle and toe to toe
The fear has gripped me but here I go
My heart sinks as I jump up
Your hand grips hand as my eyes shut

She may contain the urge to run away
But hold her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks
Germolene, disinfect the scene
My love, my love, love, love
But please don't go, I love you so, my lovely

Ive bent over to grab stuff for work and felt the protein baby a few times

No master I will be quiet now~

Thanks Houki. Good luck.

To any of you faggots who are going to the Tampa Gun Show this weekend, I hope to see you there! Afterwards, I will be taking Miss Cancer Girl to church with me and preparing for exams. It is already well past my bed time, so good night and God Bless to all of you.

Longest song I've done on audiosuft was Subdivisions and that was bad enough

It's a ton of fun, definitely try it!

I don't go outside hardly any so I'm fine I think

I like that.


Wouldn't be surprised if there was revenue sharing or something else between the league and the teams. Small markets always got that disadvantage versus the big markets when it comes to money (and also getting the big players). When they get good it's usually because they found talent from within or through the minors/draft.

>trips of pain confirmed
Was it worth it in the end? The glutton in me says yes.

'Night, take it easy.

Think I'll be heading out as well. Goodnight all.

Yes master whatever you like~

Its a good regret

you are safe

Yeah most big names want to go to places like Chicago, Pittsburgh, Montreal, New York, ect... so it's harder for the smaller teams like Florida and New Jersey to find talent.

I could go for a drink and some snugs.

Kurisu is mai waifu

I dont have a waifu but i will post a gif I like.
How is everyones day? Does anybody want to hangout playing dwarf fortress later?

go take your shower tomo


Ohhhhh that sounds wonderful, shall we snug together and you can wear my eyepatch

Poor. I don't know that game. Why? It's not like I'm running out of water. I can't snug by myself. I've never worn an eyepatch before.

Yup, indoors is the safest place

This is why you snug with me and dont worry its gonna look cute on you~

Hi Nabiki

Why poor?
Also you don't have to know the game i just want someone that will listen to me


outside is scary, never go there

it is
bye now

Outside is where the civil war happened, too dangerous

bye bye


Good I want you nice and close. Plenty of skin to touch too. I shouldn't wear it then. Just was. Well what do you have to say?

Hi Tomoko

Heya Megumin how are you doing today cutie??

Thats fine, imma just take it off tho so I can see you well with both my eyes

hi megumin


but how will you contain your power?

Hello. How are you? Your eyes are very pretty.

Dont worry my little vampire I know how to control my powers

Awww thanks master~

I claim Snake waifu


Now what do you like about me? Don't say cute

>mfw Calgary got swept out of the playoffs

Well there are many things, like your mysterious ways and the way you talk, you can hold a conversation which I really enjoy and you can even talk to me when I am saying the stupidest stuff!

I'm doing well thanks. How about you? Played any games lately?

I don't know. I'm pretty shit at talking. Good. Not as well. Just world of tanks but later maybe kingdom hearts.

Oh nice didn't they just release a new kingdom hearts? I played the first one and thought it was a lot of fun

You ask me what I like about you then take my answer and just make it negative, why tomo whyyyyy?

Hello everyone.

They put out an hd remake for 6 of them on the PS4. The first one was pretty good but the second one is my favorite because it has much more polish and all that. I don't make it negative just disagree with it. Hanako.

Took you long enough. Pervert.

I suppose I am just suppose to get use to this from you lol

hey hanako


You will be used to many things before I'm done.

Hey Tomoko. How are you?

Hi Juvia. Hey now, i'm a bit earlier today.
How are you?

Hi Shinobu. How are you?

Suuuuuuch as??

Yeah. Well you weren't yesterday
...i had to go to bed by the time you got here
And I'm ok, you?

Just showered and got my tier 8 Pershing tank sorted out. One of the tanks I have that was actually used. For starters I'm going to make you dress up in so many things. Would you like cat elf or cute demon to start?

Yeah i know... But i made sure i got here earlier tonight, just for you~
I'm good.

im good, you?

Ohhh I love dressing up I would prefer to be a demon tho!

Y-yeah well i-i wasn't waiting for you or anything last night if that's what you're thinking...

About to go home after a week at base and i have a birthday this weekend so im happy :)