Why are strippers such bitches? I swear it's like...

Why are strippers such bitches? I swear it's like, unless you're loaded or a nigger you get treated like fucking trash it's ridiculous. There's a strip club I go to semi regularly and it's starting to get on my nerves. You have girls that say two fucking sentences then ask you for a dance. Then you have girls you actually do like but won't even talk to you, but then spend the next 20+ mins talking to the guy across the bar only to not get a lapdance. Girls rolling their eyes when they see you looking at them dance and girls that are such horrible actors. Like they don't even try to pretend they like its obvious as fuck they don't. I mean what the hell is wrong with these people. You're a fucking stripper, who are you to judge me or act like I'm not good enough for you. It's fucking ridiculous, then these same girls wonder why their lives are going to shit or the men they attract are assholes. Or why they're getting deported.

Fucking hell, can I get some input or personal experience from other anons that have been to strip clubs? What's the best stragty to have the most fun? I'm honesty considering not going at all anymore its just getting out of hand how badly the service has gotten

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They on top of the world

Because they wanted to be actresses but they know they got not class, so dirty people go to look at them in dirty ways in dirty places run by dirty people. Being a stripper is probably a shit job if you're not into it.

Yeah I understand that but don't take that shit out on me. I just want to drink and watch women dance, and avoid my problems. Not to get judged or treated like an animal. I mean damn, go do some coke or pop a pill if it's that fucking bad.

all im taking from this is you could be:
a cheapskate
a slob
total creep
ugly as sin

yea, its their job to make you buy dances too

Because they are there to make money not be your friend/buddy. It's all about the hustle. Most have boyfriend's and couldn't dive a fuck about you. It's a cash money industry and if you don't have the cash you don't get to play in the fantasy. Every girl is there to do nothing g more than empty your pockets. I was a strip club manager for about 5 years. If you thing these girls are there for anything other than to lie to you and take your money you are stupid

Trust me, when I first when to this club I was spending hundreds. But then after awhile I started to notice that the same girls I spend all this money on were ignoring me or treating me like shit, and spending time with guys that were spending Jack shit. So yeah, now I'm at the point where I don't even want to get lap dances anymore because they run off and talk to guys for free. It's just annoying how blatant it is. I could understand pretending to like someone for money. But taking my money and then talking to guys that aren't even spending money on you is just ridiculous. I might as well go to a normal club if I wanna deal with that shit

How do you know they aren't spending.money or supplying them with drugs? Are you keeping track of everyone's every move?

SeeAnd I'm not stupid. I know those girls are only there to make money. That's not what I'm talking about. My main beef is girls that try to hustle me, but then run off and talk to other guys that are spending dick on them, most of the time blatantly. So I have to spend money but this guy you'll talk too for free? Fuck that shit


>Wasting money at a strip club. There is your problem stupid

did you give any of them vd?

>hustle me, but then run off and talk to other guys

Once they got your money why do they need you? You expect a con man not to be a con man?

There's a place in Austin where the hottest girls are nice as fuck and basically let you do anything you want as long as you don't touch their asshole. Then there's the medium tier bitches who act stuck up no matter how much you spend on them.
Place is called palazio btw

>girl comes to me
>give her tip
>goes to someone else
>has half hour long convo with them
>gets lap dance with someone else
Maybe because it's obvious?

best strategy: dont go there

go somewhere else where your money is worth

Again how do you know they aren't spending.money or supplying them with drugs? Maybe they get more from them than you. Maybe they don't like your attitude.

No, I've done nothing at all to make them feel uncomfortable
Well this club let's you smoke inside the building so that's why I like going there, for when it's too cold/hot to smoke cigs outside. But even that isn't a good enough reason anymore. I might just not go anymore I'm getting pretty sick of it.

Okay maybe they do, but then don't ask me for money. Let them pay your bills since they're such charming standup guys. That's the point

But they know you'll give them money easily so they go to you every time. Doesn't matter if you're an asshole or not, you're still giving them money and then they can leave.

>best strategy: dont go there

Best strategy don't pay to look at a piece of ass when you could pay the same to fuck a piece of ass. Strip clubs are worthless just hire an escort. Or hell.you could even hire a private stripper and get better personalized service

>No, I've done nothing at all to make them feel uncomfortable

Yea, bail. Or get some blow if there is a skank you really need to mount

It's obviously because you're ugly, quit acting like you don't know

>That's the point

The point is for them to make as much money as fast as possible with the least effort. You seem to be under some delusion that because you spend a few bucks they are going to kiss your ass. Not going to happen stop going there.

But I'm not giving them money anymore. It's because of this blatant bullshit that I stopped giving money. That said it still makes me mad when I like a girl and she's acting like a bitch but then goes and talks to someone else for a long time only for him to give her nothing. I'm just sick of it.
What if you want to drink but interact with women and most bars are empty? That's why I go, I don't want to drink alone at a bar on a Monday night with no one to talk too.

So they won't kiss my ass if I'm spending money but they'll talk to a guy that's not spending money at all? Am I getting trolled me? That makes no sense when they are literally there to spend money

So they won't kiss my ass if I'm spending money but they'll talk to a guy that's not spending money at all? Am I getting trolled me? That makes no sense when they are literally there to make money

Because they are WORKING you stupid faggot.

I've asked two different girls if they do coke both said no. I'm not even trying to do coke anyway if anything I want to be sober from this point on. I'm tired of doing drugs and drinking alcohol

I went to Mexico and got into a shady strip club underage back in high school
Surprisingly hot/young stripper liked me and I payed $18 usd for a private dance and she whipped my dick out and I fucked her raw.
>how am I still clean

Sounds like you have anger issues with women. Having known strippers personally, this is always a big problem for most girls. It shows even if you think it doesnt. You should hire a regular escort. They wont play the same game as a stripper

>What if you want to drink but interact with women and most bars are empty?

Would you rather be alone or have a woman bullshit and lie to you for the sole reason of emptying your pockets? Why on Earth would you want to interact with a woman who wants nothing from you but your money. To hear the same bullshit lies she tells every other guy? Does it make you feel good being lied to for a few bucks? Go pick up a hooker at least she will lie to you and literally fuck you for what's in your wallet

Damn! Bail!!!!

>goes to strip club regularly
>angrily posts rant about how the strippers don't like him
>demands their respect because he has money
>bitter about women who sell their bodies for money selling their bodies for money to other guys that aren't him

>No, I've done nothing at all to make them feel uncomfortable

Have you considered that maybe you sound like a pretentious douche? Seriously the fact you'd post this gives me the feeling I wouldn't want to be around you in person either.

If you're that lonely and thirsty, hire an escort and instruct her to pretend to like you.


Again how do you know they aren't spending money or supplying them with drugs are you tracking their every move?

^^ what he said

Post pic

Maybe you have a shitty attitude, maybe you smell, maybe you are ugly or creepy, maybe you are a broke ass nigger that thinks a dollar is going to get him some pussy. Don't like the service then fuck off, there are other places to go

I don't want to pay for beat up pussy. But you know what you're probably right. I almost got into a fight in that same club because of exactly what I'm talking about. Maybe I should just change my mentality altogether or just not go at all.
Because now I know when I'm being fed bullshit, where as before I didn't. I just hate drinking alone, it's a shitty feeling. At least this way I can sit there and watch hot women who hate themselves dance for my pleasure
Right, because guys are going to dish out hundreds of dollars or drugs to have a conversation with a fucking stripper. Are you fucking kidding me?

Dubs demands a pic of op with timestamp. Lets just settle this. My money is on your a gross fat fedora fag.

OP you sound less like you want to drink and more like you want an attractive woman to talk to you. That said, you DO sound angry in a dangerous and unstable sort of way. Like, I feel uncomfortable about being around you just from reading your posts. Assuming I'm just getting wrong vibes, have you considered just casually dating?

prob because you are ugly, worthless, and don't help them make more money.

You are everything that they hate about the job and nothing that they love. What do you fucking expect? They aren't getting salary.

Strip clubs are a boring and discomforting. Society is so shitty, I want to kill (almost) everyone.

>Right, because guys are going to dish out hundreds of dollars or drugs to have a conversation with a fucking stripper. Are you fucking kidding me?

You claim to dish out hundreds of dollars to strippers so they would talk to you. I guess you were lying then too right? I use to feed strippers Molly and I fucked a lot of those strippers, had quite a few parties at my house after hours so I know it happens.

Implying they aren't getting anything extra from the strippers when you aren't around/under the table.

This is obviously op

Gotta get in where you fit in. I fucked 2 strippers before I was 23. I'm just a 5'9" average Joe. Once I was wearing a clean set of oilfield coveralls cause I had to work till 10pm. She sat on my lap and we just talked shit all night. Eventually I wispered into her ear, "have you even had sex that was so good your legs trembled and shook?" Eventually she said I had to give her some money cause she couldn't just flirt with me all night. I had hundreds on me but only 13 in my wallet and I gave her all 13. We fucked for hours. Missed work next day. She was 6~7/10 with a body. Know yourself know your worth. That shit prolly wouldn't work in Vegas but It worked for me!

I have, but it's hard because I can't keep a regular job, I live with my parents, and I'm an alcoholic. I'm just generally unhappy with my life so it makes it hard to meet women. Half of the time I don't want to even leave the house, let alone approach a woman. Then I have to deal with rejection or getting close or no cigar. Sometimes I just want to go out and not deal with bullshit, and I guess I'm mad that this fucking strip can't do that for me

They're testing they waters and trying to lay groundwork for later dances. They flirt with everyone, figuring that maybe after another beer or two, that same guy will go for a dance.

It's about getting half a chub or maybe some female for you, but it's all about bringing in as much cash as possible for them. No reason to get mad, they're just providing a service and trying to entice a big spender.

Lots of guys will wait for the girl to come to them, so they wait around until they see what they like.


Mah nigga! Strippers love roughnecks. And our money lol

Fucking weirdo, I want nothing to do with you normies.

hello i am a pickup artist on year 6
i just landed a stripper this week

some tips:
>strippers actually give zero fucks about the men they dance with
>you literally are a piece of meat and girls kinda weigh how obnoxious you are with how much money they need
>most girls realize they do not have to do a DAMN thing to get paid, and will do the minimum possible
>you are actually lower on the totem pole than a stripper just by going there
>you really don't know if their lives are going to shit or who they attract

the dancers (3 or 4? i dont usually go for dancers) i've been with in my life will tell me NOT to spend money when i'm there, they see their sexual life very separate from dancing. HOWEVER. i used to have a friend that made tons in oil&gas and he would basically coax them with drugs and a fun time after becoming a regular.

the rules of fucking girls does not change with them being strippers: know them for a while, be fun, be attractive in some way or another, get them to hang out.

>pic just off of goog

Damn OP I'm sorry to hear that. Alcoholism will set you back hard. I think your frustrations with the rest of your life are interfering with your perception of what's around you and making you tense. That causes you to stay stressed and testy, and that shit shows through enough to keep women away. Folks see and feel that sorta thing. It probably seems like a no brainier that if you improve the rest of your quality of life that everything else will fall into place, but that's easier said than done and a lot of work just to enjoy some strippers know what I'm saying.

bruh nobody in this world owes you shit. you fucking faggot.

they're whores m8
when me and my buds go we treat them like shit and usually get half-decent service

and yeah, it helps if the stripper is attracted to you/finds you interesting/funny, she'll accept a lower fee and/or just shoot the shit with you

also they gravitate to guys with gfs/wives
my bud who's korean slays at strip clubs
i dont kno how he does it, but there's always one bound to fawn over the fuck
rat bastard has a gf too

but yeah, dont give them too much attention like a pleb or just dont waste ur money