Be 33m

>be 33m
>18f has crush on me

wat do? she kinda looks like pic related

rek her asshole

really? you don't think the age gap is an issue?

Why are you not inside of her now/

Make her a fuck buddy.

I'm assuming the dilemma is that you're a fag?

she's A LOT younger than me

It's an issue if you are looking for any long-term relationship with her. In the short-term: rek her asshole.

nah I'm 100% straight

>she's legal
>you're legal

is there some other factor in the way? like you're her teacher, or its a friends daughter, or you're married? if not, stick your dick in her with the blessing of the united states government


Depends on the situation

Howd it happen? Work? School? Friends kid? (lol)

Have fun, but it won't last. I think my biggest age gap was 9 years. They have to grow, and you are not a part of that. Oh, and the sex sucks.

I'm 35 and i don't really see an issue here.
She's an adult, don't blow her off just because of her age.
She might be the love of you life.

I work at a tutoring center, she was one of the students there though I never tutored her personally - just saw her regularly and struck up conversation

then start acting like it.

OP, the formula is to date somebody half your age plus seven years.
33/2 + 7 = 23.5 > 18
So, yeah, she's too young for you. You should let her go, and when she'll be 25, she will maybe start dating some 70yo millionaire who isn't enough of a faggot to consider the age issue.

Initiate but dont expect more than fun and games


>she kinda looks like pic related
Probably b8 but fuck it, if she holds a gun like pic related, no thanks.

theres no pussy like young pussy OP just don't fall in love cause she'll break your heart

Implying the half your age plus seven rule matters at all

>I clearly know it would be fucked up
>Please give me an excuse to do it anyways, terrible shits of Sup Forums

got any more of her?

The good news is with every passing year, the broad comes closer to being able to be dated. The difference between OP and the broad is 15. This means x - x/2 - 7 will have to be greater than 15 for OP to date her. This means OP will have to be 44 and the broad 29 for them to fuck.

its pretty simple OP
penis goes in vagina
just start fooling around with her, you will get the hang of it!

Think of everything you went through, learned, the changes you went through in 15 years. You are a small foot note to a chapter in her life. Do you really want to wake her up from regret in 10 years? She's still maturing in her brain. Hormones and all. You're a tourist in her life. Do you want to cause harm? Do you like her?

I've done this but I knew it wouldn't be long term. the age gap is too much and honestly 18-22 year olds are fucking idiots.

you don't really relate to her friends or interests so it's hard to find long-term compatibility.

and the sex is not as good as expected. they don't know how to fuck and try to play games. the one good time I had was when I took the role of sex teacher with a girl. I taught her how to please a man and she really learned a lot. it was a really erotic, positive experience for the both of us.

Or they could just fuck now and disregard them arbitrary rules

Disregard only works when they love each other with passion, faggot. For any standard situation, standard rules apply.

Tell her to eat a sandwich

Arbitrary rules based on nothing tangible or logical.... But I repeat myself.

Does she wear Minnie Mouse ears? Because that's how I identify good girls.

Those rules aren't real rules you BLITHERING autistic

Are you interested in developing a relationship or do you just want yo get your dick wet?

Take her out on a date and see how it goes. If you don't think the chemistry is there. If it's not really clicking then offer to go back to your place.

A cock between her legs will make her decide really fast between infatuation and truly wanting to stick around. If you're lucky you can hit it a few times.

Oh, and wear a fucking condom. Unwanted pregnancies are a bitch.

Also 33. Dating a 20 year old. You'll have a lot of sex. Don't take it serious, and just enjoy the ride. You'll just be alone jerking to shit online if you don't. It'll be good for you. Just do it.

its legal so who cares

I'm 29 and have completely stopped giving a fuck about pussy. Get on my level or go fuck yourself.

31 here.

not sure what's wrong with you. the sex drive drops a bit but I still need pussy.

40. My sex drive increases as I get older. Needed daily now.

I'm terrified of being 65, horny as fuck, but unable to get an erection.