How often do you think about suicide?

How often do you think about suicide?

Almost every day

Actually I'm thinking about it right now

not as much as I used to so it means i'm doing something right, right?

Occasionally, I guess it's because I always know it an option.

Well, it is the only serious question in philosophy, so rather often.

I use it as my primary catch phrase whenever any minor inconvenience occurs in my life

But as far as a real answer probably around once or twice a month I think about wrapping my car around a tree on the way home

maybe we should all kys



Not recently, gotta keep the adrenaline up and cortisone down. I exercise regularly and try to get less then 8 hours of sleep.


At least 3 times a week but the anxiety I get from seriously considering it puts me in my place. Oh well, a man can dream right?

Minor thoughts once every week or two.

Clinically depressed and I'm fighting it with antidepressants and CBT, which I suck at sticking to but it's good.

I used to be down to once every 2-3 weeks, but I started eating fast food and junk food everyday, stopped working out and gained weight. Have to get back on track but motivation is hard with no self-worth.


thinking of it as i type this


It could be as minor as saying "ugh I'm gonna kill myself" when something barely inconvenient happens. Or as serious as thinking about how easy it would be to drive my car into oncoming traffic and hope the crash kills me.

every day while waiting for the train after school.

Every 3 hours.

Something like 2-5 times a week.

I often wonder why some people aren't doing it

Every now and the . Everytime i consider being successful,i doubt myself.

Every few hours.

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