Other urls found in this thread:













Don't cut yourself with that edge.

this is, has, and always will be fake and gay

still funny as fuck tho


You double nigger

Dont worry user! I'm careful




kys craig




Sides: in orbit.


I have no humor. Fuck.

Fuck off ifunny normie.


holy shit 2010 called and they want you to kill yourself

shit thread

dang it

expected shovel dog and wasn't dissapointed.


unlike black people.








Anyone got the original?

I feel sad now

Fucking hate caillou. Bald fuck

It's kind of hard to see this as fake because this is how most teachers actually grade this kind of shit.

Fucker never looked older, i am assuming he has progeria



I came here with the intention to maybe find some joy in my life, which is on a downward spiral. Oddly it's calm in my mind. I think I've finally made my peace that whatever is meant to happen will play out. There will inevitably be people who make it their intention to rob others of happiness. As one of the people who had little happiness motivating myself to continue coping, I can say that I've reached my point of zen.

I know that right now my life is balanced too well, and there will inevitably be hardship incoming. I've been making 20-40 hour binges of staying awake to abuse the time, but I can't make proper use of it. I keep finding myself afraid to accept that the world changes when I close my eyes. I want to stay awake, but for what? To visit a website with an anonymous userbase who cares little about the people on the other end of the computer? Play video games? Work a menial job? Study to get a degree? This isn't a life I want to continue forcing myself to witness. I want my watch to end; I need to sleep. In some ways, I can't stop but thinking of saying "thank you" to the user who showed me a dog being murdered. You've made me realize there is nothing here that I need to continue looking forward to seeing or enjoy.

My life will change whether I like it or not. By forcing myself bask in the time of least hardship, I'm weakening myself for when I encounter it. I know that nobody will likely care about this post, which is exactly why I'm making it. People don't care.

I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight and goodbye.



Happy 4/20

