
If you reply to a kinky post and get dubs, you must post on Craigslist or whatever asking for someone to do the kinky thing to you, or to do the kinky thing to someone.

Other urls found in this thread:


oi vey, hope I don't get dubs


Off by 1 for trips





almost checked

I want this to happen to me
Would volunteer to be bun in a heartbeat if someone replies with dubs

Thx but I'll give you something to really check


I think trips gives you free reign on your choices

>checks your singles

>would volunteer to be bun in a heartbeat
Come on user. We know everything after that is just fluff.

I know, they're great



I dunno, why do they like selene?

Good legs.

Only because no one seems to live near me.


I have no idea why. Half of her pictures are turbo meh, the other half are pretty good. The person who owns her always has weird taste in artistic choices when getting a commission.

user plz.

also yeah. Furries in american are kind spread out.


What kind of weird artistic choices?

Actually, I'm in Wellington, furries are seemingly everywhere but here.

meant for

Wanting this is not gay, as long as you are to her as a man is to a woman.
i.e. you're a little manlier than average

For ever good picture they get they get at least one bad one it seems.

I dunno man. Maybe outside of america it's way more closeted? Look at Germany. Highest amount of furries on the planet, even though america started the fandom as far as I know.

>Wanting this is not gay
dude that's gay. Herms (vag and dick) are debatably bi. But das gay.

Succulent neck floof.

I'll fucking kill you.

Holy god, I see what you mean now. Too many tentacles and fish

Dat gat.


If you're reFURing to that furry map thing, bear in mind that Germany is pretty far north, and the map loads every single user from top to bottom.
The map is more practical the FURther north you are, so of course it's going to have heaps of Germans.

Someone needs to make something like that map except better, for example not loading the countless thousands of markers on it, and placing more of an emphasis on having markers that have actual detailed and up to date information.

Would make myself, but I hate that I have to learn new programming languages and APIs constantly and just want to work on a limited set of stuff for once.

>that image

A topological map with density instead of height would work. Scrolling over a country details the raw amount of unique IPs viewing furry images every day would be nice. That wouldn't be /impossible/. Just hard to make.


xD My god, that's the best thing I've ever seen. I love dairy related antics

Is this fur enough?

forgot pic

There really needs to be a good, well-rounded furry site.
All of them seem to be overly specific, which isn't too annoying except that you have to make an account for any site you use.
Sup Forums has proved that a simple captcha is all you need to make a site run well with no accounts, and having no accounts is better because it seems like anyone creating controversy gets a lot of harassment on any sites that require accounts; and controversy is all part of the fun.


I'ma call it a night. user out

Is this valid info?

Got dubs, but I guess I'm safe because it wasn't really a kinky image I replied to.








Fruit ninja is getting hardcore nowadays.



Hey Mous, got a new Trenya pic for ya.




More pics of mares with dongs?

Bump for cow

Here's one

Thanks user

I may grab a YCH today. Some of the YCHs on 420 are funny.








does that snake have a cock, too?!

Why does TF2 at nighttime suck so much?
Like, instead of a rather even mix of player skill, you get lots of really good snipers and soldiers.



I wish some girl would let me do this to her

Anyone have any mare?



Thanks user
Why rip?


What is the best site for finding mare?

search for equine female anthro

Thanks user

oh, in case you don't like brony stuff you may add -mlp

oooh guess I didn't fully understand it. In that case, gj

You know how most times when you get done with a good fap you feel turned off by what you're looking at?
Furry porn doesn't do that to me, I could literally beat my dick all day looking at this shit, but I cannot because apparently that "depressive behavior" or something


Good on you dude, I wish I had the time for that

yep, happens to me every time I finished fapping to a trans/trap video.
but no matter what crazy furry pic I fap to, no regrets.
==> furry porn > human porn

silly fox, diving goggles don't work on a canine face!

I almost feel the same way. Just the thing with me is that I'm soo in the closet about fur, I always feel a little pang of vicarious shame about it. The only people I've told about it have all had really negative reactions

Photoshop this in whatever way you like


can you guys make me cum



