Need windows 7 help

Need windows 7 help
How do I fix it

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delete system 49

go to your system32 folder and delete it, then reboot this will activate windows, because in the folder there is this so called windows activation guide and when you remove it, it is activated, but it will show you no license key after reboot, but will work for the rest of your life.

hope I could help you

>edgy script kiddie username
>doesn't know how to delete system32

Really OK I will delete system 32.


Look for the daz loader. 2.2.1 I think was the latest version, it will fix it right up.

My digital life dot info slash forums

The real DAZ posts there, don't download the loader from any other place for any reason.

Don't listen to these trolls

This, using it since 3 years without problems

add .html to the end too

I will try it out OP here
> (You)
>Don't listen to these trolls
I know including me

Be sure to notice

Need to wait for updates

Tell me where to upload it, I still have the .rar containing the loader

Mega share or Dropbox all good

Can't find mega share, link?
Note that I don't want to make an account for uploading ( that's why I don't upload on dropbox)

Nevermind, uploaded it to uploadfiles io

Will be deleted in about 1hour

Hello I'm on window 7 too, launch cmd in administrator

tip : slmgr /rilc
slmgr /rearm

it's done.

Don't download crack btw you'll get a virus.


Got it downloaded do I just press install

Yes, that's it
And you can run it again it you want to remove it, simple as that

