Aks a proud Trump supporter anything

Aks a proud Trump supporter anything


Why did he attack assad and help isis

where is your chin?

Why are you sucking your thumb faggot?

Can you answer that question about your chin?

chin machine broke

How many more cabinet picks and people in his administration need to have their Russian ties and secret meetings found out before you admit something isn't right?

Yeah whose the Qt 3.14 in pic related


why am i so fucking deluded.


What are you?

"proud trump supporter"

Have you ever suck cocks?




In what way will making public university tuition subsidized by the federal government (for qualified majors like hard sciences, premed, and engineering. Not that hippy liberal feminist dance therapy crap) not make America great? From my perspective, all of these people would end up paying back their schooling costs through taxes on their significantly raised income within 10 years.



Op, you retard!
You do realize that trump doesnt support your lady boi trap lifestyle.

nigga shut the fuck up


My numbers say you suck balls.


it hides within layers of Fat



skip to the nudes you fucking faggot









Trump btfo




Although the current administration has flaws from my perspective, they have also done their fair share of good, such as abolishing the Trans Pacific Partnership, which was primarily aimed at extending outdated US copyright laws abroad.












No hunny bunny you are a dependent of a voter or two.

No vote, no support.






can i get a small loan?





Can I get a small rim job?




Do you support proud Trump or are you proud to support Trump ?





does your mom beat you up?


satanic agenda. you own man
fuck you and all yours



why the fuck is this chink lover spamming this thread with chink pictures?




















