How do i become less clingy my dudes? i've got this girl, we've been together for a good 8 months now...

how do i become less clingy my dudes? i've got this girl, we've been together for a good 8 months now, she really loves me, i've never been happier in live, she's everything i ever wanted, thick thighs, wide hips, cute face, but i fear im driving her away with constantly needing her attention, wat do?

Fuck her in the pussy

Slam her in the cunt

i do that 2x a week or so, everytime we get to see each other, she says my dick is pretty big, not huge, she says she loves the sex

any of you retards that have been in a relationship willing to help?

Ah geez, well I'm out of ideas.

make her happy OP
surpise her from time to time
don't tell her you love her too often

does she give you the attention you're asking? If so you're a lucky man

Relax. Chill out. And only send 1/3 the amount of texts you want to

she does, mostly all of the time since we're both either talking to each other/sleeping, a friend of her's really bothers me cause the friend (female) pressures her into drinking a lot

Real post here user. Sadly you must look at that pussy like it is expendable, that's the only way. You gotta treat that shit like it's anyone elses meat. It sucks but it's the only way to break the clingyness. Girls these days don't like that shit, they like to be abused(not physically), degraded, used pieces of ass. The only time you can be clingy is when she is feeling bad about herself......All women are whores....All women are superficial

shit that actually helps thanks guys

Ask her, ask her if she finds u clingly, if she says yes then give her space and if no then BECOME MORE CLINGLY

Found the Sup Forumseta

True story.

serious anwser here tho, i asked her, she says she finds it cute, maybe it's just my paranoia?

Try anal with her

what a load of bullshit
why be in relationship with a woman?
u niggers masochists

i eat her ass, it's a mutual fetish

Give pussy pic

Fuck off you retarded virgin, you are either too young to know the truth or too stupid. No beta here son women these days have an unentitled right to a power they think they have. They all think they are strong and independent but want to be shit talked and abused in the bedroom. They have been shown they think have choices thanks to house wives of whore town tv. You gotta fuck em and move on. No such thing as a real relationship these days boys.


is this /thread?
thanks to everyone that helped boys.

This made me laugh more than it should have

is your gfs name Emily, I know dem panties and I fucked her a couple times a few weeks ago bro.


What makes you want her attention this much?

You must live one sad life there bud

Attend some Coda meetings, looks like you might be codependent. I am too. There is help out there if you want to get healthy.

no her name's eva

just being in love with her

I'm in love with my wife but I don't harass her all the time.

What would it make you feel if lets say you weren't allowed to contact your girlfriend for a whole day ?

depends on the situation, if i know where she is/what she's doing i try my best to just tell her i love her and let her have fun, i usually dont spam her text's if i know she's out with friends

And if you don't know where she is or what she's doing ?

I'm just trying to get an idea of what gets you to try and get her attention, and if you're going overboard in general or just need someone who gives you enough attention.

if she dissapears without a word i'd be worried and (kind of) scared