Im getting a PS4 next week, whats a must have title for it? My europoor ass can afford only 1 game per few months...

Im getting a PS4 next week, whats a must have title for it? My europoor ass can afford only 1 game per few months, i would ask Sup Forums but it will be a shitstorm there. I have a good pc that i can play multiplats on.

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infamous Second Son is not a bad title you can get cheap. or there's Bloodborne, and if you like FPS Killzone. or if you can find it cheap to afford it Until Dawn

Don't get a PS4 and upgrade your PC/ buy games/ save the money. This generation is at its end

Persona 5

The last of us remastered

I would say horizon: zero dawn but that shit has no replay value.

i think he's getting it for exlusives

The latest Uncharted game?

Bloodborne. That'll keep you busy for a good while

Bloodborne, Rocket League, Wolfenstein, Doom single player, multiplayer sucks, Battlefield 1 for multiplayer, Dark Souls 3 and The Disney Afternoon Collection in the PS store
that's my 2 cents

Bloodborne, Bloodborne, Bloodborne, Bloodborne, Bloodborne, Bloodborne, Bloodborne, Bloodborne and maybe try Bloodborne

Breath of the Wild

Grow up ya cunt.

He said He owns a PC. Why would anyone buy RL, Wolfenstein, Doom, BF1 or Dark Souls on console while having a good PC

Witcher 3. At least you won't be done in 6h

Need to know more about you.. But I got the uncharted 4 bundle then bought the remastered 1-3 pack.

The first one is lame but you need to play for story. After that theyre incredible.

Also they have insane flash sales so if youre patient you can get some huge titles for very cheap.

The Last of Us.
If you don't play this by the end of the year and you do buy the PS4, you need to be shot.

>The Last of Us
lame ass game

Street Fighter 5. Technically it has infinite replay value

its good, but its not as good as i had hoped.

How well do you rate that? And if someone already played it on the PS3, why might they consider picking it up for the PS4, although it's been "remastered"?

Only Bloodborne. Seriously.

Metal Gear Solid 5: the phantom pain


i've felt the pain on PC, no need to feel it twice, i still do

OP here, thank you for the suggestions, i will pick up infamous second son and the uncharted nathan drake collection both at 20 bucks which comes to 40 bucks

Persona 5
These are all good long games

Don't get ripped off, now, user!

buy pc

Uncharted 4 man, excelent graphics, excelent story, good gameplay, long game, you wont regret it

Horizon Zero Dawn

how am i getting ripped off? you got any gray marketplaces i can turn to for cheap games?

i already have one with some pretty good specs but i cant play all games on it

PS4 has no games.


if you don't want any recent exlusives you could always just pay the rent for psnow and play a shit load of last gen games



i tried it didnt quite work out and to be honest i'd like to play some newer titles

hmmmm...... you like DARK SAUCE ?

Counterpoint: PS4 has way better exclusives than XB1.

>Uncharted 4
>Ratchet and Clank
>Until Dawn
>The Last of Us Remastered
>Gravity Rush 2
>Yakuza 0
>The Last Guardian
>Horizon Zero Dawn

If you can only own 1 console, PS4 is clearly the one to get.

>a movie
>a movie
>a literal movie
>like an expansion pack to dark souls, so not even barely a game
>a boring movie everyone thinks is good because it's "emotional"
>something no one has ever heard of
>a Japanese movie
>a movie
>a movie
Yeah, love those games. Why not just not buy a console and save for a PC? Or a car? Or something that won't be outdated in hardware literally the second it comes out.

>ratched and clank

and i dont even want to touch the last of us remastered cuz i got it on ps3 ...
OP could try witcher 3 . cause on ps4 its hell of a fun , at least for me .
also by the way . why ppl bother to hate each other for the gaming station they got ? i mean . i like playing on both machines . ps4 and pc . why bother those happy ppl ?

i played it 2 times on PC

Yeah witcher 3 is probably a good choice, particularly if OP can only get 1 game. With all the DLC (which is excellent), it's easy to sink over 200 into the game.

I was talking about a meme that I've seen on threads here. It was really nothing. Enjoy your gaming, user!

op here, i played it 2 times on pc, its a great fucking game

I haven't played Horizon Zero Dawn yet, but it's supposed to be pretty incredible, and open-world games typically have a ton of replay value.

7 days to die, cheap open world survival. With split screen co-op

i played it on pc in the alpha and it just rubbed me the wrong way

dragonball xenoverse 2


op if you have a PC that's able to handle witcher 3 why would you need a PS4?

What was it that turned you off?

There are a ton of amazing PS4 games not available on PC.

Different user replying but: The movements are jerky on PS4 and the cursor is a nightmare, great game, just a little clunky right now. I have it on PC as well and playing it on my shitty faptop is smoother.

Get elder scrolls online. Plenty of content to keep you busy for months. Worth the money, or fallout 4. Both great games plenty of content for your 3 month spans get the expansions you'll have plenty of stuff to do thats fun!

op here, i dont know i just didnt like it, it seemed way too open for its own good

Uncharted 4

Europoor? Come to Norway. If you want a job, I can beg everyone at the company where I work. dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun

Elder scrolls online, fallout 4

no to both of these, i didnt really like fallout 4 and im not a fan of ESO, besides i can play both on PC

Have any of you guys ever taken a shit so rancid it made you retch and tear up because that's what I'm dealing with right now. It's so hot with a smell of sulfur and eggs boiled in a shit reduction.

Try curry they said
We get to eat with our hands and sit on the floor they said
It's so new and exciting they said

They didn't prepare me for the horrors I would have to endure the next morning.

Fuck you Rebecca
Fuck you Taylor

user please send help

>inb4 b8
You serious? What's it like?

for about 50 hours on single playthrough. Lots of replayability. Get GOTY. If you like a challenge and are into Lovecraft type of things
>Uncharted 4
about 15 hours of gameplay. Recently a horde mode was added, its pretty good actually. Best Uncharted game.
same reasons as Bloodborne but has a more Diablo III feel to it. Lots of loot, bosses and shit like that. I got a bit bored after about 70-75 hours so theres plenty of content.
>Horizon Zero Dawn
haven't played it but it seems like an open world Tomb Raider mixed with Skyrim and Witcher 3
>The Last Guardian
Terrible frame rate but the idea and use of common sense for puzzles and progression make it a one of a kind experience. About 12 hours of gameplay.
>Nier Automata
played the demo and was surprised how good it was. The game changes its style every 10 minutes + meant to have a ton of content. About 40 hours on that one I'd say.

There are more exclusives but get them when they get to be like 10-15 euro. Not worth it otherwise

+ lots of cool f2p games.
>planetside 2
shit like that. When I had nothing to play these games kept me occupied for days. Lots of grind tho

I was the one who replied first user. didn't know Uncharted collection was that cheap. but those are 2 excellent titles too start out with.

That doesn't include Uncharted 4, does it? It's sold separately?

nope it doesnt include Uncharted 4 but it doesnt matter to me, never played the first 3 and until then i will have the money for 4

yeah. it's sold Separately

No other favorite genres than action/adventure? What about rpgs or sports?

i dont like sport games, and i havent had much games in the rpg genre, so im open to trying some

tbh man if you have a gaming pc you really should be buying nintendo. Zelda is truly a good game.

thats the best time to get a console, you get to choose the console for the best games, get them used and cheap, and enjoy it while everyone else beta tests the new consoles and fights it out for you.

no it isn't, it sucks massive gay cock, Zelda looks like a dude, Link looks like a chic, the whole game is one big feminist propaganda piece. pass on BOTW it sucks.

nigga console gay lol upgrade your pc

Wait for WipeOut Omega Collection.
3 games in one, in "4K" for less than 40€.

nice trips, but pc sucks, windows 10 is pure shit, kill yourself you fat fucking loser

is overrated as fuck.

i have never owned a nintendo console and thus never played any legend of zelda games, and the lore doesnt really interest me

I guess you're more of an interactive B-movie type. big suprise OP is a faggot.

I played it on the ps3 and enjoyed it just as much on the ps4.

You're not playing for the lore you fool, BotW is GotY

I´d defenitly check out Beyond two souls. You can find it in the playstation store. You could only buy it physically for the PS3

Of your online all the time. As far as the streaming games thing. I'm an Xbox fag, for console plebs anonymous.

I would say its overated but not by alot. The balancing is wonky as shit. The locomotion is excellent, the physics are top notch, combat is better than witcher3 not saying much here but it is what it is, exploration is second to none. There are plenty of uniqe weapons as rewards. It needed more dungeons though I definitely agree with that gripe.

So THAT'S why they call it the "SWITCH"!

then i can download Cemu and save my 300 bucks

nah, they did a hd remake of it and paired it with heavy rain. I bought it a few weeks ago. Only playing heavy rain now.

would give solid 8.5-9.

you gunna miss out. this thing is a weeb machine. already loading the shop with them.

Overwatch, Street Fighter V, Mortal Kombat X

I'm currently getting JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven rn as well

agreed. could bump up a bit with the ex packs though.

i have heard its a piece of shit, i dont like it looks like a shitty tablet

didn't dig ganon being easier with the sacred beasts cleared either.

Witcher 3 will last you a long time man.
I'd say read the first book, look up a summary of the first two games and pop that bitch in

Its well built. dont believe the memes.

Let it die is free on ps4

Persona 5, Bloodborne
pretty much it


Get anything made by Naughty Dog