Op from panty thread got exposed

Op from panty thread got exposed

Other urls found in this thread:






Rat bastard



Tell her to post tits if she wants more info fag

This was for the lulz

Ask her what she thinks

This is interesting

Continue... you have my attention

Send to parents also


Hi Panty thread OP

inb4 this gets Panty OP laid

fucking faggot, shoulda gotten tits


Don't you have school today?

haha what a faggot

kinda hot


This... please do this

You ruined user's life. Just for the lulz

Great job!

fucking retard posting personal information

tell her that you will delete the threads if she shows her tits, or something like that

Tell her she now owes us boobs as a form of payment

that's how this board works. only thing that gets me fucking furious is that nowadays people dont wait untill all the pics are in. for fuck sake people, get the maximum win out of it. fuck.

She white girl can't even


"He made me a thread admin, so i COULD delete them....if i was persuaded?"

This is gold

Fucking kids

and this is how it ends



Not until her parents are found


Yeah you just destroyed this kids life. He'll probably kill himself now, and all because of op being a faggit. Honestly if she was my sister I would drown her in the contents of my cum jar.

he deserved it

her brother

If its true, this is pure gold.

Cum jar with timestamp...

fuck off faggot. if he's gonna an hero he should livestream it


nah mate, she's gonna think this over and then they're gonna have the most insane monkey-sex mankind could ever imagine. shit's all fine

Shit! There is no more of her reaction?

you idiot, it's not about he is doing that to his sister, it's about he was stupid enough to be exposed, it's for the lulz, that's the whole point.

You just created an other school shooter!

well done

This. I mean she has confirmation that he wants to bang her. If she's up for it, what's stopping them... kek...

Fuck off, we've always eaten our own if they weren't smart enough to cover their tracks. The faggot could have done any number of things to mask his tracks, but he got careless. Step in the warzone and you risk catching a bullet.

Her facebook: /oneandonlymari98
Brother's facebook: /sebastien.ruebecamp


I missed the original. How'd they get him? Name drop or something?

I'm confused, are you claiming op is or isn't a fag?

things like this is usually when people download Facebook photos and forget to edit the filename.

is what a Facebook filename looks like.

You guys know what to do. Post more screen caps since OP got blocked. Don't act like fucking idiot creeps in the beginning so you aren't blocked immediately

find parents

I suggested to expose him and someone linked me to his sister's account on Facebook

both profiles are fake

did someone screencap or archive the deleted thread?

You think they won't be blocking every single person that talks to them?

Anything about the parents yet?

He fucked up.
Not our fault he's an idiot.


Probably - that's why someone needs to create a beef cake fake profile. Chicks can't help themselves to accept a friend request from a beefcake.
Make sure you're location is Hanover, Germany and you're a student like her

Archive this thread

If this shit is real

with his sister's toothbrush

Fuck me! I've missed so many opportunities.

Good. Fuck him. That's what he gets for being a fucking sicko

"In a relationship since September 12, 2013"

Pure Kek!

holy shit - new target. Autists - engage!

they wont, I'm talking to her now

Spam her with dick pictures

I just entered this thread. Can anyone give me a quick rundown of the story?

prove it

I don't even care, she deserves it. German Bhuddist, what a joke. I'm ashamed to live in the same country as her.

Archive link please from the brothers thread?

she a qt though

I am a Bhuddist

Skim through the thread, lazy fucker.




fuck he's hot

femanon here

Really? She has a shemale face, covered in obscene amounts of makeup.

why? seems like about 20 of us are

OP from other thread claimed to have worn his sisters panties and cum on her toothbrush, OP from this thread found sister on Facebook and told her

who care

Fuck off Sebastian, you're fucked.

i don\t think you understand what the word user means



what the fuck is going on, this is getting better an better

all levels of fucked

yeah I thought the same

>Wow somebody really wants to destroy this guys life..look at the dates dec 2016

is there a link to the other thread available?