Cumskins eternally BTFO

cumskins eternally BTFO


I choose Rapture.

It's true. Since Americans and Russians see themselves as white, we were forced to evolve. We're now Aryan.

I pick "Genocide of snowflakes" for 1000.

I pick white.

It IS true. White people in Sweden can't really bond over being white. That group would also include any other Europeans. We can group ourselves around being Swedish far easier than being white. Since ours isn't a nation that has been extremely racially segregated like USA and South Africa being white never became a label for us to wear.

White is a term used for and by new worlders so she's right


I don't quite understand her though. So if they pick Swedish that's what they are? But then what are the black, brown or yellow people in Sweden? Do they have to choose between the two? Doesn't that make 'Swedish' white and everyone who isn't white 'not-Swedish'? Or does nobody have a colour and we all have to go by our nationality? Or does everyone except white people get to be both?

I mean that would make me no longer white, but a New Zealander, and everyone else in NZ that isn't white a *insert race/colour*-New Zealander. Is that the point?

She could be american and this would be a muh heritage thing, but I doubt it.

>Or does nobody have a colour and we all have to go by our nationality?
I think this is what she means, yes. Or rather that you either identify as Swedish or by your colour. Not as white Swedes or black Swedes.

thankfully I am not a swede

did you know that the united states possesses a population of blacks nearing only 35 million

there are ~320 million americans

>Not black
>Not black

>I don't quite understand her though
no wonder, it's just a nigger's rave.

I dunno i'm trying to figure it out and the shit seems daft. I mean if someone is white and from Sweden, I don't really need them to tell me "I'm a White-Swede", but that's because it's fucking obvious, not because they need to make a choice between being one or the other.

It must be an American heritage thing, I don't understand how you would tell a white foreigner from Sweden or Germany you have to pick between being German or White and that you can't be both.

I can only see it being a thing if white yanks are trying to tell black people "i'm swedish" and this is their response

Reminder that new world identities don't belong in the old world.

60% of you are white, and that is "white" in the loosest statistical sense.

Using the term "white" in Europe only helps the leftists establish the American whiteminority dichotomy along with its race relations which don't belong here.

>I mean if someone is white and from Sweden, I don't really need them to tell me "I'm a White-Swede", but that's because it's fucking obvious, not because they need to make a choice between being one or the other.
There's nothing to try to understand. She's fucked in the head. You know, "don't assume someone is white just because they're Swedish, ANYONE can be Swedish" and "race is a social construct and we're all equal" etc. etc.

Cumskin is such a pathetic derogatory term compared to shitskin

Most people fantasize about cum subconsciously so it doesn't work

Why not pigeonpoopskin? Or pusskin? Do it for the sake of offensive symmetry

Not a fan of the "anti-leftist" position, but in principle, this.