

>never had tinnitus

how bad is it?
i have it a bit on my left one, i think because my soundcard broke when i was hearing headphones and did a sound from hell, it was so loud, i throw my headphones 2 meters away and had to walk around the house to calm down

fortunately its not insane inducing

i only have tinnitus in dead silence
thankfully i always have a fan or tv on in the background so i havent noticed it in months

If it cropped up recently then try Flonaze. Allergies can induce temporary tinnitus.

Mine sounds almost identical to the slight high pitched noise that some AC adapters make when they are plugged in but not in use, it's not too bad I guess but when you have nothing else to focus on it's quite irritating

Don't give up man. I have tinnitus too. Was so bad at one point I thought I was going to go insane. It gets better as time goes on. Your brain is very good at ignoring stuff like this. You just have to get over the fear that it brings out and truly believe that it can get better. Soon you will start to ignore it and notice it less and less.

I thought I had tinnitus for a year or so but it turned out I had what an ENT described as "significant wax buildup". Went in with one of those large hooks and excavated two deathly black boulders. Felt like I had super human hearing for the next week or so. Ringing went away completely.

I gotta sleep with a fan on. I also drink (moderately) every night, though I'd probably be an alcoholic regardless.

I don't get near drums without earplugs in anymore. I spent a shitload of time in high school jamming loud with drums in my buddy's basement and playing/attending house shows, never wearing ear protection.

Also sucks (for my hearing) that I became an auto technician. Air tools can be VERY loud and are never more than arm's length away. I try to use earpro, but I'm often rushing and it's like, oh it'll only be for a few seconds...

I've been meaning to go get checked for this shit for a long while now, everyone who goes tells me it's unbelievable the amount of shit they carve out of your ears even if you have great personal hygiene and that your hearing really improves

It was an incredible sensation, it actually bordered on sensory overload for the first couple minutes or so because I was taking in so much more of the higher frequencies that I didn't even know I was missing. It makes a huge difference.

Definitely look into it.

How do you even get that? Just listening to loud as fuck things?

Are you able to use headphones at all now?

Try electronic ear muffs.

just fucking kill me

My ears are all fucked up. My ears ache for hours if I listen to music for longer than ~30 minutes unless it's extremely low.


If you miss silence so much, have you tried the [spoiler]reddit[/spoiler] tinnitus cure?

You know, where you cover your ears and hit the base of your skull with your fingers.

Shit, tinnitus dissapears for a couple of minutes.

Of course. But they have to be working so the music can mask the tinnitus

Yes. War vets and unaware musicians have those.

>had tinnitus for a time after being a long time headphone user
>one day decided to stop using headphones and earphones as a whole
>tinnitus gone a month afterwards

Got mine on 2011. Went to the doctors. After a few test, they were unable to determine the origin or the cure. And strangely enough, my hearing was perfect, so, there was no big damage.

So the doctor asked me to relax about the whole thing and if I can't, smoke weed to relax. Great woman.

I started focusing on things that relaxed me, like working on my art and running outdoors. It kinda was a blessing in disguise, because since then, I focused more on nature and started appreciating the beauty that sorrounded me.

I think I've always had it, remember having it as a kid. My hearing is real good actually, the actual tinnitus I have might be psychological in origin cause I always test well in hearing tests. It doesn't really bother me. Sometimes I also get like a low bass sound tinnitus not just the high pitch, idk what that is. But it's definitely not an outside sound.

so you turned into a normie, that's great

doesn't bother me really, it's free sounds

I have it in my right ear a bit from a bike tire tube blowing up next to my head. When it's silent I can hear it but can't over everyday ambiance. It was really bad coming back from that Tiger Army show. I was in the front and apparently that's the worst place you can be.

Had tinnitus since as long as I can remember. Don't think it's physical damage, as I am very sensitive to sounds. I pick up things most people don't even hear.

I don't mind it very much. It's always there and you can't get rid of it. I've tuned it out most of the time. Only when it's very quiet I hear it, and even then I often only hear it when laying in bed at night.