

that's a nice doggo
could he win the vezina?

Friendly reminder that Chicago is so fragile a cow could burn it down


4th for pizzacuck

>rags getting hemmed in by a harks team with 1/3 the salary cap in injuries

is that what started the great fire? i dunno too much about it other than the whole city got btfo

>being this obsessed with someone who left hours ago
(it's me)


Are the Oilers getting kek'd again tonight?

>actually paid for cold pizza

Nice McDavid's. Explain pizzacuck?


I'm curious
Red pill me on pizzacuck

1-0 'Lels so far. Mild are basically playing a modified trap right now.

Is any delivery pizza warm in New Siberia?

see he is a lunatic who actually paid for cold pizza

I cant stop hicupping.
Ive drank aboot 5 litres of water trying to get rid of it.
Hiccups are the worst natural thing on Earth

>be me
>hungry as fuck
>really in the mood for something hearty
>local pizza place has decent deal for buffet
>walk in, get seated
>ask for coke, room temperature
>get plate
>go to pizza bar
>all my favourites
>meat lover's
>bbq chicken
>chicken bacon ranch
>grab 3 of each
>sit down
>coke is waiting for me, even warmer then room temp
>how nice of them to microwave it for me
>pizza is nice and cool to contrast the drink

>being this obsessed
Holy shit, get a job

>stand up
>lean forward
>drink upside down from a bottle
Works every time

>he's living with aunt
>he's not getting any

wew lad

getting back to your woodshop making doors and thinking about killing yourself, pizzacuck

I can't remember the last time I had the hiccups. It's just something that never happens to me.



>captcha: choose pizza

der we go dumbass

That's what I did.
I know that's the secret, but it didn't work this time. Fuck Minny scored, I drank all of that water upside down btw. I think it's gone now. Only 7 litres to get rid of it

what a happy looking doggo



time for traps.



The mild may have tied it up, but I've got gingersnaps. Checkmate, Minnie.

Do you call them feminine dicks?

so close

I like cricket

Damn, that is some persistent hicupps. Good thing it worked in the end at least

It's all the same to Minnesota.

lads, /hoc/ is bullying me again

Nicely done, lad.

why did you post this faggot shit? Why are you here? Just to troll a superior sport? I don't get it.

Reminder that Pulju likes to add mayo on his pizza and so should you

I actually have gingersnaps with a modest amount of vanilla frosting, not cupcake amount but enough to give the flavor.

does it help keep the heat when delivered? asking for a friend

I dont actually fap to traps.
Do you only come on here to complain? Maybe you should start a blog..

i like my women like my shot totals
under 10

maybe you did something to deserve it ""mate""


we wouldn't if you were a based kiwi

I'd be more interested in cricket if 90% of the playerbase wasn't pajeets and curry rashids




i really love/hate this fucking smug gif depending on the context

I asked you earlier how is it is going. Seems like you are bullying me when you didn't answer!

Sure thing.

"Dear blog, today the Oilers played the Wild. I died of boredom. The end."

I'm laughing too much at my own posts

that wasn't me

fuck off sean

cant believe you're still talking about that. thats so 5:15PM MST of you.

Ok. Well. How is it going there?

Is there a difference between gingersnaps and molasses cookies? These things were labelled molasses cookies, but they look and taste just like gingersnaps.

I have to admit every-time I see this jersey it is pretty great. I think it's the shoulder markings that does it. And it's far better in-game then in pictures like this.

>plug nose
>gulp 5 times without breathing through your nose
>swallow air bubble and profit

ok m8, just starting to relax into my weekend

I unironically love that jersey, desu baka senpai.


The new star wars looks way better than force awakens.

"why kill? I think we are on the verge on learning to appreciate and enjoy life. Rejoice." - Socrates, probably

>führer down

Apparently the difference is how soft/hard they are

Star Wars is shit shill

SJWars the Cuck Awakens

Your weekend just starting? Got plans?

is that Ken Hitchcock?


I guess, just ate the last 2 of these. They contain no ginger but certainly tasted the part, must be the cinnamon.
They do have "raisin paste" though.

Those look pretty good, but I feel like the frosting would get too sweet after a while.



>the detroit pizza wings

the "ginger" flavor can also be substituted with cloves, a more common ingredient in commercial cookie mix.

I'm oki, about to go out and get drunk while watching a hokki grand final.

How are you?

>dat cold as fuck panago
Do they have Panago in the states?

How many do you plan on eating? It is just fine if you have a few after dinner.
>MFW my parents make cookies with candied ginger for christmas
Can't wait lads. Also Coyle is underrated on the mild.

lmfao what the fuck mraz?

Whats a Panago?

How is this not delay of game?

-39°C with the windchill today, friends. It wasn't very fun.

refs told him he had to play the puck because he'd covered it outside the crease

makes sense

Yes but it doesn't have that same spiciness. Looking at the label, it is american fat shit, cinnamon, and raisin shit. Molasses does add flavor too i suppose

more like Jason Mraz

>tfw have to work til 8pm on both saturday and sunday so i will miss the 7pm starts
>won't get home til at least 8:30 because i have to go to the liquor store after because i can't enjoy anything at all while sober
i hope the devils and wild both lose tonight also

pens win da stan lee


thought that was Oilers vs Minnesota until it zoomed in
wtf I love Roseanne now

Trayvon vs. Zimmerman

Any of you lads seen The Last Kingdom? If so, does it get really good? I'm two eps in and it hasn't hooked me yet. Not sure if I should keep watching. The main character sorta looks Karlsson's brother.

So why is columbus suddenly good, don't follow them at all