
METAL GENERAL eyyyy gabagool edition
Previous: This one's now streaming on Niosey's Italian site, very good so far. Vocals have gotten better and there's a lot more straight-up black metal than before

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first for Vektor - Terminal Redux is legitimately good

Why is white lion so underrated? it's way better than poison or motley crue

What's /metal/ blasting?

Abyssal, dat spooky piano on Veil of Transcendence

Am going to listen to the new PTP as soon as possible though, loved their last album and had forgotten they had a new one coming out

Speaking of gabagool, in one of the sopranos episodes I remember there was an Ulver and Moonspell posters on AJ's wall.


"""black""" metal

>tfw Anal Vomit is coming to my city in July

can't believe there are no african americans

Who /kingsx/ here?

This is fake isn't it? Cannot find anything on the internet confirming that she does UFC or anything like that.
She also got beat up and robbed by a female junkie.


Forgot pic

I believe you're in the wrong thread mate.

tfw no manly gf

Wrestling is fake.

>he can't hear the bass on Nattens Madrigal
I seriously want to hug you and tell you it's going to be alright.

>can't believe there are no african americans

I really enjoyed it.

White Power brothers! 14/88

Oh look this spammer is back

>bands are still creating dude weed lmao music
hope at least they're being post-ironic about it

Give a link, dummy

Halfway in and already like it better than UMA. Some of the black metal straight-up slams. Poor mixing was my main problem with UMA, this is joocy-sounding.
Will give a longer autism review when finished

>implying the bass matters when it's being shat on by awful melodies



1.7/10 no (You) for you

Name one good metal album that doesn't have a shitty artwork.


>the best metal band today is Japanese
Two nukes and anime did them good.

I grew up with a few kids that were into all the 1488 WP stuff and I swear all the music they played was awful. Glad to see that nothing has changed 15 years later.


>Japanee band
>Titles are in Spanish
Good stuff though

Corrupted hasn't done anything interesting in 13 years

natsocs literally cannot make good music

how can you possibly defend that stinking pile of shit? the melodies are literally just happy sounding and nothing else

Their spanish is also hilariously broken

lol i get it

It's NSSM (National Socialist Speed Metal) actually

Loss was a solid EP and that was like 2 years ago.

Garten der Unbewusstheit (now in German!) was in 2011.

They're not as good as they were in the 90's, but it's still amazing music.

>A literal throat-singing dubstep section in this PTP album

Everything they did after 2004 sounds exactly the same to me

>literally surprised by anything DT does
He is predictable in the sense that he will always reliably put in something unpredictable. It will also always reliably not resemble STYL in any way.

>yfw this is unironically the first time I listen to Ulver
>They literally sound like Deafheaven

Why do people fall for the old school kvlt meme? Norwegian black metal bands were the original nu males.

Corrupted has never made a good recording, and one-song albums are a blight
I'm looking at you too Swanö

>implying Deafheaven sounds "old school kvlt"
If you're gonna join the memetrain at least say that Bergtatt sounds like Deafheaven. What you've done is embarrass yourself.

No, you see, what's happening here is that you've bad taste

>When the bass comes in

I absolutely adore this band, but I'll never get over the whiny nasal vocals

t. Nu male

any recs?

If it's from Norway and released in the mid 90's it must be good!

Yeah kill yourself.

start racemixing


>naming your band after a LOTR location
>spelling it wrong
i like it.


Corrupted have a few dozen records but you're hung up on El Mundo Frio one song album.

I mean that record is excellent to, but that one album is not why they're so beloved.

that gif is a surefire sign of either a nigger or nu-male
either way fuck off and die


Nightwish never sounded this good



ITT: whiggers

remember where you are


what's some good fantasy metal like pic related? need something to blast during d&d nights

But AxCx are a joke band

>image macro
you're embarrassing yourself

Eternal Champions

>being this buttbothered

Shooting heroin and everyhing else for life, hating humans and dying at 43 is not a joke.

Light Bringer if you play D&D with weebs

>tfw no friends to play D&D with
>tfw you play D&D with yourself

>not a joke
wow you must have the shittiest sense of humor after this fag

you can play d&d with me, user

Why is this guy suddenly everywhere? Never even heard of him before he died. Now there's like five articles on Blabbermouth every day.

Anal Cunt is one of the best bands ever (for real). My sense of humor is obviously amazing.

suicide makes you cool even if you're a nobody

>i have a shitty sense of humor because i realize image macros aren't funny
holy reddit

Seriously for such an "amazing, influential" band/singer I've never fucking heard of them


Manilla Road, Cirith Ungol
they both have kind of weird sounding vocalists

I'd have never made it past the font choice.

Yeah, that's a bit of a turnoff too
but then again "Papyrus" sound a bit doomy

Reddit pls go and stay go

I grew up seeing the Black Hole Sun video all the time along with all the other alt-rock grunge fucking trash on MTV in the 90's but I never listened to Soundgarden.

and Audioslave fucking sucked all kinds of dick.

Manilla's vocals never really worked for me.

there's lots of good fantasy BM
not really familiar with power though

You can't just go back and quote a post that's a bit further up and pretend we're gonna believe your a neutral third party siding with the bad-taste fag, bad-taste fag.

>le Sup Forums meme reaction faces
can you please go back and stay in your reddit board?


>friend is pretty entry level and reccs me Alestorm
>i tell him flat out "no, not now, not ever"
>he asks why and I tell him their music is too 'fun' for me
>he says that's not a legitimate criticism

how do I word this properly to make him understand? i don't like reddit le ahoy matey metal

you really are fresh out of reddit, aren't you

>literally tumblr-tier humour
fucking hell


>their music is too 'fun' for me
fucking hilarious

No, I just have access to google and know what triggers your bitch asses.

This but with only 20% irony.

i'm not trying to say I only listen to edgy music with good narratives or something

I just don't like the lighthearted comedy metal but that doesn't sound like a great reason

underage b&

nu-male band