I can't stop stalking the cancerbook of my ex...

I can't stop stalking the cancerbook of my ex, and I feel fucking awful everytime that i see her flirting with someone but I can't fucking stop. This is killing me. Have you ever been in a similar situation?

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Why did you break up? And yes, we all have been there. You can't let go but you probably should.

Yeah, it's a shitty situation to be in. Especially when she comes back to you leading you on every time another relationship of hers goes bad. How long ago did she leave you?

She said that we were not made for each other

Three months ago

Yes. Gotta man up and move on. Hit the gym and don't stop until they bow before you

Block her on everything and try to get the next best thing.

Life goes on. You should be happy that she left before cheating on you. That would have hurt a thousand times more. As you can see on her fuckbook, she doesn't feel the same sadness that you do. She probably never loved you anyway. She's just a whore. Let her go.

All girls are thots. Smash and dash before you get attached and they can hurt you.

Thanks, man. Probably doing this.

I know how ridiculous it is but I still have a little bit of hope

Spoken like your average everyday Sup Forumstard faggot virgin.

It's over, dude. Stop focussing on her. And most importantly, dont waste your time having "hope".

Harsh but true, I needed someone to tell me this. Thanks, man.

You're right, bro. Time to let it go I guess.

Ohh fuck man. It destroyed me.

She was still coming over after she'd go out and party for sex and shit. We "took a break" but one night I was driving around with a mate, she posted pictures of her on some guys shoulders. I fucking lost my shit.

Ripped a tree out of the ground and broke some knuckles on a brick wall. Drank a fucking SHIT TON and started messaging her telling her I hate her and to never talk to me again.

She got the messages, called me crying, and I told her to stop fucking calling me and leave me the fuck alone for good. She was with the dude when she called me too. All I could think about was her with some other guy. I wanted to find out who he was and go fucking rip his head right off with my bare hands.

I was extremely mad, literally blackout mad and I never get like that. Then the impulsive anger turned into extreme despair. I'd been replaced and truthfully I didn't hate her. I loved her more than I loved myself which was a mistake. Put all the eggs in one basket and got fucked over. People fucking suck and I learned a very hard lesson.

Five years later, I still love that girl, but that whole cliche "time heals" or whatever that everyone told me while I went through getting over her (took about two years). I came out of it with a severe alcohol addiction, nihilist sympathies and emotional walls.

"Better to have loved once than to have never loved at all." - A very wrong fucking dipshit

I had to delete my social media totally and completely because I was so obsessed with what she was doing. I hated who I'd become. I threw all her shit that she left at my house in the firepit and burnt it all. Anything to do with her was discarded. Social media went bye-bye, which probably made me look pathetic but it's what I had to do.

I only just recently started using it again when the extreme fear of seeing shit from her on there went away. It doesn't bother me as much anymore, but I'll always be in love with her.

kek reminds me when my ex broke up with me. Reason was: 'you have no goals in life". Well, fuck you. I was sad and depressed and thought, I might call her the very same day she broke up. Well, guess what this bitch was doing? She wasn't at home being sad or crying, she was out partying with her friends. I got angry and told her "Alright, how about I'll come along and KILL YOU AND YOUR FUCKING FRIENDS" kek one year later or so she told me how she was fucking scared that night and thought I was going to her house and kill her. Shit was so cash.

find another gf

or post a blurred out face pic so i can criticize her looks

My girlfriend of 3 years left me completely unexpectedly for someone else the week before Christmas and went on vacation with him.

Never in a million years expected her to be that sort of girl and capable of causing that much hurt to someone.

Still occasionally do the facebook creep but it hurts less each time I cave. The times I don't cave I use as a test of willpower. There's strength in being able to choose and accept the unknown and quash any obsession with not knowing.

I'm 4 months out now, it gets slightly better but for the time being I'm just healing. Going to dance classes, making new friends and doing all the things I wouldn't have had time for were I still with her.

This is why only faggots use facebook, faggot.

Natural evolution dicates that grow UP and away from them that and those that don't promote your growth.

YOU want to STAGNATE in the same pond with the scum you should've swam away from (or that's swam away from you, clearly) a long time ago.

Enjoy your social retardation.

i've been in the exact same situation brother. i know the feels. i deleted all my social media so i couldnt see it or think about it then just hung around with my best buds, even though it was hard to do at first


This guy gets it

Damn, didn't she give you a reason after that?

She did it over a 10 minute phonecall the night before I was due to travel to hers for the break. I'd spend about $150 and a couple days getting stuff together for her joint birthday and Christmas. I know it sounds like a lot but it was mostly home-sourced and made things so I could only return about $40 worth of it in the end.

I was struggling with depression at work and was exhausted most weekends just starting a new job. She started hanging out with another guy closer to where she lived who had more money to spend and less to worry about and she seemed to have decided he was more fun. Not that she told me all this within 10 minutes, the closest I got to an explanation was 'with these feelings for X it's not right' and didn't elaborate at all past that.

She wasn't doing it to be malicious, I understand how feelings change but I would have hoped she'd at least done the courtesy of pretending to give it a little bit of space before jumping straight into a relationship with the guy.

You deserve someone better, bro.

I know, it's just a shame we didn't get a proper chance at working things through without suffocating each other. We shared a lot of memories and time together and I'd just liked to have thought she'd held that in some higher regard to how she seems to. I'd like to hope she hasn't completely forgotten about all that time together. She's not a nasty girl, she tries to be kind at heart she's just clumsy and tends to panic not knowing what she wants. I don't want to deal with that but there will always be the 'what-if' hanging over my head.

The worst thing is knowing she's probably using my lack of contact in the past couple months to justify what she's done, as if I don't care. I'd hate for to think that, but I'll never heal without complete cut of contact.

Appreciate it though, user.



I bet that she's not gonna forget so easy what you two have passed, don't worry about it.

>she's probably using my lack of contact in the past couple months to justify what she's done, as if I don't care.
Same situation here, man. But sometimes you need to do what is good for you, nothing else matters.

Nice music taste, btw

She either forgets or carries with her the guilt she'd no doubt otherwise feel. She's stubborn so no doubt will attempt the former rather than confront the fact she might have been a little more careful in how she handled things. But then her stubbornness was one of the reasons I fell in love with her so what can ya do.

Seems we have matchy-matchy dubs and situations. If I can start to make it, you can too.

>Nice music taste

It's not what I'd usually listen to as a white brit but feels appropriate for obvious reasons. :^)

This is what kept me going through the tears and awful winter months.


your not alone. My friend has been going through this thing too.His girlfriend broke up with him and then he can't get over it he hallucinates all the time because he upset about her constantly talking about killing himself 6 months later he is still crying once a week about her

Keep him distracted buddy. Working out and meeting new people. He needs new memories to break that cycle of obsession.

Are you me? Fuck

Love can be like a drug and once you don't any satisfaction from it anymore, you go into withdrawal. Keep an eye on him, dude. Be a friend.

*you don't get

Yes, user...I was in the exact same situation, I wasn't helping myself at all.

Tl;dr : Ex broke up with me because after I suspected her of dating another guy behind my back. Turned out she was and she's now with him.

What I was doing : thinking about her all day long, calling her, begging her to give me a chance....I was lame and a cuck because it was a rough time of my life (2 friends committed suicide, I lost so much money, etc).

The advice I can give you now and I wish I did the same : Go out, have decent fun, meet new people, don't drink a lot, don't do reckless things like sex with strangers and spending money to suppress your feelings. Keep your mind busy and remember that your next gf will be twice the better than your ex.

It took me 1 year to heal (we've been together for 1 year).

Not OP, but i'm taking your advice. Thanks.

Women are cunts who should never be trusted. The sooner you figure that out the sooner you can begin giving them ONLY AS MUCH AS YOU NEED TO IN ORDER TO GET WHAT YOU NEED OUT OF HEM then toss them aside just like they would to you.

You'll learn the hard way, or you never will.

>having a good ol' time while her daughters rotting bones are on display.
>Mother of the Century

Completely not true and the minute you buy into this the minute you begin contributing to perpetuating this shitty culture and means of treating people.

People are fallible and they make mistakes. Feelings change. It's how you respond to these uncertainties and manage them that matters. Shutting down any possibility for open communication and management of the situation doesn't do ANYONE any favours.


Throw your scarf over your shoulder and applaud yourself as you sashe' over to the latte stand, you twink faggot. Encouraging actual men to be bottoms, like yourself, only empowers the matriarchal whores you're so desperate to emulate. You keep kowtowing to 'mommy' let us give them what they actually want (to be treated like the garbage they are).

>to be treated like the garbage they are
This can be actually true, especially with women that have daddy issues

be honest. how long have you been broken up?

I, too, was fifteen once.


and from what I'm reading, you weren't getting laid then either, faggot.

Could be man lol

Too much projection?

This is the hardest story I've read in this place. Keep strong, man.

>he fell for the 3d meme

I appreciate that, user. It made me a reclusive alcoholic, but I'm not dead, and the lesson learned is more valuable than any in my life.

It's sad, really. The whole coming of age thing. That transition from a hopeful, imaginative and innocent boy into a broken, fearful and obedient man. I'm waiting for the day I have a meltdown in rush hour traffic on my commute. Not the anger meltdown, just the idle kind. Just park my car right in the middle of the highway and stare.

i'll say this and leave it alone: often times when we think back on the "good times" we completely ignore the bad times that were directly associated. it's very easy to fall into a cycle of nostalgia hunting which is regressive and serves no greater purpose than to "feel". make your own feels Sup Forumsros. gotta get to work now. stay classy nigs

Do not despair. We all suffer it is part of existence. Life has given you an opportunity to learn. Make this end a new beggining

Very well said, user.

This is so true and so often forgotten. All the reasons it didn't work. The obvious toxicity of a relationship with this girl. The fights. The end of the honeymoon phase. Thanks for that; I needed a reminder.


And you can start living *real life*

Come rejoin and recreate the world before social media, before the narcissism that follows it hand in hand, before interaction became a facetious projection of desires and egoistic delusion and before meme culture destroyed meaningful interaction.

Take a deep breath, everything will be fine.

>Be here now!