Why is this child murdering bitch still alive?

Why is this child murdering bitch still alive?

Out of all the people that were screaming for her head, male, female and genderfluid faggots (much like yourselves) alike, not only in Florida, but across the fucking country and not a single person has so much as punched this cunt in the face.

You inbred degenerate limpwrists scream bloody murder like the bitches you are when someone posts a pic of a fully clothed 16 year old (granted, most of you INCLUDING MODS, CAN'T actually make the distinction between underage, or of age females), as if you are the morality police, but it's no surprise you've done nothing to contribute to finding this rancid murdering cunt, or seeing that she gets the justice she deserves (preferably tossed in a hole with her dickhole covered in duct tape)!

You should be be ashamed of yourselves. Every last one of you.

Other urls found in this thread:


did they ever find the body?

Literally who?

Public opinion is not law

Yes, actually it is how they managed to charge her.

Don't really give a funk about all that...this is now a hot denvil chick thread. ...

>Why is this child murdering bitch still alive?
>thinks OP is talking about the law
have your handler read this book.

do you post this over and over all night cause this the third time by my count


Last I read, she's in West Palm Beach, FL. and has a buiz called Case photography. Be funny if someone did track her as down and duct tape her cocksucking murdering mouth and toss her into a hole.




This pasta is already stale.




If I could get out there I'd be happy to see some justice done, but the ankle bracelet doesn't allow me to even walk off the property. Hopefully a real butcher finds her. Shouldn't be too hard. Looks like she's a whore from the recent pics I've seen. I'm not buying that photographer story.


Yeah you'd think some of these mothers who were ranting and raving would at least throw acid in her face or at least spray with hair spray and ignite a lighter in front of it.




Bike lock attacker:

Attempted murder


2:00 He hits hits guy with a blue helmet and blue shirt

2:10 He hits hits guy with a black shield


He hits the green bicycle helmet guy at 0:37

He hits the green military style helmet at 0:53


Slow motion, hits guy in blue shirt with green bicycle helmet

At 1:12 he breaks military style green helmet


In this video he can be seen smacking more people over the head with his lock, fortunately his mask comes off


Here is video of him smashing people over the head at Milo riot...


I'd hit it

>I'd hit it
you'd "hit" a decomposing corpse in a bikini.
Who do you think you're kidding?
