Fuck guys the man in black are real

fuck guys the man in black are real

they parked in front of my house and i saw them
i just sprinted right out of my garden trough the village into the forrest, hiding right now in an old wood-house my grandpa owns

pic not related

i have that one alien selfie saved on my pc, i tried uploading it on Sup Forums a few times but it always got deleted

are you kding me

Just fucking shoot them

I like this thread, keep goin

i dont want to write on facebook etc or i look like an idiot nobody will belive

andreas pilz, germany, bayern 80331
i dont want to die

You already look like an idiot and nobody believes you.


they had this black van, black suit with kinda a black fedora maybe

but they were so fucking tall

im gonna go deeper into the woods, just to be sure

If you can post this post some pics u dumb fck andreas

Its cold and im in tanktop only

How long should i wait

My handyy makes pics that are to big i can only upload 2mb

you can lower the quality in the camera, that is if you have a phone that isnt retarded

Im watchin the entrance to my vilage atm

How long should i wait out here

So this is real.
Go back home, silly andreas.
Then see a doctor about getting some antipsychotics.
These delusions are harmless for now, but you could hurt yourself or others if they get worse.

Dont listen to this guy
Hes one of them

Dude you havent seen them they are so fucking tall and there is no other reason ppl like that would come to my house

And they arent deludions a fucking car parked in front of my house

I just suďenly felt all this fucking terror when i saw them, never had this before

Ok its way to fking cold im going back

If they are still there i take a pic run and upload here

We wait with baited breath
Remember, whatever happens, pics or it didn't happen.

Bumpin bro , you get those pics

livestream it, Hans

Will take a dew min im walking there so i can sprint if needd

Can i stream from smartphone ?app / site link pls

Germany? They're probably just there to arrest you for illegal opinions.


They just drove past me

Annnnnd? No pics? Cummon duetschw-bro your killing me and you own thread.

Yeah pics or it didnt happen

Man fk off im lirerally crying

I left the backdoor open i dont fuckinh know if they were in there

Takin this with eme



That file size

You really think the police are going to help you?

Yeah this and alao if thy ask you to come to the station to give a report dont go.

Top quality bait.

Rip user

They're not real. Now come home.

They are the police

Why do you think the men in black are after you?

du hast niemals den nachnamen pilz

Because they just stole his PC


>calling police to say agent took c.p. evidence
Schizophrenia is fucked

Even with hd cameras everywhere there are still retards who can't take pictures

Sorry, I meant for what reason are the men in black pursuing OP? Did OP encounter an ayy lmao?

Something about an alien selfie ... ?

That's dumb and so am I for staying this long

Oh yeah? Cool trips brah.

bump from /x/

post image on imgur then post imgur link to image

That's not a computer table, you lying faggot,
It's a wooden oven, you bake pizzas inside them.

I'm an intelligent alien, and i agree with this post.

That's what happens when you play league of legends you queer

pilz, you ate to much pilzens


Man if I could just see That Fucking ayy lmao one time just the real deal, not that fuckin shooped ass pictures of bullshit ..I'd be content

you have been visited by INTERPOL/FBI fagget
your kiddie porn days are over
prepare your anus

You probably just had some random intruders steal your PC.

Stop calling it ayy lmao i hate stupid name. Y'ALL agents of disinformation trying to create a meme out of it to make their whole existence look like a joke.


Tough luck kiddo its a been like this for years , newfag

So what? I know it's not new but doesn't mean we should keep calling them ayy lmaos

lol this bitch is an illegal alien prostitute

bist du behindert? du kannst die auflösung runter regeln
mal davon ab glaub ich dir eh kein wort

pics or didn't happen faggot

Alright well try n stop it see how far ya get post results