What makes life worth living ?

what makes life worth living ?

Sex, money, power.

To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

little wins

Your mum

Knowing season 3 of rick and morty is coming

For me?
Newly redone back roads with twists and turns
no humans in sight.
my 05 STI.

Ice cream sandwiches

personal freedom

self earned money


cumming in vaginas

change your old habits start anew

bettering your self breh.


is it? or was it just an april 1st "one ep season 3" show prank.



The absurdity of it.

Masturbation, junkfood and alcohol.

feet threads

killing niggers

yes be a loser

asian boobies
money is useless unless you have hot women. that's why people who work all day are fags


life is never worth living

That is good. Nice TripsDubs too.


>yes be a loser
I will thank you.

Not being dead.


Nobody knows.

skeptical motives there
shit gymnastics i can do all those

The hope that maybe this girl will start spending the night

>typical Sup Forumstard who sucks with women and only a couple short flings have been with insane women
>pretty girl actually starts coming onto me
>she doesn't have tattoos and face piercings like insane bitches that end up with my dick inside then
>girl was married and tired of shitty guys and finally wants a nice guy. I can't believe it.
>tfw she wants to take it super slow
>not going to fuck anybody she doesn't think she could marry
>2 months later and I'm falling in love with girl for reasons beyond the usual "she is pretty and smart" and we hang out almost daily
>but she still scares me...

Wtf. Finally find a girl who isn't a piece of shit and man this is a lot of work. I really want to give up sometimes but it's one of those things where somehow I think we actually make eachother better because opposite personalities but still enjoy the same stuff. She married the one dude really young and it was like the first guy she ever really met and he treated her like shit and regrets it now and everybody she has met since then ended really quick so I'm the first guy who has actually gotten more than two dates.

I wish it were as easy as the movies

if you aren't fucking her by now, then it's not going to work. Sorry.

not a dam thing. just do whatever

They premiered it early, but it continues later this year

Lel that's what I would think with 95% of girls and that's why I want to just fuckin lose her phone number sometimes.

But then there's other stuff that makes me think she is different. Basically everybody around who sees us together think we goin home together n shit so it's kinda funny.


Actually that's what's best in life not what makes it worth it

Doing things you enjoy (which differs a lot from person to person)

expression, achievement, commitment, social interconnection and one more maybe but I think I forgot it.

forgot the picture.

Your own interpretation of reality.

enjoy your brief time as emotional support dog. I'd give you 3 more months max before you are discarded.

kissing my gf after tongue fucking her asshole after a week without showering


what does that even meme?

Yeah I'll dip the fuck out before that happens. Or at least distance myself from it a bunch. Like 2 weeks in I was asking her about that shit and she said some stuff like she won't commit to something so fast and after I didn't talk to her for a week and then the first time I came back around after that she was so happy that I wasn't typical dude only in it for the pussy and it changed a lot since then and gave me some confidence. Then on mornings when she is up for work early, and she knows that I know she is up early, if I haven't texted her something by 10am she will be asking me like "what's wrong why haven't you texted me?" or if we're both busy all day she face times me at midnight when I should be getting sleep for work.

I'm going to get to the bottom of it soon. I really think that she just got so screwed before that she doesn't want to fall in love until she is 100% sure that dude isn't going to turn into a piece of shit. And if that's the case, I don't have a problem with it because I'm a good dude and not gonna do anything like that to her. But then I talk to the average cunt who thinks it's fucked up if she ain't spending the night after the 2nd date and it makes me doubt everything. But if you try and mention shit like that to her, she says those people are gross so between being older and from another country I think she has a different set of values when it comes to that.