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Nice doobles you have there, mind if i borrow em?

Don't mind me


Quads and France is saved

>refill for the savior of France

Marine 2017

When I don't get dubs

Mighty Kek hear the cries of the children of France. Turn thy eyes unto their suffering and extend your divine grace. Strike down the cuck and scatter the infidels to the winds. This we ask in your name, god of memes. Shadilay.


>check em

Kek wills it

Deus Vult

She's a Russian shill, watered down version of her racist pappa

Marine Le Pen wins, Trump starts WW3, England propuses an Alliance with Russia, France, and England, world peace ensured

Le Pen victory
>meme magic
>Keks will be done

Can't Stanchon the Mélanchon


Mighty Kek lord of memes and darkness before dawn, hear the cry of the children of France. Turn thy merciful eyes upon their plight. Smite the cuck and scatter the infidel to the winds. Carry the blessed lady Marine Le Pen unto the steeple of victory and deliver her from the clutches of the foul Semites. This we ask through your prophet Pepe. Shadilay.


consider them got


can someone explain the riots in france

im not up to date

Le Pen Victory

Sandnniggers gonna sandnig

May Keks will be served here on Earth as it is in his Realm. Shadilay.

If Le Pen doesn't win, France will collapse. Roll for Le Pen.

i love her, she should be the first female presidnet

oh wait that's not hillary? but she has a vagina right?

She is Frances last hope.

>Le Pen for the win

le pen will win

>dubs for the destruction of Islam.

>Trips says new crusade

i agree, but france is screwed

your leaders gave their authority to the european union and by their order france will become a islamic state by 2050

they are already entrenched behind your castle walls and setting up defenses and mounting more troops

france could elect hitler and he wouldn't even be able to remove the kebab with a holocaust, they will fight back and get support from saudi arabi

france is doomed, your country was traded away in a deal between communist semites and arabs

Le Pen is of win


Time and time again the Muslims have tried to break and occupy France, and in all times they failed. Why should 2017 be different? Just as Charles Martel drove them out, just as the Spaniards and the Portuguese fought hundreds of years to retake the Iberian Peninsula, so too shall France overcome once more. For the old Gaul valor is not dead, nor in the breasts of the French extinguished.


french are pussy faggots

Kek wills it


because the only way to remove them now will result in UN peacekeepers invading france while saudia arabia sends support to the (((freedoms fighters))) in the war torn city of calais

sound familiar?


No more niggers in europe after this

Your a retard

From Brennus to Charles de Gaulle, the French chronically need someone to pull their collective shit together. We might just see the next such leader in the weeks to come.

Really? The UN Peacekeepers, under the authority of the UN Security Council, of which FRANCE is a permanent member, would invade FRANCE?

Absolutely happening, all hail the frog princess

Je suis la fille en feu
Kebab will be removed from France


of course, when marine wins she will undoubtedly being efforts to control the mass immigration forced by the european union, while simultaneously enacting efforts to exit from the EU

of course this is will be unacceptable because clearly marine is hitler and will create another holocaust, so the good people of the EU will call on the UN security council to take action against the greatest threat of our time

don't forget ANTIFA will begin to show up all while this is happening to "protest" any support of her and subsequent rallies or demonstrations in her favor

Let's roll for France !!

any r34?

Rolling pour La France...

Marine is wining !!

The only time some ppl give a shit bout France is wen they die..dunno looks like you faggots are doomed



Frog queen will physically remove Kebab


Well done france!
Nice to see this cunt fail.

macron akbar


The (((good people of EU))) forget the pecking order in the UN. The permanent members of the Security Council call the shots, and one veto is enough to derail a sanctioned invasion or any collective action. The US will back France and quite possibly the UK too. Russia and China will gain nothing by agreeing to invade France. Before anything can happen to France by the hand of the UN it needs to boot them out of the Security Council, and that won't happen any time soon.

and you think the EU plays by the rules when it's losing?

Rest in PEPEroni

double dubs

99 needed next

The consequences for breaking the rules are far more severe in the EU's case. If it tries to undermine a larger body like the UN it will find itself having to deal with every other country not currently involved in France's problems. Worse some of its smaller members might opt to leave out of fear of the potential fallout in such a confrontation. It would be suicide for EU to go after France through the UN.

well, we've seen the EU already committing suicide essentially with mass immigration

the thing is the elites won't suffer any consequences unlike the european people

seems to me like whatever puts the european people in more danger is what the EU wants

the fact that it doesn't make sense is why it makes sense
