When do we start killing all white males?

When do we start killing all white males?

lol nice b8

just kill yourself, worthless monkey nigger shitskin.

You mean you haven't yet?

U can try but dont forget we r the ones who have the guns and like to use them

Nah, we're merely breeding you out of existence. I want to speed up the process...

Only if we let you? Literally everything you do and can do it's because we allow you do it

how can niggers even compete?

Lol, your European brethren don't. America will lose their guns soon enough...


Then who will pay for welfare?

And I'm the abominable snowman. How can someone take something that they dont know you have. Shit tier bate.


U r fucking high if u think for one second the us will ever get rid of guns. Civil war would break out if they tried. Most people in this country who have guns lookforward to the day when the government tries to take them. There would be a shootout in every house of gun owners. We would sooner die than give them up.


There ain't gonna be any welfare because there'll be no whiteys controlling the economic system. Money will have actual labour and value attached to it instead of all this fractional reserve banking white privilege bullshit.

>Money will have actual labour and value attached to it instead of all this fractional reserve banking white privilege bullshit.
Hey look, someone that voted for Bernie Sanders.

Ill just start selling crack. Your money will be mine again in no time

when you can build an actual civilisation

>How can someone take something that they dont know you have.
Same way the Muslims took away your freedom on 9/11... Gotta respect Islam. They challange the white man's greed and intimidation. That's why so many black people chose it for their religion.

You dont know a whole lot in life past the shit whole of a stoop you call home. I bet you gargle cum in the morning after you brush your teeth you fucking porch monkey

Try ur hardest nigger

When in the course of history has this ever been the case

So? niggers still gonna nig
they wont work and once the welfare is gone it will turn into guerrilla warfare, they will turn on eachother, form tribes and raid neighbouring tribes for food and nike shoes

You ain't gonna be around fuckface... No more whites by 2025.

>Gotta respect Islam
Hey look, a cucked liberal.

>implying there's a different kind of liberal

I haven't read anything this dumb in awhile. Im gonna get off Sup Forums now

I have the perfect time to kill ever white man on earth. Never

>thinks white people gone is a good thing
>What is Africa

>orm tribes and raid neighbouring tribes
Whitey's talking about raiding other people... lol. That's why the world hates you crackerboy. Fuck you people are dumb as shit.

Ya no more whitey cause you'll be back with lions and your distant ape cousins making my home relaxing for once

whenever - start with yourself though
> and bonus! you can use those all edges you've been saving up

> hurr durrr I'm user and never read a history book
fuckign sperglord

Actually that's a very Hardline libertarian view.

And we all know there are no black people on b.

>falling for the bait
you disappoint me

niggers raid people now, its why everybody hates you
if the world was nothing but nignogs the world would regress back to a primal ape like state, you have no idea how fucking worthless you niggers are, but you will find out after you take over the world


Please PLEASE start a war with us. I have been wanting to shoot niggers for a long time.

Africa is struggling because whites exist. Would you like it if we came to your country to loot and oppress and change the way your country works to suit us? Of course not, we're doing it with immigration and you people are already frothing at the mouth at your Trump rallies. Don't pretend like "hurr durr we ain't dun nuthing".
Now imagine 100 years of it? Clearly you know it would wreak havoc on your society and that's why you people are anti-immigration.

Stop playing the "other people are ruining it for us" card while refusing to accept you are ruining it for others.

>no more whites by 2025

This isn't a conventional war, Jethro. You AR-15 isn't gonna help you get laid and reproduce...

Is that you Hillary?

Why do Black Men hates Black WOMEN?


>being this stupid

Sorry nigger, but nobody is buying your excuses anymore. Niggers never even invented the wheel, and this is LONG before whites came back to lock you nignogs in chains.

Very few whites still live in Africa, yet you niggers still can't get your shit together. Fuck, in America you niggers get food stamps out the ass and you STILL can't so shit. Fuck, you niggers get affirmative action and you STILL can't do shit.

The best country in Africa was, you guessed it, WHITE. Well, that was until they elected a fucking niggers, and now it is a shit hole.

Niggers are the most useless people on the planet right behind Arabs. Niggers have contributed nothing to society, and they destroy every single neighborhood they gain a majority in. The crime goes up, the houses fall apart, and the good (white) people leave.

Niggers gonna nig, until whites finally put them in their place again. It's coming, whites just take longer to piss off.

Personally I can't wait for you niggs to try.
Sure you might eventually take me down but how many of you will I send to allah first?
So any time you boyz feel ready i'll be here waiting.

We won't be when there are no more whites.

it was the best movie ever

Stop false flagging, tripslord. Real liberals don't hate white people. That's a Sup Forums meme, and you should go back there.


you had to study some culture to migrate and learn the language? HEH


If that is the mode you desire to use then please, continue. You will be dead and whites will still be a majority.

Yeah go for it , feel free to take our whore garbage.

i heard it was shit
can anyone confirm?

>Niggers never even invented the wheel
Did you? I am not my ancestors.

Funny how whites are quick to seperate themelves when we bring up slavery, genocide, theft and oppression their ancestors did with the old "that does not represent me! I had nothing to do with it.. stop hating me! White genocide!!!"... but they bring up past inventions and science which they had equally nothing to do with as if it's their own accomplishment.

Make up your mind. Do the actions of your ancestors represent you or not?


Whites will never be dethroned. Whites are the most powerful and smartest race in the world. Try to prove me wrong.

>When do we start killing all white males?
Whenever you think you're ready nigger

We take the homely time too... gotta pump out those non-white babies yo.

Sorry, but as long as most of your people continue to cry about nonexistent oppression while committing over 50% of all murders and 35% of all other crimes, I will continue to hold my hateful and racist beliefs. I am sick of you people.

> posts on Sup Forums Sup Forums


you already ded cracka

Well said. This is the politically incorrect truth everyone already knows but is too scared to say.

You can keep the fat ugly used up slut.
Nice eyebrow bro

>non white babies
>posts white kids and a VERY white baby

I mean shit, as far as I am concerned we are only improving shit-skins. I mean think about it, why are minorities so desperate to fuck whites? Because they know that whites have superior genes. It's flattering actually. I love being white.

What did he do tho?? You're ridiculous, user.

How come no one wants to kill white women? I demand equality!

Why do you even reply to this shit? Just leave it alone, ley it die, like it never existed.
Fucking dumbasses


Also why should take ownership of an entire race? Again you're ridiculous..

I am a cracker and watch your lip you little ignorant dumb nigger or I'll crack a wipe across your nigger back side.

If blacks were smart, or powerful can you explain how slavery happened? Exactly.

Call me cracker, it's an honor. As a cracker that means I am your master, nigger.


>Because they know that whites have superior genes.
We don't believe in "superior" or "inferior" like uneducated scientifically illiterate retards.

We are simply removing your power to seperate yourselfs and oppress others.

He is the type who will defend and rationalize his people's behavior. He'll stand right beside them ironically screaming "black lives matter" while the nigger who got shot by the cops had probably been a gang member who had already killed blacks. Blacks like the ones in these threads (if they exist) are the types who do nothing but enable the stupidity in their brethren,

Like in Venezuela or any other third world shithole

oh boy... that will end well
Made me reply, OP.

They got good pussy. We aren't savages like white males who go around looting and genociding, women and children and all...

Uhh....there are weak genes though....and there are strong genes....who is the illiterate one?

I smell a pissed of minority. Again, I love being white.

Or Greece, who you keep insisting are white to take credit for their contributions to modern society... White economic systems are even ruining white countries.

that mustve been really weird to type

>white males who loot and genocide
>we don't do that though
>we aren't savages

Kek only a brainwashed and uneducated nigger from America could be so stupid

pic related and I have many more

>Uhh....there are weak genes though....and there are strong genes
And neither of those have anything to do with melanin content... whiteys are becoing fashionably illiterate in the age of Trump I see.

Name one successful black country

Hint: you can't. They're all shitholes.

Good thinking. But seriously, where you your welfare money come from if there are no white people to leech off of?

Can we all admit one thing: America would be a better country if blacks were returned to where we got them from

when niggers rule the world, which will be never because theyre low-IQ'd apes, kek.


Why would you assume OP's race?

And we are ashamed of our wars... whereas you cumskins jerk off to your boy Hitler daily.

That's the difference. Whites celebrate their savagery and continue to practice it, we vow never to repeat it.

Why is OP so upset about white people :)))? aww

this x1000

The niggers wouldn't leave willingly though. It's funny, they hate whites so much yet the thought of not living in a country run by them absolutely TERRIFIES American niggers.

Sup Forums has no black people on it nice try tho

>Whites celebrate their savagery and continue to practice it

Like Merkel letting 2 million Muslims in to Germany?

>we're ashamed
>we vow never to do it again
>mfw pic related happens everyday

You niggers are the scum of the planet.

>And neither of those have anything to do with melanin content
it actually does you fucking retard. the rest of the mudblood genes come with it. you can identify niggers with their shitskin because only niggers have shitskin. how do you not get this?

Unfortunately nobody saved a receipt so we're stuck. Like buyers remorse :(

In 2 years alone,not even counting those who came before

Found this guy

nice trips.

go ahead. bring it. ;)

Every country in the world will be "successful" once the white race is destroyed for they are the perpetrators of world inequality.

Why the males?