What's it like being in the Army/Military? Regular 9/5? Serious user replies. Thinking of doing two years

What's it like being in the Army/Military? Regular 9/5? Serious user replies. Thinking of doing two years.

First off, you're gonna need to do at least 4. And no, it's not a 9/5. More like 0630 to whenever the fuck your company wants to release you for the day

I don't know yet, but I am leaving in less than a month to the Navy.

Bump for interest. I'm scheduled for MEPS tomorrow and tuesday. Aiming for military police.

That two year program is a scam. Seriously. Go four or don't go at all.

>I don't know yet, but I am leaving in less than a month to the Navy.
Same, you going to chicago for boot?

How is it a scam?


8 years in so far...It's fucking horrid, easy money though

Everyone goes to Great Lakes for boot. The FL and CA boot camps don't exist anymore.

Army has 2 year contracts now.

How is it horrid but "easy" money?
Real question.

Me too! Great lakes, Illinois for basic.

Really? Shit I'm in fl. That would've been convenient. That must be a busy camp.

Op, is your name Alex?

You don't get full benefits unless you do 3 years active. You have no choice to re-up after your two years because of your program. You're out and that's it. They do this because it's cheaper to get new recruits in than it is to keep people in. So they're going to flat out fuck you.

You won't get randomly fired because a department was downsizing. It's easy asf to get in.

It's a win win for most. Some people just want the military experience on a resume and the military just needs some new people all the time. People get out of it what they want.

Armyfag, what MOS were you thinking of enlisting in

Where's the "horrid" part?

i leave in five months

Asking as someone who knows nothing but wants to join. Why such a long time before going to basic? Can't you just jump on a bus?

Now if you do 2 year contract, find an MOS with an enlistment bonus. Sign a year extension for 10k. 3 years active, 20k-50k in bonuses, full benefits.


I'm not getting placed in DEP because of the PACT program that I'm enlisting in. I'll be able to basically go to bootcamp "tomorrow" after swearing in.

huh that's new

Whats it worth doing college ROTC than joining as an officer for 4-8 years? Is it worth going through the army with an Engineering degree for the possible scholarship/backpay, or would it be more lucrative to just get a good job right out of college?

There is a maximum body fat percentage to join that is higher than the allowable one to stay in. Drop the weight now to make life easier.

It takes at least a month if you want your choice of rate or mos

Because you don't really have to work hard on a daily basis for your check. It's horrid because it sucks the life out of you.

>Thinking of doing two years.

Never join the military. You surrender all rights. You are meat. There is no way out. I hope you like to suck dick, because that's the hallmark of the military. Part of your basic training.

You would have to be insane to join the military.

Lucky DEP meeting are so boring and pointless

So there's no possible to re up at all? That's fucking crazy however I don't think I'd make it a career. I just want life experience and be able to get a job anywhere.

Lol they expect you to work harder once there so you drop the weight to stay. Yet a friend of mine said it's easy to gain weight in basic and harder to lose it unless you go out of your way to exercise. Which is basically how life is as a civilian. Some fat people just need the motivation though. It's easy to slack in real life. Harder when you only have exercise for entertainment in basic

you don't want to show up out of shape or fat. trust me, get in shape and lose the pounds before you even go to a recruiter. recruiter can help you with PT if you get a good one, some will just blow you off because you'll actually make them work

Probably parachute rigger or a 12 series like 12N

I'm not sure about Army, but Navy has the Airman PACT, Surface PACT and Engineer PACT which is basically you going in undesignated (without a rate or job). You basically bounce around from job to job to see them first hand though and then you get to strike on one you want. Only downside is it could take up to 2 years to get a job, but if you're indecisive it's the way to go. They get you into bootcamp asap.

that's cute

No lol


Sounds fucking retarded

Half that is just spent training your sorry ass

Army is pretty picky actually. They have the most headcount out of all branches so they can afford to be. I've seen someone get turned down because they had 1 bad thing on their credit.

You're aware with PACT you'll have no job and the Navy's bitch for two years till you cross rate right?

Uk infantry here. Fucking boring.

There are ways out like
>Failing the physical test twice in a row

what regiment?

Dumb question, are you talking about a credit score? or something weird like a discrepency in your overall background?

How so? Would entering as an officer be any better?

Pretty sure that's what I said. You'll be doing the oddjobs here and there until you strike a rate but that's a small price to pay considering picking a job at MEPS and not knowing wtf you'll be stuck with for 4 years or more, just because you thought the job "sounded" cool when picking it, then ending up hating it.

A discrepancy such as defaulting on a payment and it going to collections hence showing on your background.

Every contract is an 8 year one, don't forget that. Whatever time out of active duty is in the reserves. Look up your shit, son,

Royal Anglian. You in the forces?

Was gung-ho for joining the Marines for a while now. Recently found out I'm DQ because I took some light anti-anxiety a few years ago and have a history of anxiety attacks/depression from the same time.

Should have known but I'm still down as fuck about it. I feel like that's going to fuck with me my whole life.


Not an officer, so couldnt really answer. Maybe yes? Basically unless you're somewhere interesting on tour, or doing something interesting, it's a lot of hanging around on bases.. it's just tedious is all.

Having said that depending on where you go and what you do maybe much more fun, and for 2 years either way could be worth it for the experience. Just make sure you have some idea of what you want to do afterwards, and work towards that.

Cheers appreciate it

Army fag FDC here. Don't join bro. You're going to lose your humanity. Shit is terrible m8.

ROTC gets you nice and set up for doing a military career as an officer. However, being commissioned means that you won't get a typical contract that gives you a set deadline of when you get out. One of the stipulations of being an officer means that they can keep you against your will if they want. But, getting a degree doesn't guarantee a job in the civilian world while having one in the military gives you A LOT of leeway towards making money. You probably will never use your degree though unless you get lucky.

Went to navy boot camp but got released cause I had diabetes

If you wan to be an officer get your E5 first.

And I mean it's fine, I dont want to put you off too much, there are way worse jobs. Just not necessarily super exciting all the time. And currently borrrring. Good luck whatever you do!

Hell no. Enlisting by itself is fucking horrid alone. Don't enlist if you're going to join, at least go in as an officer if you can.

Happy or no?

Dependson what your job is, where you're stationed, your unit, your NCOs, your Officers, your fellow enlistedmen, etc

Find out for yourself faggot talk to a recruiter dumb bitch

3d armored cavalry here.
Army is cake.
Normally 6:30-5
>show up for pt at 6:30.
>run/excersise for an hour.
>come back for 9:00 formation
>spend the day in the motor pool/ out in the field doing exercises
>basically get paid for camping
>free rent
>free food
>take a nap
>goto strip club
>rinse & repeat

Unless you get deployed.
>work 7 days a week, 12 hour shifts.
>mortar attacks going from your room to the shower.
>sniper kills your buddy standing in formation during stupid as fuck promotion ceremony (we don't do those in country, fucking NOW).
>convoy gets hit by an IED, spend 6 hours looking for someone who was gone 5 seconds later.
>still have the smell of your buddy's brains on your iotv as you roll out to complete mission.
I could go on about atrocities I've seen from natives in iraq- makes someone very racist. I spent many years with a Persian woman, but I would never get involved with someone with ties to the middle east just because of my experiences now.

in the army? is the asvab easy then?

Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents, been in for 6 years now. It can be horrible at times, but what you put into it will determine what you get out of it. I bust my ass everyday and compared to how things where I first enlisted my quality of life hs drastically improved. However if you act like a piece of shit, you'll be dissatisfied with the way things are. You could always get lucky, but it's foolish to count on that.

go CG user, smooth sailing.

no deployments overseas, always in a coastal area if you choose one of the two largest rates.

at least consider it.

>it sucks the life out of you
interesting....because working for a living when you're 19 - 24 does the same thing.

What would be getting your E5 first be? Going in as infantry?

The asvab is easy. I got an 87 when I took it in 7th grade, and 96 junior year.

Any good stories to be told?

Not at all, need to hear the truth from someone who is actually there.

Going enlisted, working all the shit jobs up to NCO status and doing OCS. It would suck but those Lt's are more capable of leading

As another Army dude who hasn't been deployed, but has an NCO who did the same shit, I can say this is pretty much it. Go ahead and don't think that shit doesn't happen when you get deployed.

All I can add though is that while at home the shit blew ass. 75th FIRES Brigade here. NCOs are cunts man. Also be careful of not getting kicked out or thrown in jail because of someone elses shit, like being an armorer and having officers trying to get you to sign for shit you really don't have to, because they lost some of it and want your name in the paperwork when it needs to be paid for. Chain of command will always try to protect itself man, they are some sneaky cunts. Your NCO support channel generally has theirs and their friends best interests in mind as well.

Be careful as Army dude, shit isn't as clear cut as it seems.

If you are a male then dont expect to get any pussy. 85% of the fems in that MOS are lesbos.

Is there any job in the army that you could do for life?

I'm not smart enough to be an officer but I would love having a guaranteed job for the rest of my life (inb4 die during deployment)
Either something on base or something non active combat after serving in combat missions to be "qualified"

you can be a cook and make 2 shitty meals a day and go home every day at 1330-1400 if the OOD doesn't want to be a dick

As I said, going for engineering (CSE and/or Civil), so was hoping to be Corps of Engineers. Pretty sure there are other engineering jobs too, so I thought that was one of the better majors for the army. The school I'm going to has a really high hiring rate for engineering grads, and almost guaranteed summer internships for sophomores and juniors. Would ROTC summer activities hold me back from those?

Also question about the physical test:
I'm far from fat, pretty strong (current job has a lot of manual labor), but I'm not sure I can do all the physical things that were supposedly required, ie 50+ pushups in 2 minutes, 15 minute mile, etc. Is that meant for people who've finished bootcamp or should I make sure I can perform those BEFORE applying for an ROTC scholarship?

What about recruiter or some kind of "office worker" or communications person?

Doesn't matter what MOS you choose, once in country you're infantry.
>fuel being done by contractors
>cooking done by contractors
>translators are contractors
You're just another door kicker once you get deployed.
You'll be on patrol.
Basic training 101:
>infantry first

Not really was kinda excited not having to worry about finding a job, being away from family, getting paid etc. Now I gotta find a job and go to college :(

You consider yourself strong and can't do those things? I can easily do those things but probably couldn't do your day job. It's all about what you train for I guess.

You don't go in and ask to be a recruiter. That's something you put in for when you're like SSG (E-6 in any branch). Comm is far from chill. Go be a cook if you want a free paycheck dude.

If you get an office MOS or a intel MOS then you will do mostly 9 to 5 (after you get up at 0630 to do PT). And honestly if you do 2 years then You will spend at least a fourth to 1/2 of it in initial training. Pic something you can use when you get out like 35G.

Recruiter is pretty cake, depending on the amount of visibility you have in the area.

Go coast guard and be a yeoman or store keeper and you're basically guaranteed to be in an office doing paperwork as a YN or ordering shit and chasing down receipts as a SK.

Thank you.

yep, that's special assignment and everyone wants it. you have to be on top of your shit to get it. E-5's can do it in my branch

Recruiter is a requirement for E7.
You get to do 2 years as recruiter or drill sergeant.
So there is no void for recruiters, there's actually an overflowing pool.

>Regular 9/5
>9 out of 5
>regular 9 out of 5
wtf are you doing?

Both helpful. Thanks :)

Go intel if you dont want to be true for you.

True in some cases.

A cook is with inf.
So are translators, 88M, etc.

Artillery, especially MLRS (me), are never near. You won't be close to something like that.

Unlike, commo, etc. If you want to stay out of the bullshit, go into MLRS (idk if you can enlist for that, unless you go 13M, 13P and 13D got merged to 13J.)

So yeah. Choose a job like finance that will stay in S1 shop and will never go out down range.

Yeah, here. I was counting on getting in for quite a while and had lifeplans based around it but it didn't work out. Was gonna go out, learn some skills, see some of the world... fuck me.

I did 9 years, with three deployments. I enjoyed the Army, but I like life after the Army better! Do 36 months for the post 9/11 GI Bill. It's a sweet deal. If you don't want the full-on "soldier experience" choose a super pog MOS.

If you scored over 85 on the asvab with a GT score of over 110, don't enlist. Plenty of stupid motherfuckers in the military already. If you still feel compelled to join, prepare to deal with borderline retards being in charge of your health amd well being while performing seemingly purposeless and sole crushing tasks (BII, BEI, connex inspections and layouts) day in and day out for at least 4 years.

Oh, and watch as guys you came into the unit with who you've watched snort oxy off a barracks toilet or basically rape a passed out drunk chick get promoted faster than you because they drink with your platoon sergeant every weekend.

I didn't realize recruiter was so sought after. I always imagined people would find it too boring and would want a base job or be deployed over sitting at various tables talking to kids.

Good luck. Boot is way too easy.

For real man. Don't join.

Don't make the same mistake we did bro. Fucking don't.

Oh your PACT? Yeah your gonna fuckin hate life