Because the flat earth thread 404'd

Because the flat earth thread 404'd
How do you explain the absence of dinosaurs WITHOUT regarding the earth as a sphere? You literally cannot, it's the only explanation.

This is what made me a flat-earther

Other urls found in this thread:

forgot the link

troll line: anyone who posts below this line has been cucked by op


nice argument. retard stick to what jewish scientists tell you


Those poor dinos


right? the jews keep reminding us of the holocaust but when do they mention the real story about dinosaurs?


so... what part about the dinosaurs makes you believe the earth is flat?

There are exactly 35 Flat-Earthers on this oblate shpheroid who honestly believe the bullshit in their skulls, and none of them inhabit Sup Forums


>when do they mention the real story about dinosaurs?
which is...?

OP is crazy, or they're a major troll

it's the latter 99.9% of the time.

I just like to see them squirm to come up with way of justifying their thinking. but usually my questions go unanswered.

literally what I am talking about. The ocean is such a big water body, look how small the asteroid is, it got cooled down immediately by the water. The problem is the kinetic energy that threw the dinosaurs off

>none of them
>calls earth "oblate"
This is not a troll thread please leave


Nope. I'm sticking around to piss you off with scientific facts and to laugh about moronic theories about Ice walls and conspiracies about NASA conspiring with airline companies to push up the price of air fares

>look how small the asteroid is,
you realize we have no clue how large the object that hit us was. and most those are speculation. and the size of the ocean is a drop on the cosmic scale.

so, If I understand... you're in agreement with the picture? the dinosaurs were flung off the plate like from a catapult?

not OP but look it's less than 1/8 of the earth's radius


you were asking about the size and it seems clear to me

Between astronauts,cosmonauts,NASA staff,engineers,pilots,amateur astronomers,sky divers,hobbyist,hot air balloon,glider, etc...

Nobody could control that many random people...that many people wouldn't collectively lie...

If you can explain a lunar/ solar eclipse I will agree the earth is flat

> literally


"don't question it look we all agree please go to bed now"

The sun is temporarily overheating to it's omitting more light than usual but our eyes are unable to perceive it which is why they tell us we can't look at it without sun glasses. Because it's so bright it's like an overflowing integer that makes a bright source of light dark because it overrides the maximum amount of light and goes back to "no light at all, actually quite the opposite, sir"

You have to go back.


So did you all give up arguing against a flat earth? I'll take this as a win then

Why is flat earth a thing?
Is it some sort of conspiracy, or just schizos and trolls?
