Lives with mom

> Lives with mom
> Mom doesn't buy food for me since I am old
> Job dont accept me
> starving to death
> gets fat
> gets $20 from dad every week or 2
> have to survive
> contact restraunts near me and say i spent $15 - $20 and that they fucked up on the food
> wait 2 weeks for coupons for free food
> eat
> be happy and full
> starve
> starve
> starve
> suicide

Other urls found in this thread:

start dumpster diving.

how do you get fat while starving?
I need to gain weight

>be me
>browsing all teh 4chins
>read OP bad post
>OP is a faggot

when you starve your body goes into survival mode and you just get fatter but then you start losing weight after a week or 2 of not eating.


lol your a faggot cunt
Yeah that sucks op but you need to get a job to be able to support yourself



> starving to death
> gets fat

> be happy and full
> starve




>starving to death
>gets fat

im trying to get a job but they dont accept me. i get interviews nothing man fucking hate this sht

>gets $20 from dad every week or 2
You can eat off $20 a week. Buy a pound of ground beef, some chicken breasts, few cans of diced tomatos and sauce, box of spaghetti noodles, a pack taco seasoning, a pack of tortillas, a carton of eggs. With the beef, make a big fucking pot of spaghetti sauce and freeze it. Cut up your chicken and cook it with taco seasoning and onions, freeze that.

It might get boring, but you can have eggs for breakfast, tacos for lunch, and spaghetti for dinner every day.

i know this sounds stupid but im very picky when it comes to food and if i was forced to eat a banana or starve i would starve. ik its stupid but tahts just how i am i try to change myself but i cant. eggs are good but they hurt my stomach. i dislike tacos. spaghetti is great. i have no idea how to cook



>spaghetti is great. i have no idea how to cook
Spaghetti doesn't require any sort of skills or knowledge. Get a pan and throw your beef in it. Cook it on high for a few minutes until its browned, then drain the fat. Add two 28 oz cans of diced tomatos, 2 8oz cans of tomato sauce, 2 6oz cans of tomato paste. Add chopped onions and garlic if you like either of those. Season with a few tea spoons of dried oregano, basil, sugar, and salt. Stir together, and let it cook on medium for a few hours, adding more seasonings if it taste bland.


lb of beef 4 dollars. some I suppose meaning 4 chicken breasts. 5 dollars. few again, I guess meaning 4, diced tomatoes, even cheap off brand ones are 2 bucks a can. 8 dollars. We're already at 17 bucks, and havent even gotten the noodles.. not to mention the tortillas, eggs, and taco seasoning. You have grossly over estimated what OP could buy with 20 dollars. kys.

>starving to death
>gets fat

Choose one

buy rice and beans.

lol that fat bitch isn't starving

Where the fuck do you live that diced tomatoes are $2 a can? I just made tacos and spaghetti last week, and even with extra stuff like bread, cheese, black beans, corn, and lettuce, it was less than $25.

With the $10/20 buy large bags of dried beans + rice. You can survive off this.

Then call 211. They can tell you the location of food banks in your area.

go die in a fire, at least its not another cancerous trap thread




Why don't you go work for some of those restaurants and get free food?

get a job

Kill yourself you fucking NEET

Oh shit. you might as well just die.